Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3030: The 2 Army suddenly encounters Sang Luozhou

He Wuji's face changed slightly, and he returned to his composure. He turned and walked to a watchtower standing on the deck behind him. The messenger who followed by his side quickly turned the watchman on the mast. The semaphore we played was quickly translated to He Wuji and the enlisted soldiers who followed: "The enemy is found, about ten miles away from our army. There are 27 small boats and 15 medium-sized ships with a speed of one. At seventeen li, we are approaching our army."

He Wuji said in a deep voice, "Is it a battleship or a fishing boat?"

The messenger quickly said: "It should be a temporary battleship modified from a fishing boat. The bow is covered with rawhide and an arrow guard. The enemy's archers can be seen on the boat. They are all armored and unarmored. They look like... "

Suddenly, the watchman said loudly: "The enemy is on the lead ship, under the banner of "Zhu". It looks like it is the traitor Zhu Chaoshi who led the charge!"

Yin Chan, who had already stood on the watchtower with He Wuji, stomped bitterly, and cursed: "This kid really rebelled against the enemy, Zhennan, you still didn't believe it before. You even spoke for him. There was even Nankang. The sergeant who fled there said he saw him kill Tang Sima with his own eyes, and you also beheaded the deserters and said that the enemy was shaking the army. This time, you should believe it!"

He Wuji gritted his teeth: "It seems that he really knows his face and does not know his heart. Ji Nu keeps saying that his two Zhu family apprentices are loyal and righteous people. He still has his eyes off. When the battle is over, I will definitely You must tell Ji Nu about Zhu Chaoshi's true rebellion and turn to the enemy, and ask him to take precautions against Zhu Lingshi, and you must not let this person lead the army anymore."

Zhang Shao said in a deep voice: "Zhennan, Zhu Chaoshi may have been defeated and captured and couldn't help it, or the demon deliberately used his banner to confuse our army. The truth has not been found out yet, so you should not jump to conclusions, Zhu Ling. Shi is the chief general of the army, and the prestige in the army is very high. At this time, if he hits the enemy's misconception and cuts the general, the morale of the whole army will be shaken."

Yin Chan said angrily: "Zhang Shao, when are you going to help the traitor?! If the demon scheming against him, why not slander Tang Sima and the others, just aim at Zhu Chaoshi?"

He Wuji said in a deep voice, "Enough, stop arguing, after this battle, Zhu Chaoshi is a traitor or loyal, and he has his own justice. Now no one can draw any conclusions, send orders, and the Hunjiang Dragon will rise in front of me. Shuaiqi, all the warships of the former army have abandoned their food and are ready to fight. The warships of the Chinese army are parked at anchor, and the bows and crossbows are placed to support the front. The warships from the rear are deployed to the shore, ready to meet and go ashore!"

As He Wuji gave orders one by one, the soldiers waved small flags quickly, and these flags quickly became the horns of various conch shells, resounding on the surface of the river, and then becoming a series of warships. The sound of slogans and the clash of the armour leaves when the sergeants are deployed, the stiff sound of the bow and crossbow when they are wound, and the "plop" when the grain bag falls into the water.

He Wuji turned his head and looked at the flagpole. The flag was rising high and fluttering toward the front. A smile appeared on his face, and he nodded and said: "God helps me, it's against the wind right now, and Sang Luozhou, Shazhou is ahead. In the middle of the river, slowing down the flow of water, the monsters are good at fighting on the water, mainly because their grasp of the current is far better than our army. If the current is slow, then their greatest advantage is gone. They rushed up quickly. Six warships escorted the dragon. No., to make every effort to protect the flagship. The enemy fishing boats do not pose a threat to our army. Just hit it and it will be over!"

Zhang Shao suddenly said: "Wait, Zhennan, what if the enemy also uses fire to destroy our warships?"

He Wuji smiled and waved his hand: "If you want a fire attack, you have to go down the wind to arson. Now our army is downwind, and the enemy is upwind. If the fire attack will only burn themselves, don't hesitate to rush across the sandbank. , Take the battleship with the flag of Zhu directly, that ship is not allowed to sink, whether Zhu Chaoshi is on the ship or not, you can know at a glance, if it is a loyalty or a traitor, we will naturally understand!"

Having said that, he said solemnly: "All the soldiers of the former army warships, take off their fine iron armors, put on leather armors for water battles, and put on spikes to facilitate combat on the slippery deck. Groups of three, press The tactics we usually train are one holding a sword and shield, the other shooting with a bow, and the other stabs with a hook and fork. In today's battle, I want to teach the navy of the monsters, there is no return!"

Ten miles away, the Tianshi Dao fleet.

More than 30 small and medium warships began to unfold on the surface of the river. There has been a small riot on many of the ships. The sailors, mainly the Nankang militiamen, kept wailing, and those blue-clothed and sword-backed heavenly masters said. The disciples shouted loudly, and even after a few screams, three or four corpses were thrown into the river. Obviously, it was the guys who had shaken the military's mind and spread the words of surrender and escape. They were directly on the spot. Fa-rectification, it's a big river of corpse throwing.

The bow of the Sturgeon at the forefront of the fleet, Zhu Chaoshi-like leather armor and blue cloth head, is now dressed as a standard Tianshi Taoist general, almost the same style as Wu Shaofu next to him, looking far away At the huge Jin fleet, he hooked up his mouth and murmured: "Zhennan, oh no, He Wuji, he is really taking the waterway."

Wu Shaof laughed: "Everything is under Master's control. We have won this battle. General Zhu, as per our original plan, we will leave as soon as possible."

Zhu Chaoshi's brows wrinkled. Now they are at a corner of the Dajiang River. Sang Luozhou is also known as Huankou. It is a corner where the river turns from south to north and then to the northeast. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is right about the bottom of the bottle. The sandbank is less than one mile in front of him, and the river surface about five miles behind is calm. The current is slow, even the river. The wind is not too strong, but Dongfeng will still pass the screams of killing and the sound of war drums on the opposing warship from one to the other. When the elders of the Heavenly Master Tao heard this, they couldn't help their discoloration slightly. After all, the fear of chasing people for thousands of miles and escaping from the dead a few years ago came back to their minds again.

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Shaof, where is the main fleet of the commander you mentioned? Where is the arrangement in advance?"

Wu Shaofu frowned and shook his head: "Master never lied. He said that if there is, there will be. We just need to act according to the plan."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart moved, and he secretly said, maybe this Xu Daofu is fooling himself, he wants to use his front army to fight He Wuji, and then take the opportunity to enter. I haven’t seen half of the disciple of the Celestial Master Dao, and the main fleet that is said to be good, I’ve never seen it before, and even the ten medium-sized rushes are only modified by the few grain-carrying ships here in Nankang, Xu Daofu’s The so-called Hundred Yellow Dragon Ships were mostly just bluffs. Maybe he had gone overland at this moment to raid Yuzhang.

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