Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3031: Killing sacrifice flag demon madness

Thinking of this, Zhu Chaoshi felt a touch of relief in his heart. The secret path finally had a chance to reconcile with Zhennan. As long as you find a way to solve the monsters in the ten ships, and then take the opportunity to meet with Zhennan, you can prove your innocence. Even if he was poisoned to death by that medicine, as long as he was able to tell the truth to Zhennan Dao, so that he was prepared, and quickly returned to Yuzhang to prevent Xu Daofu's land assault, he could be considered innocent, and he would die well.

Zhu Chaoshi had set his mind, and said in a deep voice: "Shaofu, pass the order, all the ships are attacking the Jin army. Some retreat, the military will do it!"

Wu Shaofu instinctively wanted to nod his head and then execute the retreat order, but as soon as he picked up the conch and put it to his lips, he was stunned and surprised: "Didn't you say it's time to lure the enemy to evacuate?"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "The good commander's fleet is not here, so what kind of enemy will you lure? You still don't understand? We are abandoned sons, which are used to hold He Wuji's main waterway. Shuai had already led his troops away by land, and went straight to the Yuzhang."

Wu Shaofu gritted his teeth and shook his head and said: "No, Master never lied to us, General Zhu, I remind you, this is a military order, the commander himself..."

Zhu Chaoshi said coldly: "Then the highest officer here now, is it me or the command of the general?"

Wu Shaofu sighed: "Master has explained that here everything is subject to your orders."

Zhu Chaoshi nodded and said, "That's it. Now the east wind is blowing. We can all hear the voices of the enemy fleet. They are Huanglong warships with masts and sails. They come downwind, and the speed is much faster. Our army, we just want to flee backwards, and we can’t escape. The only thing we can do now is to survive from the dead, gather all our troops and assault the enemy’s fleet. You see, He Wuji’s general’s flag has been raised. On the big ship at the front, that must be the Jianglong, and there are six warship escorts. As long as we have attacked the Jianglong and killed He Wuji, there is still a chance of victory!"

As he said this, he smiled inwardly: That was how Zhennan captured He Tanzhi’s flagship and won the battle of Sang Luozhou. How could he make the same mistake? That warship must not have crossed the river. The Dragon is just a target ship to lure the enemy, or Zhennan must not be on this ship. This is a good opportunity to attract all the demon thief disciples. Zhennan must have a way to destroy them, and then I can easily Returned to the army.

Wu Shaof also glanced at the direction of the wind, frowning slightly: "The current wind direction is indeed not good for our army, but our oarsmen are all old brothers of the gods. It's fast, this is Huankou. As long as we retreat quickly, withdraw from this waterway, and into the river at the turn, the speed will be fast. I think Master's main fleet must be..."

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "It's too late. If you retreat above the river, you won't be able to use this terrain to destroy He Wuji's fleet. Even if the commander is behind, as long as he hears the battle ahead, he will come quickly. We are now What can be done is to attack He Wuji and buy time for the whole army. Schoff, ordered all the warships to attack. They are still abandoning grain and are converting the grain-carrying fleet into warships. We still have time for close combat. If after a while, the enemy's formation is complete, then we won't even have a chance for a surprise attack."

Wu Shaofu's face was embarrassed: "This, but where is the commander..."

Zhu Chaoshi suddenly sneered: "All of my Taoist disciples are heroes who regard death as their home, but they are also exaggerated. As long as the commander is not there, you are all greedy for life and fear of death. You dare not take the initiative to attack, or even dare to be the main force. The fleet buys time. Forget it, Wu Shaofu, you are a personal disciple of the commander, my new general Qinglong can't control you, you can retreat with the dao friends of the ten ships, I will take the Nankang navy army to attack, go back and tell the great Shuai, I strictly implemented my promise!"

Wu Shaofu's face flushed red, and he said loudly: "Our disciples of the gods have been born like death for many years. No one is a coward who is afraid of death, General Zhu. You can't humiliate us like this. Now, I will let you see us. God teaches the strength of the navy!"

When he said this, he picked up the conch horn and blew it vigorously. Two short and one long, three rapid horns resounded across the river. Suddenly, the ten surrounding warships also rang into one. Ten medium-sized wooden boats, which were originally hidden among many small boats, jumped out and reached the front of the fleet, but Wu Shaov and other ten disciples on the boats all changed into close-fitting water banks, short armors, and mouths. There was a steel knife in it, flying knives on his waist, rope hooks and other jumping weapons, obviously entering a state of combat.

Wu Shaof blinked around the nearby warships, and said sharply: "Who is the cruelest on this big river?"

All the demon thieves on the ten boats brandished their weapons and said in unison: "The gods, the gods, the gods!"

Wu Shaofu laughed: "Heaven is in the world, and the celestial master is the only one. Today, it is the opportunity of the gods to use our hands to eliminate demons and cleanse the world. If there is a celestial master in my heart, the swords of the Jin army can't hurt me even if it is a soldier. Solution, you can also turn to bliss early, kill, kill, kill!"

All the celestial masters and Taoists danced and shouted, "Kill, kill, kill!"

Wu Shaofu waved his hand, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, among the cabins of these ships, there were one or two people launched, Zhu Chaoshi's brows wrinkled, this is the fleet coming all the way, grabbing the owners of several fishing boats that they encountered on the river. Then, at that time, he ordered his release, but Wu Shaofu said that these people were still useful. He thought he wanted to force them to spread information, but now it seems that what these gangsters want to do is probably to kill people to sacrifice the banner.

With a wave of Wu Shaofu's hand, these dozen poor fishermen were pressed on the bow of the boat, a few swordsmen cut off with a sword, and more than a dozen heads rolled into the river, and each demon way held a bowl of talisman water. , Leaning on the neck of the corpse, the blood drained so that the whole bowl was blushing, and these demon thieves all drank it, dipped the last bit of blood water with their fingers, and wiped them on their foreheads and cheeks. At this point, this makes them, who are already full of murderous faces, even more hideous, like wild beasts.

Wu Shaofu himself did something like this. He also picked up a bowl of runes and handed it to Zhu Chaoshi. Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "Shaofu, the real warrior should kill the enemy and smear himself with their blood. Instead of using these fishermen to sacrifice the flag."

Wu Shaofu smiled and drank the bowl of rune water. His lips were already red, and he threw the bowl into the water. He smiled triumphantly: "Uncle Shi, you can see how we fought, the Water God team, attack. !"

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