Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3032: Flying Rock Rocket Attacks Thief Ship

Following Wu Shaofu’s words, more than two hundred celestial masters and Taoists who were biting steel knives, carrying long swords, or holding spunlaces, jumped into the surging river and disappeared immediately. . .

Zhu Chaoshi widened his eyes: "Hey, what's going on, are they going to sneak into the enemy fleet and then jump on the boat to fight?"

Wu Shaofu’s eyes flashed coldly: "Our water **** team are all fishermen from the Sanwu area before. They can dive into the sea to fight for fish and clams, stay in the water for several days and nights without any problem, or even follow in the water. Sharks fight without falling into the wind. This area of ​​the Yangtze River is as easy to take a bath for them. Our ship is small, and it is easy for the enemy’s Yellow Dragon warships to directly hit and sink. It’s more convenient for an enemy ship, or gouge through the bottom of the ship.”

Zhu Chaoshi's heart sank: "Then, will they scuttle He Wuji's ship directly? We are going to capture or kill He Wuji."

Wu Shaofu waved his hand: "Master has already explained this. I remember it clearly here. Don't worry, General Zhu, they are just going to sink or seize the six warships that surround the dragon on the river, and attack the river for us. Dragon, just create opportunities."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart was a little wider, and he nodded: "Okay, then order the other warships to move forward. The goal is the first Guojianglong. Whoever is the first to board He Wuji's ship will be the first. achievement!"

Wu Shaofu blew the horn again. The dozen or so warships began to row forward quickly. At this moment, Zhu Chaoshi saw it clearly. The oars protruded from the small mouth and flew up and down. These ships, which were still sluggish, suddenly moved against the wind like a wild horse without the rein. The speed was even faster than that of the warships of the Jin army, which were sailing in the wind. Soon, this The distance has been shortened from the original seven or eight li to within three li, and even the more than 20 Nankang militia fishing boats on both sides have been thrown away by more than one mile. Even Zhu Chaoshi, who has experienced many battles, is not just changing his face, not to mention the Nankang militias. Many people watched it blankly, and even forgot what they should do.

Wu Shaofu said triumphantly: "How about it, General, I'm not bragging, do you still doubt the skills of our godly navy warriors? These warships are high-speed warships that come and go like flying. Navy, just destroy it for us."

Zhu Chaoshi laughed and patted Wu Shaofu: "Very well, order the Nankang navy to spread out on both sides to block the support of the enemy's two-wing warships to the Guojianglong. Boat, why Wuji if we want to capture it alive!"

He was talking. Suddenly, the light dimmed. Zhu Chaoshi's complexion changed, and he took two steps back. Several Nankang guards around him stepped forward, raised their shields and waved, only to hear a "crack" sound. , Slamming on the wooden shield covered with leather, like the sound of a rainstorm, Zhu Chaoshi frowned, shook his head and said, "How can I be attacked by arrows so far away?"

Wu Shaofu said under the shield: "No, General, these are not bow and arrow attacks, but gravel. Within three miles of fighting on the river and sea, with the wind, there will be attacks from long-range weapons, trebuchets used in land warfare, It is used to launch these crushed rocks. The big rocks weighing more than ten kilograms are not very useful. If they are broken into small walnut-sized rocks, they can form a covering blow. The hit will be either dead or disabled. Look at our army..."

He pointed at the other ten warships on the same horizontal line, and saw that there was no one on the deck. All the soldiers hid in the cabin. From a distance, it seemed that one could walk on its own. Only the blades that flew up on both sides proved that it was still a manned warship. A dozen bundles of wet straw soaked in river water had been spread on the ship’s board, and a layer of damp straw was spread underneath. The cowhide, which made the stones that hit the ship's board, piled up on the wet grass, and it was not a destructive blow to the ship's board.

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth, followed a few celestial swordsmen behind him, backed into the cabin, and saw Wu Shaofu outside with a shield on his head, commanding the other celestial sergeants to tie a bunch of them. The wet straw was thrown on the ship board, and it was protected like the other warships, and finally retreated. As the hatch closed, dozens of small holes were opened, and through these small holes, The battle outside is still a panoramic view.

Zhu Chaoshi sighed: "Today I have really seen how the navy of the Heavenly Master Dao fights. Each of your soldiers is really well-trained. They are like driving a chariot. I finally understand why. The Great Jin Navy is not your opponent anymore."

Wu Shaofu said triumphantly: "Because many of our disciples of the gods are fishermen who depend on the sea for food and live on fishing for generations. This does not require training. The navy ships of the Jin Army are conscripted into the army by force. It is composed of people who can only patrol on the river. If the ship is overturned, most of the soldiers don’t even have the ability to swim ashore on their own. How can they be compared with the disciples of the gods? If it’s not for Liu Yu from the Beifu Army, he really hates it. The good things of the religion have been broken on the land. The current religion has long taken the world of Jin Kingdom, and our old brothers are also the founding fathers."

He said here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a burst of laughter, and several other Tianshidao disciples in the cabin also echoed, and even the more than 20 Nankang militiamen in the corner looked at him. , There was a little more envy, and started whispering.

Zhu Chaoshi’s secret thoughts are not good, this monster's water battle is so fierce, so it seems that even without the main fleet behind Xu Daofu, I am afraid that the more than 30 warships of the Jinjun Marine Forward may not necessarily be the enemy. As for his opponent, it seems that he can only count on the Crossing Dragon, which is in front of him, to be a decoy to help eliminate these old thieves in the water.

Thinking of this, Zhu Chaoshi said solemnly: "Don’t worry about anything else, go directly to the Jianglong ship, attack the enemy ship, and capture He Wuji. The enemy fleet will not attack and destroy, and we must not fall behind. , Follow behind, ready to board the ship at any time."

Before he finished his words, suddenly, a hot wind hit outside, accompanied by a strong smell of fireworks, and even Wu Shaofu's expression changed, and he said loudly, "No, the enemy is attacking with fire. Get wet. Boat, don’t let my boat catch on fire."

There was ecstasy in Zhu Chaoshi's heart, but he sternly said: "The Sturgeon will stop for the time being and don't rush again. The other ships are not allowed to slow down. They will rush to me with all their strength. Whoever has boarded the Jianglong first, I will personally invite him. achievement!"

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