Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3040: Dao Fu was an early ambush

He Wuji watched the battle of the rear army blankly, all the surrounding soldiers were pale, except Zhang Shao still frowning as always, Yin Chen's voice trembled more and more fiercely: "Zhen, Zhennan, What to do now, the rear, the rear fleet, seems to be over, we, we can't stand it..."

He Wuji nodded: "It's not surprising. This time it seems that Xu Daofu had already prepared for ambush on this Jiangxinzhou in advance. We didn't have time to check during the war just now, so we got the thief's Daoer, Zhoushang. There are not only demons and thieves in the ambush, but those archers seem to be anti-thief from all over Jiangzhou. They are all here. Now it is impossible to counterattack Sang Luozhou. The army is ordered to continue fighting, and the front army quickly assaults and destroys the enemy. These floating warships."

Deng Qianzhi gritted his teeth: "Zhennan, the rear army has our army's food and grass. If the rear army is gone, then our food and grass..."

He Wuji sternly said: "I can't take care of those altars and pots. The rear army not only has food and grass, but also more than a thousand of my old men. I can't even save them. Can I control these food and grass? Today is a monster. To ambush our army on this preset battlefield, our top priority is to rush out. As long as we reach the river, we can either go straight down the river to Nankang, or we can abandon the ship and land and return to Yuzhang, before the initiative can return to our hands! But today It's all stuck there, it's all over, then everything will be ignored."

Zhang Shao gritted his teeth: "Zhennan, but these warships that suddenly emerged from the water seem to be very fast. We have seen the water battle of the monster thief just now. Can we really win this hard fight?"

He Wuji raised his brows: "Retreating will only wipe out the entire army, and advancing will still have a chance of victory. Taking advantage of the time that the brothers of the military fleet are giving us their lives, they all fought with the demon thieves. They surfaced underwater, and now there is no way to attack us with bows and slings. Within a hundred steps, they greeted me fiercely with the wind, and then they tried their best to hit their ship and sink. Have the courage to die without life, fight to the end!"

As he said, he pulled out the saber from his waist and shouted, "Beifu soldier, fight to the end!"

The soldiers on the more than 20 warships of the surrounding front army all saw his movements and shouted in unison: "Beijing Army, **** battle to the end!"

Zhu Chaoshi stood out of the cabin, and the more than ten Nankang militiamen behind him embraced each other with excitement and wept with joy. The ups and downs of life were really exciting. Just now, I was worried about catching up with the dead, but this is the situation. The reversal, on the contrary, was the upper hand. Even the diving sergeants who were wailing and tumbling in the river just now swam to the boats they had jumped away from. The floating warship that passed by him screamed wildly.

There was a sound of water movement, and a guy with firework burns all over his body approached the Sturgeon. His hair was scattered and he couldn't see which fighter it was. The disciple of the Celestial Master Dao who was originally at the helm was originally He kept holding a fishing fork in front of Zhu Chaoshi, seeing someone coming, quickly raised the fork, but heard the person say in a low voice: "Brother Doubao, it's me, Brother Wu, Brother Wu."

Doubao’s expression changed, and he quickly threw a fishing net. The person floating on the water grabbed the fishing net as if he was holding a straw for life. Everyone pulled him aboard the boat, and saw him. There were large burns and peelings everywhere on his body, which looked terrible, and his face was completely dark with smoke. After boarding the boat, he turned over greedily and muttered: "Water, water."

Zhu Chaoshi wished to kill him with a stab in his heart, but he was surrounded by disciples of the Celestial Master Tao, he did not dare to move rashly, he could only take a water cylinder, bend down himself, pour water into his mouth, and while filling it, he said. : "Schoff, you really survived the catastrophe, it was too hard."

Wu Shaof rolled his eyes: "This is, this is the celestial master with us, keep me, keep my life, want me to go, want me to kill the Beifu dog, hahaha, what about the dog thieves? Yes, how can you know that the master has been ambushing and ambushing?"

Zhu Chaoshi frowned: "You mean, these ambushes are the commander. Did he arrange them a long time ago? You already knew all this?"

Wu Shaofu smiled triumphantly: "That is, Master, the day before your departure, Master actually took a hundred warships with him, and there are two thousand brothers, two thousand brothers set off, yes, yes. In order to come one day in advance, come here to set up an ambush, and, the three mountains in Jiangzhou, the old part of Huanchu of the cottage, there are also ballistas and catapults, too, they are also hidden on the island early. Master, Master, he will never, never leave us to die."

Zhu Chaoshi's head was empty. After working for a long time, Xu Daofu really planned everything early. He was still a little unconvinced, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on with the boat on the bottom of the river, they, How could they come faster than us marching all the way across the water?"

Doubao laughed and said, "The generals don’t know. The hundred Qianlong warships, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, were transported from Lingnan to Yuanshui on the commercial road when they attacked Nankang. They were attacking Nankang. At the same time, they were transported to the riverside to enter the water, and when we were resting in Nankang, they had already brought the army to this Jiangxinzhou. The Patriarch Lu and his bodyguards stayed on these warships just to deal with He Wu. Don't worry, these fifty warships are enough to destroy all the warships of the Northern Army. Just look forward to it."

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "I don't believe it. If this underwater battleship emerges, how can it be the opponent of the Huanglong battleship? There is no firebolt catapult, and, moreover, they are so different. Even if they collide, they can still take ours , Our Qianlong warships sank!"

Dou Bao and Na Wu Shaofu smiled at each other. Wu Shaofu sat up with difficulty, and Dou Bao took out a medicine bottle from his arms and began to sprinkle powder on his body. The yellow powder fell on his body, and the burn wounds quickly It began to scab, and Wu Shaofu pointed at the two fleets that were already less than a hundred meters apart, and smiled: "This is about to hit, General Zhu, today, I will let you see again. Now, what is a real sea impact."

I saw more than 20 Qianlong warships at the front line, braving the fire arrows and flying stones of the Jin army, and rushing straight to the front line of the Huanglong warship, and their bows suddenly stretched out for more than 30 feet, sharpened. The wooden stake, like a huge long stalk, directly pointed at the belly of the Huanglong warship, piercing it at full speed!

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