Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3041: Stab at the horns

It’s too late to say, then it’s fast, I only heard a "puff" sound, similar to the sound of a long piercing the human body, or the sound of a city hammer hitting the city gate. This big wooden thorn, just like that. He plunged straight into the front belly of the yellow dragon battleship, from the big mouth of the evil tiger with its teeth and dancing claws, and plunged straight into the tiger's mouth like a spear.

Zhu Chaoshi was already too shocked to speak. He opened his mouth wide and looked at this big wooden thorn. Following the breach, he could even see the situation in the bottom compartment of the Huanglong warship. More than 30 oarsmen gave this The force of the rush, the three or four people in front were directly smashed into a few **** corpses, still staying on the seat, the lower half of the guy was still sitting on the oar position, and the upper half I pierced the wooden stake with a sharp tip, held it on, and dragged the intestines from the upper half of the body to the ground. As the stake swayed, the entire internal organs flowed up the deck. After a few hundred steps, it seemed to be able to smell. To the strong smell of blood.

The river water began to pour into the bilge swiftly, and many oarsmen were frightened on the spot, as if they had applied a body fixation technique. It was not until the cold river water pours them to their waist depths. After reacting, he desperately fled from his position, trying to escape to the upper deck.

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth. He finally discovered how these big wooden thorns look so familiar. He said bitterly: "These, aren't these the whole pieces of wood sold at the Nankang market at that time? ?"

Wu Shaof laughed and spouted two mouthfuls of blood: "General, you are right. The name of this object is "Jianjiao". It is us. It is a secret weapon newly invented during water warfare. It is specially used to be installed here. Above the warship, it hits the front of the enemy's large ship at full speed. As long as it hits, it is like a sharp sword piercing the enemy's abdomen, and it can sink his, his front cabin, haha , They, they wanted to knock our Clippers directly over, but it was them that sunk it!"

Following Wu Shaofu’s proud words, more than a dozen warships of the Jin army were hit by the submarine dragon clippers equipped with this collision angle. Inserted into the bottom of the cabin, after this violent impact, the Qianlong warship can retreat quickly, like pulling a long sword out of a human belly, but it will not bleed as much blood as the human body, but will be turbulent. The river water poured fiercely into the cabin, and within a few minutes, these warships, which were tall and burly on the river surface just now, seemed to have the advantage, quickly sank.

He Wuji was on the Guojianglong, and now he couldn’t calm down at all. Almost all of the more than ten Huanglong warships in the first row were pierced at once and sank quickly. The second row was more than ten. On the Huanglong warship, many sergeants who witnessed this horrible scene, even the veterans of the Beifu Army who had experienced many battles, were unavoidable and fell into a small riot. He Wuji sternly said: " Blow the drums, march, fight with the monsters, rockets, catapults, and crossbow guns, don’t need to stay anymore, hit me out with all your strength, even if you smash them, you will also smash these thief ships into the sink!"

When he said this, he threw the saber he had just drawn into the ground, leaped up, and crossed the guardrail of the high platform. His movements were still as brisk and vigorous as he was when he was young. On the foredeck, nothing moved.

Several sergeants who were operating the crossbow machine hurriedly came up to help him. He Wuji shook his arms, shaking these people back a few steps, and said in a deep voice, "I fell down before I jumped down, Erlang. People, step back."

Before and after a catapult, several sergeants who were pulling the rope to hoist the arm of the arm, heard the words, retreated, He Wuji strode forward, personally picked up a stone the size of a watermelon, and threw it into the launching nest after the arm of the arm. In the middle, then, he pulled up a thick power rope, wrapped it around his waist a few times, broke a drink, and raised his arms with great strength. It usually takes three or five strong men to pull it up. Unexpectedly, He Wuji showed his power, and he pulled down the strength arm slowly and sank to the bottom by himself.

There was a burst of cheers from the feared army. Many sergeants swung their weapons in the air, or flicked their shields with swords, and shouted: "Zhennan Shenli, Beifu Mighty, Zhennan Shenli, and Beifu Mighty! "

He Wuji's luck is at his waist, his eyes are wide open, his arm muscles are holding his arm armor high and inflated, and he is about to pull the force arm to the end. Now, even on the high platform, Yin Chan, Zhang Shao, etc. Everyone opened their mouths wide, looking at the amazing blow He Wuji was about to issue. This time, it was not just an ordinary stone launch, but a blow to stabilize the military's morale and fight back as the head of the whole army!

While He Wuji was manipulating his force arm, several sergeants in front of him hurriedly adjusted the position of the catapult, blocking the front. A yellow dragon ship twenty steps away was sinking quickly, and it was here. The two Celestial Dao Qianlong warships that retreated in front of the warships and collected the wood thorns gradually showed their traces. The moment people on the Guojianglong saw these two ferocious assault ships, they passed Jianglong. The "He" flag flying high on the number also made the other person see it.

The hatches above the two enemy ships suddenly opened, and more than 30 of them were naked, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the disciples of the Tianshi Dao, who were wearing the Dao bun, rushed out with the infantry crossbow. It seems that they are well-trained, running on the slippery boat board, like walking on the ground, and even when they rush out, these crossbow arrows are directly aimed at He Wuji who is on the pulling arm of one person. They do not need to be ordered by people. Launched again and again, with locust-like crossbow arrows, over this distance of less than fifty steps, how can you take it straight away!

Suddenly, the sergeant without a shield had time to go forward to defend. The few sergeants who were fiddling in front of the catapult, in a hurry, jumped directly in front of He Wuji's body and opened their arms. Hearing the sounds of "puff" and "puff", these brave and fearless warriors were like an arrow target, suddenly nailed with crossbow bolts, and blood arrows spurted from their mouths and splashed directly on them. The deck, accompanied by their last grief: "Protect, protect the commander!"

He Wuji's eyes were completely red, and he roared: "Avenge for my brother!" With his roar, he suddenly loosened the rope on his body. This huge elastic force caused the stone to fly angrily. Out, with a farther and stronger force than usual, he smashed into the warship of the Heavenly Master Dao, but He Wuji in the air picked up a large soldier who was blocking the crossbow in front of him. The bow, right in the air, was shot at a distant disciple of the Celestial Master Dao who was remounting the crossbow!


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