Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3042: Jedi counterattack to break the enemy line

With a loud noise from the "Peng" ground, the Qianlong warship on the left was hit hard by this flying rock, just like the angry iron fist of the northern warrior, directly hitting the semi-enclosed Qianlong warship's front deck. A big hole was smashed, the surging river rushed in, and the big sharpened wooden stake on the bow of the ship also broke, and this warship, in a circle, quickly sank, even the sky on the ship. The disciples of the mentorship and Taoism did not have time to jump into the water, and they were gone with the boat.

At the same time, He Wuji's angry arrow hit the ship on the right without partiality. The Tianshidao crossbowman who bowed his head on the crossbow, he hadn't had time to raise his head, and he didn't even evade. The action was shot through the chest. A distance of more than 20 steps, with He Wuji's power, directly shot him into the air, and fell on the deck together with the two behind him. The narrow front deck, as these people fell, the other people holding the crossbow also swayed for a while.

There was a burst of cheering around, and the soldiers of the Jin army were full of energy. The archers drew their bows and released their arrows. The guys from the earth, before they had time to get up, shot a heart-warming shot one by one, and they were nailed to the ship's plank.

Dozens of rockets, accurately shot in from the hatch opened when these people jumped out, went straight into the inner cabin of this submarine dragon clipper, where there is no longer the rawhide and wet skin covered on the outside of the warship. Once the straw, the fire arrow mixed with kerosene was shot in, a raging flame burst into it. Along with the screams and the burnt smell of roasting human flesh, five or six disciples of the Tianshidao who were on fire all rushed out. Before the cabin had time to jump into the water to put out the fire, it was shot by a dense burst of arrows, and it suddenly became an archery target full of arrows, just like those of the Celestial Master Dao disciples who fell on the front deck before.于地.

As they fell, the fire on their bodies began to ignite the wet foredeck, and the screams in the cabin gradually subsided. In the entire six- to seven-meter-long cabin, the flames had already flowed from the open hatch and sides. The stomata sprayed out, turning the entire warship into a burning target. Even the spikes and horns made by the entire tree installed in the front caught fire. One of them was a fierce assault just now. The Qianlong warship that came and went like flying, was actually in this moment of effort, half of it was flames, half was river water, and the ship's dozens of disciples of the heavenly masters sank into the water.

As the two Qianlong Clippers sank, the Jin army soldiers on the Huanglong battleship were full of energy. Taking advantage of these Qianlong Clippers falling backwards, they sank the spikes from the previous one. With the kung fu drawn from the cabin of the Huanglong warship, the Jin army, who occupied a high degree of advantage, kept their bows and slings in their hands and greeted these boats fiercely. The distance of twenty or thirty steps was almost impossible to dodge. Seven Qianlong warships started to catch fire and sink, while the other twenty-odd Qianlong warships opened their front compartments one after another. The archers of the Jin Army shot at each other. For a time, the arrows were like locusts, and the falling rocks were like rain. A distance of two or thirty steps, the sinking warship was in the middle, and the sergeants on the warships on both sides were in the middle. Taking advantage of this unreachable time, I can't wait to launch all the long-range weapons in my hand.

He Wuji gritted his teeth, grabbed a flying stone with his own hands, took a few steps back, and then made a violent spin, throwing the flying stone directly in the way of throwing a shot, with his strength and explosive power, two The distance of more than ten steps is enough for him to hit a Qianlong warship accurately and steadily. This is also true. On the right side of a Qianlong warship about 30 steps, this one hits the center of the fore deck. Five or six archers were unsteady and shook directly into the water, and a big hole was punched in the ship's plank. The river water began to pour in turbulently, and the head of the foredeck, which was originally raised high, suddenly fell down. , And the few archers in the bow of the ship didn’t even bother to draw their bows and shoot at each other. Instead, they squatted down quickly, holding the heads of all the things they could find around, even the head of a companion who had fallen by the arrow, and went to this loophole. Lisay.

On the Crossing River Dragon, there was a burst of cheers, Yin Chan waved his fist fiercely, rolled up his sleeves, and yelled: "Zhennan is mighty, Zhennan is mighty!"

An officer holding a shield guard beside him proudly said: "Yin Junjun, you have never seen how mighty Zhennan is on the battlefield. Almost everyone in this ship's veteran has saved his life on the battlefield. Well, we followed him to kill the Quartet, from birth to death, today, we can definitely follow Zhennan and win again."

Deng Qianzhi also laughed and said: "Zhennan is indeed a famous general in the world. In the unfavorable situation, he still took the lead and turned the situation around. When the warship in front of our army sank, these submerged dragon warships could not rush to attack us again. Now is our dominant period. We can take advantage of the altitude and the big ship to sink as many enemy ships as possible. Their assaults can only hit this one. As long as we still have ships, we can counterattack! Zhang Canjun, dont you agree?"

Zhang Shao frowned deeply, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com said: “I’m afraid it’s not that easy. The warships of our army will almost be wiped out. I don’t know how long it will last. The front only temporarily blocked the enemy’s assault. The army's fleet is still trapped in this unfavorable terrain, and it has to find a way to rush out to the river outside, so that it can escape the enemy's ambush."

Before he finished his words, he only heard the sound of "Boom Boom", which sounded from all around again, his face changed, and he lost his voice: "No, the enemy water ghost is coming to chisel the boat again."

He Wuji also reacted almost at the same time: "Quickly, there are still a large number of water ghosts under the enemy's water. We can't stay here, rush out quickly, send orders to the entire army, hang sails and oars, and rush to it at the fastest speed. In front, don’t get entangled with these enemy underwater clippers, avoid their frontal sharp corners, throw stones at them when they pass by. The Chinese army’s fleet throws away all the grain and grass. Out of this mouth, it is victory!"

Having said this, he suddenly thought of something. He turned his head and said to the messenger who was playing the semaphore: "Take out all the long scorpions and siege ladders in the cabin, and set them up to the bow. If the enemy forces use the tip of the boat again, Stabbing impact, I rely on these long ridges and ladders to withstand me, I don't believe that they can sink a big ship if they hit me again!"

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