Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3044: Peerless stunner

Zhu Chaoshi’s eyes were full of anger. He held the handle of the knife tightly in his hand, staring at Lu Lanxiang, and said word by word: "I have been in the army for 20 years. I have never harmed my subordinates and brothers. Your husband, Xu Daofu, Marshal Xu has said this, who gave you the power to kill my subordinates at will?"

Lu Lanxiang said coldly: "Oh, my General Qinglong, when were you so ironclad and love your soldiers like a child? I almost can't recognize you. Could it be that I killed myself in Nankang City? The old ministry, wasn't you the one who killed Nankang Sima Tang Shunzi? Those who were escorted to you Nankang's descending army and finally cut the bodies of those who refused to surrender, aren't you people?"

Zhu Chaoshi's heart stabbed suddenly, his hands were shaking, but he couldn't speak, because these words of Lu Lanxiang were so cold and harsh, they pierced the most hurtful place in his heart, but made him Unable to refute.

Lu Lanxiang smiled slightly when he saw him like this. He stretched out his jade hand and supported his shoulder: "Okay, baby, there are only you and me here. We don’t have to pretend to be so hypocritical. It is said that everyone is equal, but the religion is actually a place of strict hierarchy. Only when you have high power can you decide the life and death of your subordinates. What my brother and my husband like is you, not those useless people. Kang waste, if the Northern Army is willing to surrender to us in the future, we will keep those people, but these Nankang militiamen, huh, dispensable, I will keep them alive on other ships, but here, they know. My identity, then I can’t stay."

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth and pointed to the side of the river: "Then Wu Shaofu also knows your identity, why did you keep him?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled and stroked her hair, took a step forward, and her eyes were full of charm: "Xiao Wu? That's an orphan we adopted since childhood, a good apprentice, that's different. And, I can tell you today. The secret is how our gods can make all of our men lay down without worrying about betrayal!"

Zhu Chaoshi's heart moved. This is what he has always wanted to understand. He said in a deep voice, "Isn't it just for people to be named, kill officials, eat raw human flesh, or give me such a drink? ?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled and shook his head: "These are just conventional methods. Look, you have done this and there is no turning back, but my husband is still relieved, let me follow you and see your performance. If you are alone, You don't even care about your own life, how can you control that mere bowl of water?"

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "Could it be that this battle is a test for me again? But I just ordered to avoid the enemy's edge, why don't you think I am planning for it?"

A cold light flashed in Lu Lanxiang’s eyes: “Because you are a wise man, He Wuji made it clear today to kill you to kill you. It’s not normal for you to defend him. These Nankang naval forces are your subordinates, you count on It’s human nature to rely on them in the future and want to preserve your strength. If you just wanted to change the flag, and at this time, instead of leading the Nankang militia to lead He Wuji out of the siege, that’s what you really want. Against the water, and if you do this, your ending will be the same as the Nankang militia in those cabins, baby."

There was a cold sweat on Zhu Chaoshi's head, and his heart was dangerous. He almost did it just now, and even wanted to attack those Qianlong warships from behind. If He Wuji hadn't dealt with it quickly and correctly, I'm afraid it will be right now. He has really poisoned himself and died.

But Zhu Chaoshi rejoiced, and sneered: "You don’t think of me as your own for the test on the left and the test on the right. If you don’t, why do you always do this? Since you can’t believe me, you just kill me, so you don’t have to be suspicious. Guess it."

Lu Lanxiang’s jade fingers lightly moved from his shoulders to his chest and began to caress. Even though the armor and military uniform were separated, there was still a tingling feeling. Zhu Chaoshi commanded Huzi, and his wife was also a famous family. The girl, has never been exposed to the style of such a stunner in the world, with only this one, the whole body will inevitably become hot, and even the real dragon has begun to feel restless. He tried to take a step back, but he couldn't move his legs. , The voice also became intermittent: "You, what are you going to do? Your husband is..."

Lu Lanxiang smiled and withdrew her hand: "I thought you all the princes of the Jin country, all of you would be a master in this way. Like a novice, hehe, but I like this, natural and unpretentious, a real man."

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "Okay, I didn't know that it was you that day. If I knew your identity, I, I wouldn't be killed..."

Lu Lanxiang's eyes were ecstatic: "Nothing? Don't you want me? Are you willing?"

Zhu Chaoshi only felt that his whole body was getting hotter and hotter, as if he was possessed by a demon. He turned his head and did not dare to look at this stunner: "I have a wife, you have a husband, and Yu Gong is a superior or inferior. This is not good, you Let the gods teach up and down, how do you think about you and me?!"

Lu Lanxiang laughed wildly: "After entering the religion~www.wuxiaspot.com~, put aside the useless etiquette of the world. Heaven and man are in harmony, why wear a mask? Isn't it to avoid these worldly precautions? As long as it is during this ceremony, my head can go and have **** with other women, why can't I find someone I like to give Yulu together? Junior Brother Mengyi, don't you want this dream?"

Zhu Chaoshi has a strong impulse now. He can't wait to hug this woman in his arms again, but suddenly his heart moves, is this another temptation? This is on the battlefield. This stunner teases himself like this, even ignoring that his husband is on the battlefield behind him. Even if the celestial master is open again, is it really okay to harm the prestige of the coach?

Zhu Chaoshi's heart shuddered, he calmed down suddenly, turned his head, looked at Lu Lanxiang, his eyes became firm: "Three leaders, this is on the battlefield, what are you going to do?"

Lu Lanxiang's face changed slightly, and she took a step back: "You can actually resist my temptation, and it's really out of my expectations. It seems that my brother and husband have a good evaluation of you. You are indeed a godly teaching. People. You have passed the tests of the three leaders. Congratulations to Zhu Tanzhu who has truly joined the cult, the Qinglong branch."

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