Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3045: Elaborate on evil ways to control people

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "A test again?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled slightly: "Yes, if you can easily lose track of a woman, the gods will not really trust them. The militias in your cabin have not passed the women's barrier. To be honest, my female disciples were before leaving. They all had **** with them, and then they all set up tasks for them, saying that they had to kidnap the gods and want to escape, and asked them to take the opportunity to hijack you to seek refuge in He Wuji, return to the Jin army, and rescue them, these women, just now I took action. They were all prepared to do this before. This is why they died. Now, do you understand?"

Zhu Chaoshi sighed: "How many people can pass this test? If I fell into your beauty just now, would you just kill me on the spot?"

A cold light flashed in Lu Lanxiang’s eyes: “Yes, people who are mighty can bend, and women can be licentious. They have never been trusted by the religion. They can abandon everything for the sake of their lives, women, and wealth. How can such a person be together? What about life and death?"

Zhu Chaoshi sneered and said: "I don't believe it. All the disciples of your Heavenly Master Tao are selected in this way. If you don't believe it, only then can you be trusted."

Lu Lanxiang smiled slightly: "Now that you are truly your own person, you should say, our heavenly master. Brother Stone, you will be called by this in the future when you are here with us."

Zhu Chaoshi was a little surprised: "Aren't you asking for a road number, Meng Yi?"

Lu Lanxiang shook his head: "The one who calls Daohao will not be the real one, just like in your Beifu army, is it called a nickname, close to small characters, or is called a big name, and the military position is your own? What if you and Liu Yu and the others Is it just called Liu Cheqi, General Zhu, or is it better to have a relationship with Jinu and Xiaoshitou?"

Zhu Chaoshi's expression changed: "You actually know my name in the army."

Lu Lanxiang nodded: "We have already grasped these details of yours. After all, they are the people we value. Don't worry, now we are our own people. We will also call you Little Stone in the future. Here, we call you. Brother Stone, okay?"

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "You are the Three Leaders, so it's not good to call me like this."

Lu Lanxiang smiled and waved his hand: "There is no difference in calling a humiliation number. Is it possible that you want me to call you a baby?"

Zhu Chaoshi's face reddened slightly, fearing that she would come with the next sorrowful joke again, and quickly stopped. He turned his head to look ahead and saw that the Beifu Army’s Huanglong battleship, headed by Guojianglong, had already surpassed those of the shipwreck just now. When he entered the front line of the Qianlong battleship, bowstones were still thrown on both sides, but they were getting closer and closer, less than five hundred steps away. He frowned, "What should I do now, we must withdraw first... ..."

Lu Lanxiang waved his hand: "No hurry, today is a rare opportunity. If you want to ask, I can answer it all at once. After this time, maybe I won't reveal the secrets of the gods to you again."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart moved, and said, "Then what do you mean by gaining trust just now? How many people in the gods can make such a cry for life and death, and how many are just nominal disciples?"

Lu Lanxiang’s eyes flashed coldly: “The earliest own brother was the more than 1,000 disciples who fled to the island after the former leader Sun Tai was killed. We come and go for fear of being implicated. There are only over a thousand people who have left their homes and properties and followed us without regrets. These people are truly loyal believers and the core of the religious sect."

Zhu Chaoshi let out a sigh of relief and secretly said in his heart, isn’t this the old thief Sanwu that he had been talking about in the Beifu, and he is indeed a strong enemy for many years. It seems that there are also three, six, nine classes in this celestial master’s Tao, only the earliest That batch is the core of the starting point.

Lu Lanxiang continued: "Later, we got the help of superiors and used the opportunity of fighting for power in the Jin room to suppress the Beifu army, secretly returned to Wudi to contact the former believers, and used the opportunity of Sima Yuanxian to recruit troops in Wudi to get many people to follow. We are uprising. There are about 60,000 to 70,000 believers in this group. They are loyal and reliable, but most of them can't afford to leave their homes and inheritance and live and die with us. Therefore, they can serve as the backbone of the army. But not as an old brother who is completely dependent."

Zhu Chaoshi's brows frowned: "Then the officers and soldiers who were captured during the attack on the prefectures and counties, and the civilian husbands who were captured, let them kill those who refused to surrender, and chop the children of the aristocratic family and the state and county officials into meat sauce and force them. Eat raw, in this way to ensure their loyalty?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled and said: "To be honest, we didn't think of this trick at the beginning. We just wanted them to kill the survivors, just like bandits, but the Wudi family has oppressed the people for many years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a lot. People hate them by gnashing their teeth, killing them, but also eating flesh and skin. Not only do they do it themselves, but they also force these newly attached people to do it. We found that only in this way can these newly joined people have no future. Road, because of this blood feud, it is impossible to surrender and turn back. You can only follow us to the end."

In Zhu Chaoshi's heart, he couldn't wait to cut the femme fatale in front of him all at once, because although he didn't eat human flesh, wasn't he actually forced to desperate like this? But he still shook his head: "Relying on this kind of violence, coercion, including the use of rituals to lure people with heaven and man, can not really win people's hearts. It is at best driven for a while. ,are different."

As he said, he pointed to He Wuji and the soldiers around him who were fighting in blood, and said in a deep voice, "Probably the only ones who can give up their lives like He Wuji and his subordinates are the more than a thousand older brothers you started with. Got it."

Lu Lanxiang said indifferently: "You are right, it is true, so the gods have been thinking about using new methods to cultivate this absolutely loyal and desperate disciple. Back then, there were more than a million believers in Wudi. There are only more than a thousand people willing to live and die, but five to six thousand people are willing to rise up to respond and want to seize the world. The number of these people is still not enough. Therefore, we have another good solution, orphans."

Zhu Chaoshi's expression changed: "Orphan? You mean..."

Lu Lanxiang smiled: "In this world, people are always restricted and blocked by all kinds of useless emotions. They can’t let go of big things. It can be said that the biggest problem is this family. Men have to worry about their parents, and women have to worry about their parents. Worrying about my children, I can't help but abandon these useless burdens and do big things."

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