Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3046: Intrigue Revealing the Secret of Xin

At this point, Lu Lanxiang became more and more proud, Zhu Lips activated, and a series of words blurted out: "So, after entering the religion, we can use various methods to convince some believers that the children of this family are useless things, only Abandoned, so that I will not affect my cultivation of immortals, once I can fly into immortals, what do you want these family members to do?"

Zhu Chaoshi thoughtfully said: "It really made you successful. I heard that when you were marching and fighting, those women with newborn babies even put these children in bamboo baskets and threw them into the water in order not to affect the march. , What else are you talking about, you go one step ahead and come to see you for your mother's back!"

Lu Lanxiang nodded with satisfaction: "The first step in joining my spiritual religion is to get a certificate, whether to kill or eat meat. It is just the first step. The next step is to break the family and abandon the burden. Let men easily get all kinds of love, you have also experienced it, I can be regarded as a well-versed man, and I am familiar with it, but ordinary men and women do not understand too much of this kind of love skills, and often need their masters and superiors. Guide one or two on one side, if there is no me that day, Brother Stone, hehe."

At this point, she was a burst of presumptuous laughter. Zhu Chaoshi's face was red with red ears. Many of the tricks he experienced that day were unheard of, although in the past, he often exchanged information with a few good brothers in the Beifu army. , But it's nothing more than some means of exerting force on the male side.

Until that night I met this Lu Lanxiang, all kinds of temptations, and then I knew what bliss in the world is. Even in the dreams of the past few days, I still think about the situation of that night from time to time, and I can't hold it. Not to mention those bachelor and straight men who may not even have a wife. After experiencing such a thing, they will really think that the fairyland on earth is nothing more than this. With that kind of experience, that parents, wives and children can be thrown away, it's not a problem.

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "So, after entering the cult and doing such a hand, I feel good about it, and then my wife has been with other men, and the family has broken up. The man has become a sergeant, and the woman is doing laundry in the back office. When cooking, only the children are left as useless burdens, and they should be thrown in the water, right?"

A smile flashed in Lu Lanxiang’s eyes: “All things are born in nature, human beings are primates. People in this world are the most precious resource. How can we really give up like this? Even if we slaughter those families in Wudi, the adults often kill them all, and Little child, but I want to keep it."

Zhu Chaoshi suddenly realized: "It turns out that you are adopting these orphans abandoned by your parents and training them to become a new generation of killers and sources of troops? The loyal and reliable people you call are obtained in this way? "

Lu Lanxiang nodded with satisfaction: "Brother Shishi, you are really smart, you can see it at one point. Yes, if a child has parents, he is naturally raised by his parents, and he is only loyal to his parents, but if there is no father or mother. , Then whoever feeds him, he will follow. There are many such Jiangyang Avenues above the rivers and lakes, and the generations of the secret guards of the family, are they not like this to find orphans to train and fill up from an early age? Even your Brother Stone, and Your elder brother was also an orphan back then. If it weren’t for Liu Yu to take you in, and then he came under Huanxuan, would you still have such loyalty to Liu Yu and Huanxuan? Why would you not say you want to repay you to He Wuji, no? Fight against him?"

Zhu Chaoshi cursed secretly in his heart: **, if I were not looking for a chance to inform General He to withdraw, do you think I would fight him?

But he said: "So, like Wu Shaofu, are you orphans adopted by you since childhood?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled and said, "That was, but he was a little older at the time, nine years old, and he still remembers the appearance of his biological father and mother. Later, in order to train him to forget the past, he spent a lot of energy, the best is The kind of babies who are a few months old don’t know anything. They only recognized God’s teachings as parents of food and clothing. Such a person is willing to do anything, even if he becomes a longevity person, he will rush to go."

Zhu Chaoshi sighed, "But, why are you telling me about these methods? Wu Shaofu probably doesn't know your calculations either."

Lu Lanxiang put a smile away and looked at Zhu Chaoshi: "Brother Shishi, I just said that those methods are only for the general communication below, telling them that there is no father, no mother, no son and no daughter, which is abandoning restraint. It’s just for them to work better, but for us people, we never believe this."

Zhu Chaoshi twitched the corner of his mouth: "If you believe in family, why do you take the initiative to do this kind of relationship between man and nature? You have a husband, or even the vice-master of the religion."

A sly color flashed in Lu Lanxiang's eyes: "Brother Stone, do you think people have talked to you to this extent, what does UU reading www.uukanshu.com represent?"

Zhu Chaoshi's face changed, and he took a step backwards in surprise: "You, are you going to..."

Lu Lanxiang's eyes flashed coldly: "Yes, you guessed it, Xu Daofu and I are just the Fan Yang Lu family from the north and the Xu family from the Wudi family in the south. They didn't see any hope but thought It’s just a marriage and cooperation between a family that wants to rejuvenate the family name. However, unlike ordinary aristocratic families, our marriage is carried out within the Dao of Heavenly Master.”

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "No wonder you only need to be here today. Tell me on this battlefield. This is probably the only place Xu Daofu can't monitor. Do you want me to replace him?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled slightly: "Everyone takes what they need. My brother is the leader, and he is in charge of teaching affairs. He is deeply connected with the people, but he is not a soldier after all. Originally, if the Dao covered him to perform his duties, only military, and my brother was the master, he would be able to live in peace, but unfortunately, this battle exposed his intentions, and he is no longer willing to be controlled by me. Home, but want to replace it."

Having said this, her eyes flashed coldly: "When he tempted you that day, if it wasn't for my brother to hide behind the scenes, I'm afraid he would have found the opportunity to find an excuse to kill you on the spot, and this In the second battle, these Qianlong warships were not sent by him. According to his plan, he wanted to use Wuji's hand to destroy you. Do you know why?"

Zhu Chaoshi's body was cold and sweaty, and he secretly said that he is really on the line between life and death. I can't think that the internal struggle for power in the Tianshi Dao will also make him wander between death and life. He gritted his teeth: "Because I am the one who can really command the war. , Is also someone who can really threaten his status, isn't it?!"

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