Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3050: The defeat is set for a battle royale

On the Crossing River Dragon, everyone was shocked from ear to ear. The local Huanglong warship that was rushing across the river just now was violently rushed. At this moment, in front of this terrifying behemoth, even a fishing boat is not even considered a fishing boat. On the deck of a huge ship with many layers, bows and arrows and slings were continuously fired, just like bombing at high altitude. The warships of the Jin army within a hundred steps were often interrupted from the mast, and the falling rocks fell on the ship. On the deck of the ship, there is a big hole at the bottom, which directly penetrates the bottom of the bilge, without even using those water ghosts to chisel the bottom of the ship. Within sight, one after another Huanglong warships are just underneath. Shen.

He Wuji's eyes were completely red, and he shouted sharply: "Bump me, charge me, I don't believe it, this big ship can't deal with it!"

Before his words fell, the two Huanglong warships on the right front had already circled to the side of the Hailong. The Jin soldiers on the ship roared in unison, and the oars flew like flying. The two ships were the fastest. At the speed of the Sea Dragon, it slammed into the side of the Hailong. Even, just now, some of the poles, the long 槊 and the ladder, which stood in the bow of the ship to withstand the impact of the enemy submarine dragon, were also directed at this huge ship. From the side, the shock was launched at the fastest speed.

Yin Chan clenched his fists nervously, and said something in his mouth: "God bless you, God be sure, you must hit and sink this thief ship, and wipe out all the monsters on the ship, bless, bless!"

With these words of his talk, the speed of the two Huanglong warships has also increased to the fastest. The sails have been swaying sideways, leaning on the wind, and with the effort of more than 20 oars, they are exposed towards the bottom layer. The ship's side on the water rushed up fiercely.

All the soldiers who crossed the Jianglong stared with breathless eyes. Everyone knew the success or failure of this battle. It was almost at this point. Only when this huge monster was hit or even sank, could everyone rush out. , It is possible to survive.

However, just before the two Huanglong warships rushed to the side of the Shanghai Dragon, more than ten giant woods protruded from the originally closed side of the Sea Dragon. These were the previous submarine dragon warships used to hit the belly of the Huanglong warship. The kind, aimed at the belly of the Huanglong warship, came out quickly, even more than ten feet longer than the long beams and struts placed on the bow of the warship. Less than a foot away from the side of the Shanghai Dragon, the Huanglong warship first stubbornly withstood it. The bow of the ship was shaken high by the impact, but it could no longer move forward half a foot. .

Deng Qianzhi flushed with anxious face, and chopped his feet heavily: "Damn it, it's bad, it's just a little bit too close, why can't you crash into it? Even relying on the momentum, it should be okay..."

Zhang Shao gritted his teeth: "No, there is no chance at all. You can see Deng Changshi clearly, our oars."

Everyone followed what he was pointing to. They saw the two impacting Huanglong warships, with more than 20 blades wrapped in thick fishing nets, and they could no longer be rowed. From time to time under water, people came from the surface of the water. He jumped up, dropped the knife in his hand, and cut off the oars wrapped around the fishing nets.

On the Hailong, countless rockets flew down. On the masts of the two Huanglong warships, the side sails that were hung were hit by the rockets, and there was a big fire. Then, by the wind, the masts also burned. Quickly, even the sails and the masts were dumping heavily, and there were faintly visible sergeants on the more than 30 decks of the ship, gritting their teeth and throwing ropes, trying to climb the Shanghai Dragon on a ladder.

However, hatches were opened on the sides of almost every layer of the ship. When these fearless warriors climbed the ship, either a crossbow suddenly appeared in front of them or a fishing fork was drilled out and crawled in mid-air. The fighters of the northern part of the country couldn't even dodge.

The most upward sergeant finally climbed to the edge of the third floor and stabbed three fishing forks into meat targets. He fell into the air and fell heavily on the front deck full of corpses. The last big hole was smashed out of the front deck, which had already been riddled with holes, and it sank into the river with the turbulent water.

Tears gleamed in He Wuji's eyes, and he murmured: "Brother, I harmed you, I am incompetent, and the trick of the demon is my fault!"

With a "bang", a falling rock has hit a place less than three feet away before crossing the Jianglong. The splashing water can even splash on the bodies and faces of the shield-holding sergeants in front of the deck, Yin Chan's voice With a cry of tears, he glanced at the Chinese warship behind him. More than half were already on fire or sinking. The rest had already lost the ability and courage to fight, and began to flee toward the shore one after another, preparing to abandon the ship. Landed, from a distance, countless celestial master Dao water ghosts holding weapons in the river and paddling in the water are chasing after them, and dozens of Qianlong Clippers~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Even the fishing boats driven by the Nankang militiamen chased them from behind, laughing and shooting arrows while chasing them. The military battle was over, and the rest was just a game of hunting and killing.

Deng Qianzhi gritted his teeth and said, "Zhennan, now that things have happened, you are already powerless. Please evacuate quickly and leave the green hills. Don’t be afraid that there will be no Chai mountains. We still have soldiers and horses in Yuzhou. As long as we can go back, we can still organize. Troops, fight to death according to the city!"

Zhang Shao said in a deep voice: "Zhennan, Deng Changshi is right. You are the commander of the first army. It is a matter of Jiangzhou's safety. You must not be arrogant for a while. I am waiting for a deadly battle after the break, and the guardian is thoughtful!"

He Wuji smiled miserably and shook his head. He pointed at the Beifu sergeants who were struggling in the water on the river. The surrounding Tianshidao boats shuttled back and forth. The monsters on the boat were all grinning and turned the soldiers who fell into the water. When it becomes a target, it is either throwing a fishing net from a distance, and then approaching the sword and fishing fork and stabbing to death, or as a living target for practicing arrows and flying knives from a distance, or someone constantly uses the dead body to fish. Fishing with fishing nets on the boat, stripping off the armor, and then throwing the bare corpses into the river like trash. The whole river is already blood red, and there are bare corpses like the soldiers of the Jin army, so He Wu Don't see it, why can't you cry with tears and your heart is like a knife? !

He Wuji looked around and said in a deep voice: "Before sending troops, all the princes advised me not to rush in. They wanted me to defend the city and not take the waterway. However, I was arrogant and didn't listen to the good words of everyone. Today's defeat is all my sin. , The soldiers are doing their best, and you are also tired of me. These soldiers have been with me for many years. When I set out, their wives, children and family members all sent off, asking me to take them to make new achievements. If I were alone Fleeing back, what face do I have to meet their family? What face do I have to meet Jiangzhou elders?"

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