Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3051: Farewell to Su Wu Festival of Life and Death

Tears sparkled in He Wuji's eyes, and his voice was a little choked: "As a general and a heavy court minister, Jiangzhou is where I need to live and die. Now I order Chang Shi, Deng Qianzhi, join the army, Yin Chan, join the army. Zhang Shao, now quickly breaks through the siege, abandoned the ship and landed back to Yuzhang, meets the defender Xie Bao, and the general Wei Shunzhi defends the city. You can keep it, but you can't retreat to Yuzhou to join Liu Fujun. Evacuate quickly, no mistake!"

Zhang Shao knelt in front of He Wuji and burst into tears: "Zhennan, you must never commit suicide. Leave the green hills here. Don't be afraid that there will be no firewood. As long as you survive, you will always have a chance in the future!"

Deng Qianzhi and Yin Chan also knelt down, "I have waited to follow Zhennan for many years. I feel like brothers and sisters. I definitely won't leave Zhennan here alone. Even if the overall situation is irreversible, I can break through together."

He Wuji gritted his teeth and said sternly: "Enough, you civil servants, can't fight. The target of the monster thief is not you, but me, the general. If you go together, you can only die together, and only I will stay. Here, you have a chance to escape. In this battle, our army was almost wiped out. I need someone to tell Liu Yi, Liu Daogui, and Ji slave about the situation of this battle."

Zhang Shao wiped away his tears: "Although I am a literary official, I also have a heart of loyalty. This is where our position lies. If you want us to leave, you want us to flee."

He Wuji shook his head: "Now, in the name of the main general, I order you to evacuate. This is not to flee, but to execute military orders. If you stop here again, then you must engage in military law. Land, I am going to implement the military law myself!"

As he said, he threw the saber in his hand and landed on the deck in front of the three of them. The sword aura was overflowing, and the three clerks were so frightened that they all stood up.

He Wuji looked at the more than ten sergeants who knelt on the ground behind the three and said, "He Chong, the safety of the three soldiers is up to you. Escorted out, understand?"

He Chong is a black and strong man who is about thirty-four to five years old. He has a sturdy black back. Even if he kneels there, he looks like a hill. At first glance, he is a strong man out of a thousand. He has followed He Wuji for many years, born to death, and sympathetic. The brother's captain of the guard, without raising his head, he said solemnly: "The humble post does not accept such orders. The humble post has already sworn an oath. In any case, he must always be with the lord!"

He Wuji shook his head: "I also swore to be the safest backing behind the slaves forever. If a sword is added to him, it will be me behind him, already rotten as blood. But now I look at it. Come, this promise, I am afraid I will not be able to make it. He Chong, if you stay with me, no one protects the three soldiers to break through, then everything that happened here today, no one else knows, all of our soldiers’ sacrifices will be without Meaning, would you like this result to appear?"

On the deck in front of He Chong, tears began to drop, and this iron-like man began to cry, just like the dozen or so guards around him.

He Wuji turned his head and didn't want to look at the following civil and military weapons. He said loudly: "Probably this is fate. The glory of my life is here, and the end is here, Sang Luozhou, haha, good name, Where is my Su Wu Festival?"

He Chong gritted his teeth, stood up all of a sudden, turned around and pulled up the Suwu Festival that was just inserted on the rear deck. The Nine Balls, fluttering in the wind, while the cold light on the halberd is overflowing, like a **** setting sun here. He Chong held the halberd, knelt behind He Wuji, and said in a deep voice: "General, please take the halberd. You must fight to the last breath and **** the three soldiers to break through."

He Wuji didn't look back at He Chong, the tiger's arm was lightly relieved, and he lifted the euphorbia with a flick in the air. The ball shook, bringing the sound of the built-in bells, and his voice came down the wind. : "Go, tell Ji Nu, beware of the raids of the monsters, and don't be too hasty with Zhu Lingshi."

Yin Chan said bitterly: "This Zhu Chaoshi traitor is so hateful, why does Zhennan still protect this Zhu family brother?"

He Wuji said solemnly: "I have a hunch that Zhu Chaoshi may not be the real thief. The ambush behind the thief, whether it is the ambush on the rear sandbank or the huge ship, is obviously not controlled by Zhu Chaoshi. Zhu Lingshi is a general. Random killings will shake the military's mind. You must tell the slaves truthfully about these things, and he will decide. Guanggu will fight or retreat. If you want him to think about Jiangzhou, Xile and Taoism will definitely know how to do it. Stop the monster thief!"

Having said this, he halted the halberd heavily on the deck and roared: "Hurry up!"

He Chong stood up, paid a last salute to He Wuji, turned around and pointed to a small boat on the side of the ship, and said in a deep voice: "Three, please come with me~www.wuxiaspot.com~3 The people looked at each other, shed tears and took the last long tick to He Wuji, turned and retreated, and as they left, on the deck, more than forty sergeants gradually surrounded, all of them with crooked armor. He was cracked and wounded all over his body. Obviously, these were the only soldiers who were still alive on the river, and even the soldiers of the Jin army who were still holding weapons on the entire battlefield.

He Wuji turned his head, looked at Zhang Jianyi and familiar faces, and gently called out their small characters: "Erdan, Sanwa, stinky dog, Lapi..."

Every time someone is called, the sergeant will salute and fist his chest: "General!"

A smile gradually appeared on He Wuji's face: "He is incompetent, everyone is involved. This is the end of the matter. Everyone's responsibilities are exhausted. There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices. Although the demon is vicious and vicious, it is not enough to meet people. Kill, Zhu Chaoshi and Nankang's prefecture and county soldiers survived. Let's bear with them for a while and keep them useful, so they will do something good."

The third child said in a deep voice: "General, do you want me to wait for surrender? We, the North Fu man, can break his head and shed blood. We would rather die than surrender!"

All the sergeants raised their weapons: "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and I would rather die than fall!"

He Wuji gritted his teeth and was about to speak again, only to hear a smile from a woman above his head: "It's really a guy who won't be separated until he died, just like the prisoners of Beifu soldiers in Nankang City. It's smelly and hard, since you all want to die so, then I will fulfill you!"

He Wuji's complexion changed, and when he looked up, he saw a stunning female soldier with silver soft armor, red scarf toe cap and double swords in his back, standing in the sea dragon under the guard of dozens of fierce Tianshidao swordsmen. The bow of the ship, arms folded, is not beautiful, but Zhu Chaoshi frowned, stood beside her, and said, "Zhennan, surrender!


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