Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3052: Heroic Shortness Su Wuchang

When He Wuji saw Zhu Chaoshi, his anger stopped. At this time, he held the spear and pointed at Zhu Chaoshi, breaking his mouth: "Zhu Chaoshi, you traitor, I was still talking for you just now, saying that it might be. Under the guise of your demon thief, I can’t imagine that you have really surrendered to the enemy and treason the country. How could there be an adversary like you?!"

Lu Lan Xiangge laughed sweetly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Zhu Chaoshi's arm, and the little bird leaned against Zhu Chaoshi's body like a human, with a soft and soft voice: "Because you join the cult, you can stay and fly with me, this world. How can you enjoy the bliss in these stinky men of your Northern Army?"

He Wuji's expression changed. He had fought with the Heavenly Master Dao many times before. He naturally recognized Lu Lanxiang and said bitterly: "The demon girl, it turns out that it is Zhu Chaoshi you tempted. Aren't you Xu Daofu's wife? How could... ..."

Lu Lanxiang’s face was filled with frost, and he straightened up from Zhu Chaoshi’s side, and said coldly: "Why do you need to explain to you something in the religious religion? The love is the husband and wife. Just like Super Stone is in your Beifu army, come as you want, and leave as you want. How can a pedantic person like you understand it?!"

He Wuji simply laughed out loud: "Hahahaha, it's a perfect match to hook up a traitor, I want to see, how long can you be happy?!"

The Beifu sergeants behind He Wuji shouted in unison: "Traitor, fuck, take your life!"

They picked up their weapons and were about to rush up to fight. Lu Lanxiang sneered: "I can't help myself!" With a bare hand lifted, the dozens of disciples of the Celestial Master Dao behind him shot like the wind, a string of flying knives and hand halberds, like flying. It shot out like locusts, and the disciples of the Heavenly Master Dao on the boats in all directions also drew bows and shot arrows. The more than 20 soldiers of the Northern Army immediately fell to the ground like hedgehogs, and He Wuji despite Waving Su Wujie like a windmill, it seems that water can't be splashed in, but the battle has been for a long time, and the body has been slightly injured before. In the face of this stormy attack, two arrows finally broke through his defenses. , One in the left rib, the other in the right shoulder, he roared, spouted two mouthfuls of blood, and struggling to knock off the two throwing knives that were shot at the door, he could only stand on the ground, leaning against the inner cabin. Blood was spitting out at the door, and he was gasping for breath.

Several disciples of the Heavenly Master's Tao laughed wildly and jumped off the deck, shouting: "He Wuji, die!"

As they said, these people drew out long swords or took fishing forks, and went forward to kill He Wuji. He Wuji gritted his teeth, pulled out the long arrow on his shoulder, and threw it with all his strength. This arrow was cast off. Like lightning, it pierced the throat of a disciple of the celestial master who rushed in front of him, hitting the long sword in his hand directly, kneeling and grabbing his throat. Just half of his hand stretched out, there was a burst of sound between the throat bones. The strange sound of "Hehe" fell to the ground after all.

However, the other four disciples didn't care about it, they rushed forward and fought with He Wuji. The sword light and halberd shadow, in conjunction with the shouting and killing of several people, were immediately stranded together.

On the Sea Dragon, Zhu Chaoshi’s heart was dripping blood. He wanted to save He Wuji, but he was helpless. Lu Lanxiang on the side looked enthusiastic and nodded and said: "He Wuji is really martial arts. Gao Qiang, with serious injuries, he could not fall behind in the face of five elite disciples of the religious cult. If he fights on the ground, I am afraid that dozens of masters will come together, and it may not be his opponent."

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "It's a pity that he was stubborn for his own use, and the length of the house was short. He abandoned Lu and boarded the ship in order to sneak into Nankang. He was ambushed by the gods here. Not only did he die here, but he also affected thousands of elites. Soldiers, I have given my first name here."

Although he said that, tears began to flow in his eyes unconsciously, and even his voice was a little choked.

Lu Lanxiang's eyebrows frowned slightly: "What's the matter, facing the boss of the past, the coach is softened again, and is reluctant to kill him? Chaoshi, I said that in front of everyone today, and I will never go back. The Dao is over there, if you are still half-hearted, give someone any handle, not only will you not be able to live, but it will also drag me down."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart was sullen, and he made up his mind secretly. In any case, even if he fights his life, he must find a way to save He Wuji. The only way at the moment is to fight He Wuji by grabbing power and find a way. Let him capture himself alive, maybe, this Lu Lanxiang will still throw a rat avoidance device, so that He Wuji can hijack him to escape.

He thought of this, smiled and picked up Lu Lanxiang’s hand, and gently kissed on the back of his hand: "Lanxiang, since I betrayed the Beifu army and entered the religious religion, I killed so many people in the Beifu army today. How can I look back again? This is why Wuji is not Liu Yu, and I am just an ordinary subordinate, how can we talk about friendship? Besides, with you, even if Liu Yu comes, I won't let him break up ours. !"

A hint of joy flashed across Lu Lanxiang’s face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and she withdrew her bare hands instead, and said coldly: "A man’s words are unreliable. Back then, Xu Daofu also said that it would give me a lifetime of happiness. The result? You can only prove these words if you take action and kill He Wuji with your own hands."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart moved. This Lu Lanxiang could solve He Wuji by shooting, but in this way, he first sent a few general altar disciples to consume He Wuji, and then let himself go. It was clear that he had to test his loyalty and let him. He Wuji with his own hands, it is impossible to look back. The officers and soldiers of the Jin army in the small boat she deliberately let go just now, I am afraid it is just to bear this testimony. Secondly, I also want to make a great contribution to killing the enemy commander, so that I can just leave Xu Daofu and marry myself, so that I will have the opportunity to stand alone in the army and fight against Xu Daofu in the future. He saved the opportunity of He Wuji.

He hurriedly laughed, and said arrogantly, "What's so difficult? I'm going to take down He Wuji's first level for you now."

As he said, he picked up the big halberd beside him, grabbed the claw by the side of the boat with his right hand, and went down. Lu Lanxiang's voice sounded behind him: "Brother Stone, be careful!"

When Zhu Chaoshi fell heavily on the deck and stood up straight among the corpses in the same place, He Wuji’s Su Wujie slowly walked from the last disciple of the celestial master Taoist altar standing in front of him. Withdrawing from his body, the blood blade can be seen slowly fading from the swordsman’s back. As He Wuji kicked it out, the corpse fell to the sky while the other three corpses fell in various positions. By his side, blood flowed from the fatal wounds on their bodies. Yi Wuji had three or four newly added sword wounds on his body, and two halberds stood opposite each other. He Wuji wiped the blood on his face and held the blade straight. Xiang Zhu Chaoshi: "Come on, traitor, take all your households!"

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