Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3056: Fight with strength and loyalty

While the two were talking, they only heard another "Peng" sound. On the Jianglong ship, the two figures merged and split, but it was Zhu Chaoshi and He Wuji who fought hard. A piece of He Wuji's breastplate was swept by the halberd wind and fell to the ground, while Zhu Chaoshi's left arm armor was torn apart, pieces of shredded leaves, scattered in the air, and the two of them intersected with each other, both of them were weak. Half-squatting, holding his knees with one hand, panting heavily, He Wuji looked at Zhu Chaoshi's eyes, blood-red and full of hatred.

Xu Daofu smiled slightly: "It seems that your Brother Stone is not so easy to take credit for killing He Wuji. Would you like me to help? Don't worry, this credit is yours, I don't want it."

Lu Lanxiang glanced at him coldly: "Why, so many of your subordinates died in He Wuji's hands before, do you want to take revenge yourself? Or do you want to prove once again that you are better than Chaoshi?"

Xu Daofu hooked the corner of his mouth and said disdainfully: "Today, our army won a big victory, He Wuji was completely defeated, and the whole army was wiped out. This is the best proof that I am better than him. There is no need to use a heads-up to prove it. We fought with the Beifu Army for many years. There have been countless deaths on both sides under each other’s hands. He Wuji’s subordinates and their families who died under my hand are no less than mine, just like the Li Canglin he used as bait. Didn’t the whole family die in our hands? Besides, wouldn’t it be better to kill him today and attack Jiankang and Jingkou another day, and let He Wuji’s family accompany him on the road?”

Lu Lanxiang sneered and said: "Then I wish you can get what you want as soon as possible, but this is why Chao Shi and I will kill you, we don't need you to do it, we will solve it by ourselves!"

As she said, the long sword was held in her right hand, while her left hand turned the jade wrist outwards. A rope hook looped three times on the front rail of the Sea Dragon, and her figure flew down in the sky, like the sky. Like a descending fairy, her posture is extremely beautiful, and her voice follows the wind: "No one is allowed to come up, even if I am dead. If you dare to come, I will kill him!"

Xu Daofu held his arm, made a horoscope with one hand, held his chin, and shook his head gently: "Zhu Chaoshi, such a woman, I'm afraid you can't stand it!"

On the Crossing River Dragon, two warriors holding the Euphorbia stood opposite each other. He Wuji’s Su Wujie stood horizontally in front of his chest. Six of the nine groups of hairballs were missing, and the remaining three were on. He was stained with blood, and he didn’t know whether it was his own or the killer’s enemy, and his armor had been completely blood-stained into a scarlet, and the wounds all over his body had been bleeding out continuously. It can be seen that even if it is a hardened King Kong, he can't hold it for long.

Zhu Chaoshi’s situation here is not much better. His right hand is standing on the deck with a broken halberd. This can barely support his shaky body. Outside his mouth and nose, and above his beard, it is already A little bit of blood, after fighting for so long, he was also injured several times, and his internal organs were also damaged by multiple strikes. If it weren't for He Wuji's injury that affected his vigor, I'm afraid Zhu Chaoshi would have fallen to the ground now. .

Zhu Chaoshi wiped the blood on his mouth with difficulty, and said, "He Zhennan, you really are not old with a treasure sword. You are really worthy of being a halberd master who taught me martial arts since I was a child."

He Wuji sipped bitterly: "I only hate the inhumans I taught, knowing people, knowing the face, and not knowing the heart, so I actually cultivated you as a traitor!"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "In life, many things are involuntary. If you have a useful body, you will be able to do something. General He, didn't you and my master temporarily surrender Huanxuan? Why are you so demanding of me? ?"

He Wuji sternly said: "Shut up, you brazen traitor, you even told us about these things. Back then, the Northern Army was ordered to surrender to Huan Xuan under the command of the commander Liu Jao. Your master and I, as generals and admonishment, Weak, can only disarm and return to the field. Since it cannot change the general situation, it will not help the gangsters, let alone kill your own comrades in arms and colleagues like you, a dog thief, and use their blood to dye the helmet on your head. From the moment you killed Tang Shunzi, you don't deserve to tell us anything about Beifu!"

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "Tang Sima doesn't know what's good or bad, and I have to fight to the end, so I have to do it. Zhennan, let go of the war, they can save my life, and they will keep you, if things turn for the better. ,return…………"

He Wuji slapped Su Wujie heavily on the ground, and the floor shook three times. Zhu Chaoshi's voice was completely overwhelmed by his roar: "Shut up, you traitor, are you worthy to talk to me about this righteousness?" Do you know what the weapon in my hand is?"

Zhu Chaoshi lowered his head with tears in his eyes. He did not dare to face He Wuji's awe-inspiring face: "This is the Suwu Festival~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is your weapon in Zhennan, and no one knows about it."

He Wuji laughed and said: "Yes, you still remember this thing. Back then, my uncle Liu Laozhi Liu Dashuai held this halberd and fought south and north to win a reputation, but because of his old age, he was confused and misbelieves the traitor and surrendered. Huan Xuan ended up in a ruinous fate. This sacred soldier that once made the traitors in the world frightened has also lost its prestige, and even his son Liu Jingxuan is disdainful of inheriting this weapon."

"But my mother, that is, Dashuai Liu’s sister, she left this halberd when he took his body. He taught me that before the Dashuai died, she regretted what she had done and said this person. A life and death, life and death are small, and failures are big. He is lost, leading to the loss of his life’s fame and regrets. It is too late to regret. This magic weapon is the magic weapon he has received since he was a child. It is buried here. It is a pity that if I can wash away the shame for him, and lintel to the Liu Family and He Jiaguang, then he will be under Jiuquan and bless me."

Zhu Chaoshi's voice was already choked with sobs: "So General, your Lord Gaotang, took out this eucalyptus the night before Jianyi that year, and when the general missed his mother, he resolutely killed himself when he left a book to kill the thief. After the restoration of the country, the Xixue family was humiliated and left a good name that goes down in history. I will hear about this kind of justice.

He Wuji said solemnly: "If you still cry, it proves that there is still a trace of conscience in your heart. If you still think that you are a man from Beifu, then turn your head back early and use your actions to redeem your sins. Maybe, Your soul can still be redeemed!"

Lu Lanxiang's sneer followed the wind: "He Wuji, don't dream anymore, Chaoshi has already become a god, and it is impossible to look back, and your first level is the greatest help you can give him!"

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