Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3057: Burst assault between the 1st line

He Wuji's face changed slightly, and he turned to look at the Lianbu style, holding a long sword in his hand, and walking towards his own Lu Lanxiang, and Su Wujie also raised it again and pointed to Lu Lanxiang. Obviously, as a warrior's instinct, he can perceive that Lu Lanxiang is a more dangerous enemy, and even in the fight with Zhu Chaoshi just now, he can also know that Zhu Chaoshi has always been merciful to himself, otherwise he will use his physical condition. , I lost a long time ago, so I told Zhu Chaoshi what I just said, but for Lu Lanxiang, the femme fatale, he would not report any illusions.

Zhu Chaoshi frowned slightly, Lu Lanxiang just walked to him, and he whispered: "Why are you here? Didn't you say that I will solve He Wuji?"

Lu Lanxiang hooked up the corner of her mouth and whispered: "Xu Dao has come to my boat. He has always wanted to grab this great achievement. You dragged it for too long and he was eloquent. If I don't come, I'm afraid he will come. NS."

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "But where do you put me in this way? Do you want to let the teachers in the future think that I can't win He Wuji, and I have to rely on women for help?"

Lu Lanxiang's brows frowned: "Chao Shi, what do you want to do with this? This time it's my husband and wife teaming up against each other. What are you going to divide? You drag He Wuji into this way first, and I will kill him, then You are still the most important when it comes to merit, you don’t think I have to compete with you for merit."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart was anxious, and he secretly asked what to do. Finally, through the fight just now, He Wuji understood a little bit of his mercy, and was about to find a chance to hit a corner with no one to confide in him and cover his evacuation. But now Lu Lanxiang stepped in, this woman's swordsmanship and body skills were extremely good, even if she fought her head-on, she might not be able to take advantage of it. With He Wuji's current physical state, that was not even the slightest chance of winning.

But Zhu Chaoshi was in a hurry, and he didn't think of a good way to break the game, but he heard He Wuji laughed: "Witch, do you want to take my first level too?"

Lu Lanxiang smiled slightly: "Oh, General He, your life is very valuable. A famous general in Beifu, one of the three giants of the Beijing Eighth Party, don't you want to come to Lingnan to destroy us and achieve your fame? Now we are all the gods. Here, it depends on your ability to get it."

He Wuji gritted his teeth: "You don't have to be cheap and behave. I, He Wuji, fell into your scheming this time. The whole army was wiped out. I only hate myself for being incapable. But don't be too proud. Dao Gui will never repeat my mistakes, they will definitely avenge me and completely wipe out you monsters!"

Lu Lanxiang smiled and trembled: "He really is a heroic and fearless general. At this point, he is still dreaming here, and he is not ashamed. Since you and Liu Yu and Liu Yi are so good, then you are too lonely on the road alone. Now, our gods will do good deeds and send you brothers on the road together, so that we can have a company."

He Wuji's mind was very clear at this time. He knew that Lu Lanxiang's quarrel with him was definitely not for the pleasure of getting any kind of enmity through taunting, but for fear that he still hides his strength and thunder strike, trying to harmonize with his own breath. To judge how much strength he still has, and also want to delay a little longer, after all, the more blood he has, the weaker his strength. It seems that Zhu Chaoshi is still deep in his heart towards him. In a few fights just now, he obviously can seize his flaws, but he is merciful. It seems that he still has old feelings for himself, but Lu Lanxiang must have his own life. At this time, she Come, maybe you can see Zhu Chaoshi's thoughts somewhat. If he had the opportunity to find Lu Lanxiang to be buried with him before his death in the battle, I am afraid it would be the best outcome he could fight for.

Thinking of this, He Wuji sneered and said: "Lu Lanxiang, if you dare not make a move, you might as well let Xu Dao come back. Your new love can't kill me, and you don’t dare to do it yourself. It’s better to let your ex-husband. The shot is good. Anyway, in this heavenly master's way, he is the only one who can fight."

Lu Lanxiang's face changed, and she said solemnly: "Shut up, if I want to kill you, I am enough. Xu Daofu doesn't have to do it. No one else will do it. He Wuji, you pretend to be a hero, you won't be afraid of even a woman. Well, why didn't you take it?"

He Wuji's heart is bright, and now he is standing with his back against the hatch, and there are many fallen corpses on both sides, which is not conducive to roundabout attacks. Lu Lanxiang is good at swordsmanship. After all, she is a woman in strength, and she is far from him. , If you want to attack and fight with yourself, it is her who suffers. Maybe if you find a chance for yourself, you will be killed. This is also the reason for her provocation. She wants to rush out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the open space. Fight with her on the ground, once you fall into her trap and give her to walk around, then the left hand long whip lasso, right hand long sword, come and go like the wind, and sneak attacks with hidden weapons such as flying knives, and he is in heavy armor, but it is difficult. Dealt with.

He Wuji suddenly made up his mind and sneered at Zhu Chaoshi: "The surname is Zhu, go with your woman. Without you in front, she has no guts to make a move."

Zhu Chaoshi hesitated for a moment, and was about to speak. Suddenly, he heard He Wuji's violent drink. Su Wujie suddenly brought a gust of wind. The halberd was like electricity. Within a radius of two or three feet, there was the sound of wind and thunder. A lightning halberd, but it directly attacked him.

Zhu Chaoshi was just about to open his mouth, and his heart was anxious and a little distracted. The halberd came so fast, so suddenly, he had no time to react. He hurriedly lifted the broken halberd and placed it horizontally in front of him.

With a sound of "Peng", this halberd just pierced Zhu Chaoshi's halberd halberd. Zhu Chaoshi only felt that on his arms, as if being shaken by a sledgehammer, the tiger's mouth was painful, and it seemed that he had been struck by a knife. The broken halberd could not be controlled, and it fell to the ground all of a sudden.

However, Zhu Chaoshi's figure retreated five or six steps, stumbled on a corpse under his feet, could no longer control his body, and fell directly on his back to the ground.

He Wuji's attack was so fast and fierce that it exceeded all the people present. Lu Lanxiang instinctively jumped to the side and back, but seeing Zhu Chaoshi throw a halberd to the ground, his eyes widened, and He Wu on one side Ji raised Su Wujie high and headed straight to Zhu Chaoshi, while his violent sound shook everyone's eardrums: "Traitor, go to death!"

Lu Lanxiang was in a hurry, with his left hand clasped in his wrist, a flying knife that had been in force for a long time, let go, like lightning, and took He Wuji's left arm straight.

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