Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3061: It's true to instigate divorce

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "Are you divorcing the friendship between my brother and me? Zhu Chaoshi, you are so courageous, what are you, the new surrender, you are also worthy to provoke my brother and me to be born to death for decades. Feelings? Even if I have conflicts with Lu Lanxiang, I have always been one heart with the brother! Just say this to you, I can kill you now!"

Zhu Chaoshi sneered: "If you wanted to kill me, you would have killed it long ago. If you didn't have other thoughts on Lu Xun, why would you want to use He Wuji's hand to remove Lu Lanxiang? All this is just doing it. For Lu Xun, it’s all about maintaining a face-to-face peace. If Lu Xun is really attentive to you, why would you rather let Lu Lanxiang lead troops to respond, instead of accepting your command, but lead troops to attack Jingzhou?! "

Xu Daofu's face changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How did you know that Master Lu went to fight Jingzhou? Did Lu Lanxiang even reveal this military secret to you?"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "She didn't say anything with me. She only said that her troops are under her own command and are not under your control, so I don't have to be afraid of you. From these words, I know the heavenly master. There are many internal contradictions in Tao, which is not surprising, because in the Beifu Army, my master and Liu Yi were almost in this relationship."

Xu Daofu sneered and said: "The contradiction between Liu Yi and Liu Yu is well known in the world. Don't take your set as a substitute for our religious religion. If we could not unite and fight each other, we would have ended countless times!"

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "Some people can share adversities and cannot share wealth and wealth. This is a principle that has prevailed since ancient times. Just like my master and Liu Yi, they also lived on the battlefield. Du Jianyi is successful, and power is in hand. Then there will still be conflicts over who is the leader. Presumably, this is the relationship between Marshal Xu and Master Lu. If not, how could you become such a relationship with Lu Lanxiang? If this is not the case, why does Master Lu know that you and Lu Lanxiang are in conflict, but insist on not letting you divorce and break up, but forcibly torturing each other together like this?"

Xu Daofu's hand was shaking gently, it can be seen that Zhu Chaoshi's words completely caught his mind. He only heard Zhu Chaoshi continue to say in a deep voice: "Why did Lu Lanxiang abandon you and come to me when I came? Because of yours this time. Acting alone made his brother Lu feel a huge threat. You can take advantage of the victory in the Jiangzhou battle to completely gain military power, and then threaten their status in the religion. If Lu Xun himself leads the army, then It is to take you in. You won the first effort and become the leader of your hand. You have the possibility to replace him. Therefore, in this battle, he did not come personally, but let Lu Lanxiang lead the Qianlong fleet to follow you. When the victory is set, I can kill He Wuji personally to grab the first prize!"

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "But, you see this, why don't you go to help Lu Lanxiang? She desperately wants to grab the first work for you, but for your good!"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "Because, I look down on people who have missed important things in order to grab merit. This is the point I can't accept the most. Compared with Lu Lanxiang's **** and the shame of eating soft food, it is second. ."

Xu Daofu gave a soft "Oh": "How can I explain this?"

Zhu Chaoshi said sternly: "What the Lu brothers and sisters want is to seize Jingzhou, connect Qiaoshu in the west, Huanqian and Hou Qin in the north, occupy the western part of Jin, and fight for a long time with Liu Yu. This style of play seems to be safe. If Jiankang City is in power by the original family, it is undoubtedly the best choice."

Xu Daofu sneered and said: "Yes, this trick looks impeccable, and it is invincible to say it. On the contrary, it is my kind of desperate assault on Jiangzhou and a decisive battle with He Wuji. A mistake is lost, and there is no end to it. For example, Nankang City cannot be attacked by poisoning, so that you can defend the city and fight, then the first opportunity is gone, and if you don't take the waterway to counterattack Nankang, all my arrangements will be useless. Even if it is eliminated now After He Wuji, occupying this Yuzhang city, I also face the Yuzhou soldiers and horses with Liu Yi in front, and the Jingzhou Army with Liu Daogui in the back. They can cut my back at any time and let us advance and retreat. Even I think this is too risky. It’s not as stable as Senior Brother Lu’s."

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "But this time, a safe style of play is useless. Today's Dajin is not controlled by those old family wastes, but it was rebuilt by my master, with the Beifu army as the core. The Great Jin, which swept the world, was run by the three generations of Huanchu, with the fierceness of Jingzhou soldiers and horses, and the abundance of grain and grass warships. They were not the opponents of the Beifu Army. Even if the Tianshidao succeeded in a surprise attack, it caught the Beifu Army by surprise. Even if UMU has captured Jingzhou and Jiangzhou, but as long as Jiankang cannot be captured, and the world cannot be captured before my master returns to master, what's the point? As long as my master and the Beifu army return to their masters and march west again , Then all the results of the previous sneak attacks will be wiped out!"

Xu Daofu sneered and said, "You are too mythical about your master. Yes, Liu Yu is powerful. But if he loses all Liu Daogui, He Wuji and Liu Yi, he will rely on the exhausted Northern Expeditionary army of the veterans and teachers. In Jiangdong, how can you guarantee that you will defeat me?!"

Zhu Chaoshi said solemnly: "Relying on the lone army and the exhausted army to fight continuously, defeating an enemy that seems to be far stronger than himself. This kind of military miracle has been created countless times by my master. Take this kind of loss. Although He Wuji and Liu Yi are famous generals in the world, they are still not the same as my master. Without destroying my master, they have continued the foundation of the Beifu army, captured Jingkou and Jiankang, and you will be forever Don’t dare to talk about winning! Therefore, the key to the Heavenly Master’s troop dispatch this time is not stability, but a quick word. Only the fastest speed can be used to capture Jiankang and control the families of the Northern Expeditionary Army before my master returns. Let it be defeated without a fight, is the only chance of winning!"

Xu Daofu was silent for a while, and for a long time, he sighed: "It's not worth my fancy to you. Among the gods, there is such a vision. Apart from me, there is only you. Even Senior Brother Lu can't see through this!"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "No, I think Master Lu can see this clearly, but he did not choose this style of play. It was selfish. From the bottom of his heart, he has been fighting for many years and finally has a foothold in Lingnan. Thinking of being able to live peacefully with my master, and not wanting to take the initiative to cause trouble, so I chose not to move. I want to rely on the miasma of Lingnan and the long distance, so I can go on peacefully."

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