Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3062: Provoke Lu Xu to catch fire and

Zhu Chaoshi’s eyes were shining, and the power from nowhere made him sit up straight, full of anger: "And you are the only handsome, you can see that my master will not let you go, even if you can let it go for a while, like He Wu Don't let such a general who strongly wants to make meritorious deeds take the initiative to attack him. Instead of waiting for someone to destroy himself, it is better to attack first. This raid plan is perfect. As a soldier, I can only write a big one. The word of service. But this is your victory for the commander, but it is the fiasco of Master Lu!"

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "Although I have a disagreement with Senior Brother Lu, it is not enough to say that you are fighting each other to the point of life and death. Even Liu Yu and Liu Yi of the Beifu Army are not defending major issues. Is it amiable in face? Liu Yu defeated Nanyan in the northern expedition, Liu Yi did not dismantle the stage, but also did a good job of protecting the rear, but here is the other way around, my main attack, brother Lu followed up in the rear, could it be this? Is it called infighting?"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "It's different. On the surface, the direction of the attack is a military choice. In fact, it depends on who has the final say in the teaching. Liu Yi can go west. That is because my master allowed him to go west. But this This time he also wanted to expedite the Northern Swallows, but my master did not allow him and always suppressed him. In the Northern Army, my master had the final say. He could give Liu Yi face or not. This primary and secondary relationship is very obvious. "

"In the religious teaching, Lu Xun can't do this. You can decide on the offensive and defensive events or the direction of the offensive. He can't even impose any punishment on you. It can be said that your status and military position in the teaching The prestige in Jiangzhou is no longer under him. Except for Lu Lanxiang, all the troops in this raid on Jiangzhou are completely at your disposal, including those stragglers from all over Jiangzhou. With your victories one after another, this This kind of power will expand faster and faster. If Lu Xun follows you, he can only eat leftovers and collect some old, weak, sick and disabled people. Then you don’t have to go to Jiankang City, your actual army will be far away. Far more than him, and these newly attached people have no religious beliefs. If they really want to separate their families or change ownership, it is self-evident who will stand on their side."

Xu Daofu sneered and said, "I'm not trying to pull the team to grab the position of the leader. To be honest, I am very annoyed by those ceremonies and sermons, and I don't want to worry about them. This leader lets Senior Brother Lu do a good job."

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "But what if Master Lu doesn't want you to continue to be a soldier? Don't you want to fight the war with peace of mind? Can you still be so free and easy?"

These words suddenly reached Xu Daofu's heart, his face became gloomy, and there was no reply.

Zhu Chaoshi sighed: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are fights. This is inevitable everywhere. The Beifu army is like this, so is the religious religion. If you are a good brother-in-law of Lu Xun, a real family, treat him If you follow your plan and know how to give him the greatest credit, then he may let you always manage the army, but the fact is that your relationship is far less good than it looks outside. Just like with Lu Lanxiang, you are just like She appeared to be a husband and wife, in order to maintain the ally relationship with Lu Xun in the church. In fact, this relationship was over after the leader Sun Ensun’s ascension to the immortality and Lu Xun took the seat of the leader. You are teaming up to seize the power of the religion. Now that the power is in hand, the biggest opponents are each other instead."

Xu Daofu gritted his teeth: "So, what do you want me to do, do you want me and Brother Lu to turn our faces and take him as the leader? Why do you not persuade your master to take Liu Yi in the Beifu Army? Merged with fire?"

Zhu Chaoshi said indifferently: "If my master was in the status of Liu Yi in Dajin, and Liu Yi suppressed my master everywhere, then maybe I would also persuade Master to take a fight like this. If Lu Xun wants to fight Jingzhou, he wants to fight with you. Just fight for the merits. You take down Jiangzhou. As the leader, he led more soldiers to fight Jingzhou. It seems that he can dominate you in the merits. In this way, he has an excuse to say that he is not strong enough, even Lu Lanxiang’s. Your subordinates have been transferred back, and will not support you anymore. With your current strength of Marshal Xu, two or three thousand soldiers and horses in your unit, plus at most the surrendered and newly attached soldiers in Jiangzhou, you won’t There is another chance to attack Liu Yi in Yuzhou, and even if Liu Yi fights with all his strength at this time, it will be difficult for you to stop it!"

The pupils in Xu Daofu’s eyes shrank abruptly. Obviously, Zhu Chaoshi said what he was most worried about. He sighed, “Is there any good way to do that? I’ll be honest, in half an hour. Earlier, I just received a letter from Senior Brother Lu, asking me to consolidate Jiangzhou and stop rushing forward, or it is better to lead my troops to join him in order to win Jiangling together, UU reading www.uukanshu.com to seize Jingzhou. How do you say I should reply?"

Zhu Chaoshi’s heart is bright. If he is from the perspective of the celestial master, it is obviously the most risky to seize Jiankang, but the choice is also the most profitable. He Wuji is newly defeated, and Liu Yi has not completed all the war mobilization, even before. A few days later I heard that Liu Yi was seriously ill and couldn’t get up. This affected He Wuji’s request for military assistance. At this time, if Xu Daofu could be allowed to return to Jingzhou, the pressure on Liu Daogui would be greater. Many, but at least Yuzhou and Jiankang are temporarily safe, and they have left enough time for Master to return to Master to quell the rebellion after the elimination of Nan Yan.

However, after analyzing so much just now, I actually agreed to Xu Daofu’s style of play. If I want to persuade him to return to Jingzhou, it would be a contradiction. The only way I can do it now may be my own good opportunity. The two thief leaders of the Heavenly Master and Dao can divide their forces and do their own things, and then find a way to secretly help Liu Yi defeat Xu Daofu in one fell swoop, then maybe the chaos can be put down without waiting for the master to return to the master.

Thinking of this, Zhu Chaoshi shook his head and said: "I just said that Lu Xun's fight against Jingzhou was only to establish and consolidate his personal prestige, and to compete with Xu Dashuai for meritorious service, not out of favor of the gods. The choice, as a military consideration, is definitely good for the united army to go straight to Jiankang, but now he wants you to fight Jingzhou on the other hand. This is absolutely indispensable. The commander should not pay attention to his orders. The so-called general is out. You should take advantage of this great victory and the Jin army will continue to attack Yuzhou as long as you can defeat Liu Yi and Jiankang will open up. Maybe Liu Yu will not even have time to return to his teacher."

Xu Daofu suddenly laughed: "Fight Liu Yi? Then tell me, I will face Liu Yi's 20,000-30,000 Yuzhou Legion, who has a complete system and sufficient food and grass. What is the chance of winning?"

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