Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3092: The City of One Heart and One Heart

   Tan Daoji, Yanzhi and Tanzi both looked serious, pressed their fists together on their chests, and sweared. Liu Daogui’s gaze fell on Dao Yanzhi, and he said with a serious face: "Yanzhi, there are no outsiders here, but you agree to encourage Wang Zhenzhi to attack this time. I know why you are, but I must tell you that this is the last time. This time, it’s my eldest brother who paid back what Jingkou Jianyi owed you back then. If you continue to have selfish desires, preserve your strength, and do not save your friendly forces, I will know you Liu Daogui, but the military laws of the Beifu Army will not recognize you!"

   Yanzhi heard it in a cold sweat, and quickly said: "This time my mistake led to the defeat, and I also ask Dao Gui to punish him."

Liu Daogui shook his head: "When the army is defeated, the punishment will only shake the military's mind. I even forgave Wang Zhenzhi's crime of defeating the army, and naturally will not punish you. But please remember that the situation is critical now. Everyone must bring out the spirit of our old Beifu brothers who would rather die by themselves and cover their comrades. Only in this way can we work together to overcome the difficulties."

Speaking of this, Liu Daogui paused: "Yes, I know that our Beifu Army has always been determined to make progress. Only the colleagues and generals with similar status in terms of merit are all looking at each other. You are fighting for me, let alone. You, even the older brothers like Wuji, Xi Le, and Ashou, can't avoid this. Wuji's failure this time, isn't it because he wanted to win the power, did he take the lead? Yanzhi, you Don’t you agree that Wang Zhenzhi’s attack is just to gain an advantage in the competition with Daoji? Daoji, you know that there is danger and don’t stop it. Don’t you also want to be relatively safe behind and have no merits? If you are in the first place Rushing to the front at a time, it is not that there is no way to stop the enemy from riding, and it is possible to turn defeat into victory!"

Both Tan Daoji and Daoyanzhi bowed their heads in shame. In front of Liu Daogui, who had a deep understanding of the art of war, their little nine and nine had no possibility of concealing them. They also knew that Liu Daogui retreated to the left and right, leaving only four people to say these things when they were present, it was enough. They save face. If they don't know what is good or what is wrong, they are utilitarian, and they are afraid that they will lose again next time, they will really be engaged in military law.

Liu Daogui’s words just now were extremely serious, and his expression was unprecedentedly serious. At this point, when he saw the second general bow his head and admit his mistake, he sighed lightly: "We are martial artists, men, and we are competitive in our hearts. Everyone has it, especially under the current rule of meritorious deeds set by the eldest brother. If you usually fight that kind of battle that must be won, it will be fine for everyone to fight for points, but now the enemy is strong and we are weak, and the situation is extremely critical. , Once again, like this time, we have tried our best to fight for meritorious work, and we will only die together. Then not only will we die on the battlefield, but also our family members will be despised and scolded. Is this what everyone wants? The result?"

Tan Yi sighed: "Don't say it, Dao regulations, it's our fault. In the past few years, perhaps we have fought too many victories, and prosperity and wealth have come too easily, so there are more things to think about, unlike before. On the battlefield like that, life and death can be ignored, and brothers and comrades are more important than our own lives. And this time, we have almost lost the entire Jingzhou, and now we are all enemies on all sides, only a single city in Jiangling, with less than 20,000 troops. , And because of the new defeat, people are worried. The old Huanchu people in the past may even have a lot of secret communication with the enemy. Next, we must strengthen the city defense, search for spies, rectify the defense equipment, and prepare for the enemy’s attack. City."

   To Yanzhi gritted his teeth and said: "I am willing to commit crimes and take the initiative to search for wicked people in the city. Now I have some goals and evidence to collude with the enemy."

   Tan Daoji said solemnly: "I am willing to personally take charge of this city defense. Within ten days of keeping it, Jiangling City will be solid, and if he allows hundreds of thousands of enemy troops to attack, he will not break through!"

   Liu Daogui sighed softly: "Everyone, do you think the top priority now is to guard against death and prepare to be trapped in a city in Jiangling?"

A hint of astonishment flashed across the faces of the three generals, and Tan Yi said, "Could it be that under the current situation, can you still take the initiative to attack? Now all parts of Jingzhou are betrayed, at least they are neutral, and they no longer respond to this crisis, even Lu Zongzhi in Yongzhou doesn’t know whether it’s an enemy or a friend. If we leave Jiangling, I’m afraid we will wipe out another one for the enemy, but we’ll be in trouble. At that time, I’m afraid we won’t even have the strength to defend the city!"

Tan Daoji also said sternly: "Yes, although the soldiers of Goulin and Zhu Chaoshi crossed the river east, they are cavalry, and they are highly mobile and may come back at any time. Now that the Emperor Bai has been lost, the Shu army in the west will be there within ten days. He can go east to Jiangling, and Huanqian in the Zhijiang area in the north has been recruiting troops. I heard that in the old part of Jingzhou, thousands of people go to him every day. Even in this city of Jiangling, there are many people who secretly communicate with him, Yan Zhi It’s right, the most urgent thing is to kill the spies in the city first, cut off their falsehoods, and then collect grain and grass, and wait for the opportunity to cross the river to retake Xiangzhong Prefecture, especially the Baling Granary. This is what we should do. ."

Da Yanzhi said sternly: "A month ago, Lu Xun collected the looted grain, grass, treasures, and luggage in Baling. This time he walked in a hurry, and most of his things were still there. If we do not move, if we can regain Baling, we can regain control of the Shonan Prefecture and counties. Only then can we use these resources to recruit troops to fight the thieves."

Liu Daogui shook his head firmly: "Everyone, what you are discussing is all on the military level. The enemy is strong and we are weak, but the strength of the enemy is uncertain, because the monsters rise too fast and develop too fast, so it seems that they Qiang, in fact, so far, their core force is still only three thousand old thieves, plus two thousand Longyou cavalry from Gou Lin's new belt. The others are the Lingnan slabs and Dong savages, or the remnants of the Xingui. The bandits can only be strong and powerful, and they are countless, and they cannot play a decisive role on the battlefield."

"Although our army is newly defeated, the defenders from all over the country are now concentrated in Jiangling. The strength of the troops is taking shape, and more than 10,000 elite veterans in the North have not suffered any loss. Judging from the situation that you went out to kill Guo Jisi and other thieves, these local Forces do not pose a threat to us. The Shu army has always been able to fight with the wind, and will not go east to Jiangling when our army’s strength is not damaged. Huanqian is the first enemy we really want to fight, and he cannot be left alone. If he develops in Zhijiang, otherwise, not only will his power become stronger and stronger, even Lu Zongzhi, who was blocked by him from the north, will probably be transferred to his men. I believe that the defense of Jiangling City is not the city defense, it is not. River water, and in the hearts of the people, as long as everyone serves their lives and serves the country faithfully, that is the strongest defense, and no one can destroy it!"


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