Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3093: Jingzhou scholars are also loyal and righteous

Liu Daogui's voice was impassioned, echoing in everyone's ears, making everyone excited one by one. Tan Daoji and Dao Yanzhi shouted at the same time: "Okay."

And Tan Yi also instinctively wanted to applaud, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly thought of something, and his brows wrinkled slightly: "That said, even if we old brothers from Beifu, the comrades of Beijing eight can unite as one, this Jiangling city Scholars and citizens, will you really be in harmony with us? Especially those former Huan family members, now there are a lot of people who are secretly communicating with Huanqian. If we are not guarded, the truth in this city will be reported to the culprits. , Then can we hold it?"

Liu Daogui hooked the corner of his mouth: "I believe that the people in Jiangling City are still the people of Da Jin. The Huan family has operated Jingzhou for many years, but except for the months when Huan Xuan usurped, they still walked under the banner of the Jin Dynasty. The world, and this Jingzhou person also considers himself a Jin."

"Since the extermination of Huanchu, we have been stationed in Jingzhou. We have not allowed Jingzhou citizens to pay taxes for several years. When the demon was in trouble, although some people in Xiangzhou once responded to the demon, the demon still raped and looted Jingzhou. The people of Hunan clearly see their true colors. Wang Zhenzhi’s willingness to take the initiative to attack Jingzhou soldiers is actually a signal, which shows that in the eyes of Jingzhou people, we are better than the demon thieves. They would rather help us eliminate thieves than at this time. Avenge us for the destruction of Chu."

Tan Daoji nodded: "Yes, anyway, we are officers and soldiers. Maybe we had grievances and hatreds before, but at least when this enemy is now, we are still protecting them and fighting for Jingzhou. The other way round. Xishu has been called the Puppet Emperor, and the Shu people have never been liked by the people of Jingzhou. As for Na Huanqian, he led the barbarians like Goulin to sweep Jingzhou and burn, kill and loot everywhere. The people in the Sha Market this time are almost all young men and women. Those people who died in their hands and evacuated to Jiangling City with us all hated Gou Lin and Huan Qian who brought Go Lin to Jingzhou. Presumably at this time, if we beat Huan Qian, they would also support it. "

Da Yanzhi laughed: "Exactly, Huanqian has no abilities. He has always been looked down upon among the descendants of the Huan family, just because he is almost the only descendant of the Huan family now, and some people recognize him, but he brought it Gou Lin is raging in various places in Jingzhou and has lost the hearts of the people. I am afraid that he would regret if he had secretly communicated with Huan Qian at this time."

Tan Yi twitched the corner of his mouth: "However, some of Goulin's men are still staying in Baling and wandering back and forth in Xiangzhou. If we attack Huanqian, these Qiang thieves will get news and come to attack Jiangling, then But what to do?"

Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Gou Lin's main force has already caught up with Lu Xun. They must be fighting together against Brother Xi Le. They can't control us temporarily, and there are more Qiang riders who stay in Baling. They are the rude and greedy people. They have been looting the counties of Xiangzhou. They don’t care about attacking Jiangling. If we raided Huan Qian at this time, they would never have thought of it. Most of Huan Qian’s men are untrained now. It’s nothing more than a combat-capable civilian husband. From our Jiangling to Zhijiang, the raid took only three or four days, and one round trip took only ten days. It is expected that within these ten days, the other gangsters will not have time to attack our Jiangling."

Tan Yi's brows were still deeply locked: "It is normal, but don't forget that there are gangsters in this Jiangling city. If someone leaks the news of our attack to Qiangqi, with their mobility, within three or four days It will be able to kill to the bottom of Jiangling City. If these insiders meet inside and outside and open the gates for them, then it will be troublesome. I'm afraid, I have to think about it."

Da Yanzhi hooked up the corner of his mouth: "What if we only dispatch 10,000 soldiers to fight Huanqian?"

Liu Daogui categorically said: "Never, Huan Qian has 20,000 to 30,000 troops now. If we have few soldiers, we can't quickly eliminate him. Ten thousand soldiers will pass. The most likely thing is to set up camp for him. It takes ten days and a half to defeat him. Only the 20,000 elites from the northern government in the city will come out, and when they reach Zhijiang, they will attack directly. If Huan Qian is not given any time to defend, he will be defeated and achieved in the shortest time. Suddenly."

Tan Daoji's brows also frowned: "That is to say, this Jiangling City will be completely handed over to Sergeant Jingzhou, who has thousands of loyalty to question mark, to defend. This is too dangerous, after all..."

Liu Daogui said bluntly: "I believe that the people of Jingzhou are also the people of Dajin, no matter how they are called, they are also the Han family. The basic loyalty is there, and in this time of crisis, they will not lead the alien tiger and wolf. Coming to burn and kill the looting traitors will not fall to the demon thief of the Heavenly Master Taoist who does no evil. Three, please follow me to the head of Jiangling City for a look. I will let everyone see if what I said is correct. !"

The three looked at each other, and UU read www.uukanshu.com at the same time arched his hands and said, "I wish to take a trip with Dao Gui."

Half an hour later, Jiangling, the head of Beicheng.

Liu Daogui changed into a large armor, a red cloak, and stood majesticly on the head of the city. Outside the city gate of the inner city, thousands of people have gathered. Among these people, there are civilians in commoners and some dressed in silk and satin. The noble and wealthy people, there are also some Confucian shirts with high crowns, groups of scholars, three religions and nine ranks, gathered here, and more people are coming from the streets and alleys of Jiangling City, because everyone I heard the sound of gongs all over the city, accompanied by the yelling of the people: "Liu Jishi has an order, all the people will go to Beicheng City to listen to him, and the Jishi has important things to announce to everyone!"

Liu Daogui's gaze swept across the city. Thousands of black heads, countless pairs of eyes, and various complex expressions were all looking at him. Some people even saw Liu Daogui looking at him unconsciously. He lowered his head, it seemed that he had done something wrong, and he didn't dare to look at the governor.

Liu Daogui’s expression was calm. He held an iron trumpet in his hand. This made his voice clear to everyone in this radius. He only cleared his throat and said, "The people of Jiangling, Fathers and villagers from all over Jingzhou, today, as the provincial governor, I want to apologize to everyone. I am incompetent and did not guard against the rage of the monsters. In ten and a month, Xiangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River was lost, and just yesterday, I sent out. The troops chasing the thief army also set up treacherous ambushes for the demon thief, almost completely wiped out. Now, Jingzhou is full of rags, our army has lost ground, and many of you have lost their families and lost their wives. These are all mine. Liu Daogui’s sin, if you have any opinions, come at me!"

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