Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3116: Thinking of the old feelings

Liu Yu laughed: "If Brother Mengniu comes to guard you, I won’t have any worries. Let’s add insurance to you so that Da Zhuang can also protect you. Guanggu City, and Da Zhuang is patrolling here in Changwei, so you can be foolproof."

Wang Miaoyin's beautiful eyes scanned Liu Yu's face back and forth, and he stopped talking.

Liu Muzhi shook his head gently: "Well, you continue to talk. I will prepare for the tour of the city. I will send slaves. You and Miao Yin will finalize tomorrow's affairs early. I need to talk at any time."

As he said, he stood up and walked out of the big tent.

There were only two people left in the tent, and Wang Miaoyin's eyes flashed a trace of sadness: "Brother Yu, do you know what I want to say?"

Liu Yu felt sorrow and grief in his heart, and said, "Even the fat guy can see that. After leaving, what you want to tell me should be Alan's thing."

Wang Miaoyin gritted his teeth: "How many more people do you want to sacrifice, and what are you waiting for?"

Liu Yu's brows furrowed: "The long siege to guard Guanggu is not just for her, but also to reduce casualties. I made this clear to you last time."

Wang Miaoyin sneered, "You can only lie to others. I don’t have to. In the siege a few months ago, our army lost more than 20,000 yuan, but the bow at the head of the city is already insufficient, and we The catapult started to suppress the city’s counterattack. If she hadn’t boarded the city’s head and commanded the battle, how could you be willing to stop like this?"

The corners of Liu Yu's mouth twitched lightly, and he lowered his head, speechless.

Wang Miaoyin’s willow eyebrows are upside down: "Liu Yu, this is a war, this is a life-and-death war, a war in which thousands of people have fought their lives. There is no room for personal feelings. I don’t want to say some things, but today, I must Say, Wuji has died because of your procrastination and old feelings, how many more people do you want to die? Do you want Muronglan to block your 100,000 army alone, block the monsters from attacking Jiankang, block them and destroy them? Dajin, destroy all our relatives, and you will be satisfied!"

Liu Yu shook his head painfully: "Stop talking, don't say any more."

Wang Miaoyin stood up all of a sudden, rushed in front of Liu Yu, and said loudly: "No one can tell you these things, and no one dares to tell you, because they are your subordinates, and they don't know which ones. Interesting, but I know, you want to protect Murong Lan, but because of her existence, Guanggu can’t attack for a long time. As long as she defends the city, you will be cruel. Chengtou. You're afraid of hurting her, Liu Yu, you call yourself a hero. Don't you think you can't get through this relationship?"

Tears gleamed in Liu Yu's eyes, and his lips were trembling gently: "But she, but she is mine after all, it's mine..."

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly: "Yes, she is your wife, your companion and comrade-in-arms for decades, and the woman you can't give up the most, but she is also the eldest princess of Yan Kingdom, the general of Xianbei, and it is yours. Enemy! You have sacrificed thousands of people for her alone. Until now, the situation in Dajin is deteriorating every hour. Maybe the next report I will receive tomorrow is Liu Yi’s battle report, demon. The thief takes Jiankang directly. You think that building a long turn can slowly trap the demon thief, but you never thought, is there more than one Guanggu in this world?"

Liu Yu raised his head and looked directly at Wang Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, if you are at the head of the city, I will not be able to do anything. I will not ignore your life for the sake of siege. Please don't doubt this."

Wang Miaoyin sternly said: "Even if I am at the top of the city, you can't hesitate at all. I can't wait for you to manipulate the trebuchet and smash me to death, so that I can do it without worry. This is the best ending for me, you Don’t you think Muronglan thinks like this? Your identity is destined for all of today. It is a kind of happiness and a kind of relief to be able to die in the hands of the person you love the most. Only in this way can the family and the country be the same. !"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I understand the truth, but I..."

Wang Miaoyin took a step forward again, picked up Liu Yu’s wrist, opened his apricot eyes, and looked straight at Liu Yu’s face: "If God is destined to Murong Lan not to survive this time, you will be under siege for a long time, and it is useless, breaking the city. At that time, she will definitely commit suicide, or the black robe will kill her. You really want to save her, only if you can attack the city early, you will have a chance to save her, understand?!"

Liu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Now, there is no other way. Don't worry, tomorrow I will put down all my thoughts and command with all my strength. If Yan Jun really goes out of the city to fight back, and wants to grab someone, then I will... …"

Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "Do you finally understand why I personally took Zhang Gang to patrol the city? I am a decoy to lure the Yan army out of the city to **** it. If you have a chance to destroy the Yan army cavalry outside the city, That will be of great benefit to your siege."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "So I have not yet decided whether to agree to you, so you are too dangerous, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Yanjun cavalry is extremely fast, 300 steps away, I may not have time to send troops to save you. !"

Wang Miaoyin shook his head: "I don't need you to save it. If the Yan army goes out of the city, I want you to send elite foot cavalry out to directly attack the enemy cavalry out of the city. As long as the battle can be carried out outside the city, we will have the opportunity to attack the city. Of course, the enemy forces still have the possibility to attack in a tunnel, which requires you to also send troops to attack from within the long encirclement."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Have you really decided to do it like this? Why can't you send a stand-in and take the risk yourself?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled miserably: "If I don't go in person, will you be willing to attack the city? Would you just make this determination if I am injured or even die?!"

Liu Yu grabbed Wang Miaoyin's plain hand and said loudly, "No, I don't want this, I can't bear you!"

Wang Miaoyin gritted his teeth, took out his bare hand, and stepped back two steps: "Dajin General Liu Yu, please pay attention to your identity, I am the queen of Dajin, you can't be rude to me!"

Liu Yu bit his lip and looked at Wang Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, don't do this, I, I promise you, I will not be soft, I will definitely attack the city with all my strength."

Wang Miaoyin turned around, a drop of tears fell from her eyes, and her voice came faintly: "Liu Yu, remember your identity, remember your responsibility, remember your duty, tomorrow, we will all We must do our duty and do our part. The love, hatred and enmity between you, me, and her must not override the lives of thousands of soldiers, and must not override the Jiangshan Sheji of the Great Jin Dynasty. The same is true for her. !"

When she said this, she strode out, the tent door opened and closed, the light and shadow suddenly became dark, Liu Yu closed his eyes and muttered to himself: "Alan, forgive me!"

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