Guanggu, Chengtou.

Hu Jia is long, accompanied by the melodious sound of the matouqin, which is exactly the "Song of Agan". Many soldiers of the Yan army responded softly. The position about two miles outside the city is a circle around the city, and it is two feet high. The long siege, the banners behind the siege, a group of Jin troops holding halberds and bows, walked past the siege, and the aroma of various barbecues and rice, blowing in the wind, passed into the city’s head, which would attract them from time to time. The bellows of the sergeants who came to guard the city, and when you look carefully, those who are still standing at the head of the city are often scarecrows in armor, and the living people are shaped like skeletons, sitting or lying on the tower in twos and threes. Above, looking eagerly at the direction where the scent of pilaf outside the city came from, his mouth was chewing slightly, as if eating these delicacies.

Muronglan was wearing leather armor and a high ponytail. She sat alone in a secluded city head. In her eyes, she looked at Jinying in the distance. Her face was full of exhaustion and haggard. , And compared with a few months ago, the whole person has lost more than a circle, and the snow-like skin has also turned into a millet color. Obviously, this is the result of starvation and fatigue.

A female soldier came up with a wooden tray. It was topped with a taro and half a scone. The cake was sprinkled with countable sesame seeds. The female soldier said softly, "Princess Lan, it's time for you to eat."

Muronglan turned her head and glanced at the female soldier. She was skinny, with both eyes protruding from her eye sockets. She looked like she hadn't eaten for a few days. Muronglan sighed softly: "Silido, you have eaten today. ?"

Shiriduo lowered her head and whispered: "Princess Lan, I have eaten. You don't care about me, you eat."

Murong Lan shook her head: "Did you share your meal with your mother-in-law and daughter?"

There were tears in Shiriduo's eyes: "There is really nothing to hide Princess Lan from you. After my family's Aliba died in the last war, I was the only one who could get enough food at home. Since a month Before, after the national teacher announced that it would no longer provide meals for the people, I, our family of three, can only count on my little rations. If it weren’t for Princess Lan, you kindly divided me a few times. I’m afraid that our family has already I'm starving to death."

At this point, tears flowed down her eyes unconsciously.

Murong Lan said calmly: "Take these foods home and eat more for Xiao Duoduo."

Shili Duo was taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head: "No, it can't be like this, Princess Lan, you have not eaten for a day, how honorable you are, how can you..."

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "It's nothing, I'm also a mother, I can understand how you are now, go, don't starve your child."

Shiliduo gritted her teeth, knelt on the ground, knocked a few heads at Murong Lan, turned around and ran down the tower with a wooden plate.

A tall black figure stood behind Murong Lan. The eyes behind the ghost face were shining, and the cold voice of the black robe echoed in Murong Lan's ears: "Do you think you are Guanyin Bodhisattva? I have just given birth to a child for two months, so I don’t eat or drink. If you go on like this, you don’t even have milk. If you save someone else’s child, you may starve yourself to death. Is it worth it?"

Without looking back, Murong Lan said coldly: "Isn't this what you want? The corpses outside the city are everywhere, and the city is hungry everywhere. The lives of so many people are only for your unrealistic peace for thousands of years. , When people die, they are naturally peaceful, right?"

Heipao sighed softly: "Alan, when is it, do you still want to be angry with me? You also know that this battle was terribly fought, and the Jin army killed so many people under the city, even Liu Yu. It is impossible to stop their murderous intentions. If they are allowed to attack the city, no one will want to live."

Muronglan stood up with difficulty, and Hei Pao reached out to help her, but threw her away: "If you still have a bit of humanity, leave Guanggu. Anyway, you have that bright moon flying gu. Take advantage of the night. If you leave, no one can stop you. Only if you leave can we discuss a solution with Jin Jun!"

Heipao's face changed, he retracted his hand, and said coldly: "When is the time, do you still think that you can save yourself by surrendering to the Jin army? To tell you the truth, this is a daydream. It's a tougher battle than this. I have also fought, thinking that in Jicheng, we had three thousand defenders, but we repelled Shihu's hundreds of thousands of troops, relying on the belief that everyone would die."

Murong Lan gritted her teeth: "That is to defend the last homeland, the place where our ancestors lived, can it be the same as this time? We can obviously negotiate, but we have to stay for your ambition until now? You are protecting the clan. People? They starve to death by hundreds of thousands every day, and even become food for their compatriots. How can you bear to see these things?!"

Hei Pao shook his head, handed Murong Lan a cake, and said, "Take it, eat it."

Muronglan looked at the cake, her eyes gleamed, UU reading she instinctively wanted to reject this thing, but this time, she was so hard to stick to her idea, her hands were trembling slightly, showing With her fierce inner struggle at this time.

The black robe smiled slightly: "For your little justice, shouldn't you eat this bread first to survive? Does the hatred for me exceed the love for your son?"

Muronglan closed his eyes, grabbed the cake, and ate it, and said bitterly, "You still hide the food, but you don't want to give it out to the soldiers and civilians in the city."

Heipao said indifferently: "Well, that's it. Food is more precious than gold and can only be given to useful people. As for those women and children who are useless for fighting, it is not worth wasting the food. Her family is useless pity."

Muronglan gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice, "I am a human being, not you, and I still have humanity. I don't think this is useless pity to save a woman's family."

Heipao shook his head: "On the contrary, you have harmed her!"

With a quick finger, Murong Lan glanced over, only to hear a scream. On the street about three hundred steps below the city wall, Shi Liduo, who was walking quickly with a wooden plate, was shadowed by three or two. Suddenly hit, and fell to the ground with just one click, and the wooden plate fell to the ground. The half of the cake and a taro fell on the ground, covered with dust, and the few people who attacked Sirima suddenly fell like a hungry dog. The food rushed forward. On the quiet street just now, more than a dozen black shadows appeared in the corners on both sides. They rushed towards the food, swords and swords, accompanied by screams.

Murong Lan roared: "Asshole, you killed people in the street and grabbed food!"

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