Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3218: Each takes the required transaction into

He Lanmin's body was trembling slightly, and Yizhen's baby was pinched tightly with his fingers. The light in her eyes was shining. Obviously, her heart was struggling fiercely, and the black robe said coldly: "You come to see me , I just want me to leave this Guanggu city earlier, so that you can surrender to the Jin army. You see, now you even hug this little thing, just want me to go with your front foot, and you will tell Helan Lu Kaicheng on the back foot. It’s just that your brother is smarter than you. He used his full strength to fight, and he wouldn’t be so stupid that he would really surrender when he saw you report a letter!"

He Lanmin bit her lip tightly and did not speak.

Heipao sighed: "I know that your brothers and sisters had a secret merchant beforehand, and you want you to find a way to drive me out of the city with Muronglan, and then you can offer the city to surrender. Helan Lu has a deep heart and will never leave a back road. , But this time, he defended Nancheng firmly and repelled Liu Yu’s many rounds of offensive. Now the Jin army has attacked with all strength and has become a red eye. At this time, regardless of whether he has made a secret agreement with someone outside the city in advance. , Would not dare to surrender to the city, because there is no military discipline to restrict the soldiers who kill the red-eyed soldiers. If the Jin army at this time enters, they will all become their ghosts, even Murong Lan. Knowing that peace talks can only be possible by retreating the Jin army and attacking the city. Your eldest brother has experienced betrayals and battles many times in his life, let alone knowing this."

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "I blamed me for being late. If I came earlier, the result would be different!"

Heipao sneered: "There is nothing different. In this battle, only if you win, can you have a chance to negotiate terms. So, don't have any other thoughts, look at Xiao Yizhen, don't let Murong Lan Distracted, only if she puts her full effort into the fight can we have the hope of victory."

He Lanmin stomped bitterly: "If you want to take care of a child, just find someone. Since you want to fight to the end, then I will fight too. Anyway, my men and I can fight very well. Muronglan can help. As long as you are busy, so can I!"

Hei Pao shook his head: "No, this kid is the last condition for us to make peace with Liu Yu in case the war is unfavorable. There is no chance of a miss. If Muronglan is unsure, he will not be able to play combat effectiveness. And... "

Having said this, his brows wrinkled slightly: "I'm afraid that the cloak still has eyeliner in the city. When I fight with all my strength, there can be no fire in the rear. Therefore, you can keep this kid well, which is the biggest contribution to this war. , Other things, leave it to others to solve!"

He Lanmin suddenly sneered: "You just believe me so, won't you join forces with Doupeng?"

Heipao laughed and shook his head: "Minmin, even if I believe you to turn to Liu Yu, I won't believe that you will buy it for Cloak, because what you want is to be protected, not Once again, you are controlled and driven by others. In the days of the Heavenly Alliance, how did you live? You know best. You also know the method of cloaking. You are a wise man and you don’t need me to tell you what to do. No What should be done!"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "Then if you fight Liu Yu back and negotiate with him, what are the benefits for me, and what are the benefits for our Helan Department?"

Heipao said indifferently: "Don't worry, Liu Yu needs to test his opponent's abilities from the battle. If everything goes well, peace talks can be made, then Liu Yu's army will go back to deal with the Tianshidao and the cloak. Qingzhou will definitely not leave too many troops to guard. Qingzhou’s local Han tyrants have always had a tradition of taking the opportunity to stand on their own feet. Liu Yu will never rest assured of them, and will find ways to check and balance. The best restriction is that there is an army of foreign races who are also here with those Han people. The clan chambers resisted, and the few soldiers and horses Liu Yu left behind only needed to be judged in the center to maintain balance!" Gu

"Helanmin, don't worry, Liu Yu will not be able to bring all the Xianbei people who do not go to Liaodong back to the south. Even your Helan tribe wants to stay here. Then Liu Yu is happy to keep you here to control the Han people in Qingzhou. At the same time Resist the Northern Wei Dynasty, this is probably the best condition you can obtain. After the event is completed, Muronglan will follow Liu Yu back to Jiankang and become his future queen. And you are also the one who helped her take care of the children this time. Will be the only person she trusts."

He Lanmin sneered and said: "She is not the same with me. Besides, the soldiers are fierce and dangerous. If you want her to fight with all your strength, then she will either kill the Beifu generals or she will kill them, whether she is dead or alive. With such a great hatred, how could Liu Yu take her back? Besides..."

Having said this, she hooked her mouth and looked in the direction of Chengnan, sitting next to Liu Yu, wearing silver armor, and the graceful figure that was particularly conspicuous: "Wang Miaoyin is here too, how can she tolerate it? Liu Yu take Murong Lan back?!"

Heipao smiled slightly: "If Muronglan staying as a hostage is a condition for peace talks, then Wang Miaoyin can only accept it no matter how reluctant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Of course, you are right, she can't tolerate Muronglan. In the future, I will try my best to get rid of them. If Muronglan mother and son want to survive under Liu Yu, they can only rely on foreign aid. You said, this foreign aid, besides you and your Helan tribe, who else is there?"

He Lanmin's eyes were shining, thoughtful.

Hei Pao sneered: "If Murong Lan is willing, maybe you will also marry Liu Yu by marriage. Don't worry, if you satisfy me, then I will tell you the secret of rejuvenation and eternal youth, you women. Fighting in between is to see how to capture a man’s heart? At that time, you will become the Xiao Minmin of the year, and Liu Yu’s two confidantes have become middle-aged women. Are you afraid that they won’t be able to fight them? ?"

There was a blush on He Lanmin's face, and he turned his head: "Who, who said he was going to marry the rude soldier Liu Yu? Besides, I, I don't have the affection for your sister and him. The law is given to me, will it not be given to Murong Lan?"

Hei Pao shook his head: "These are all funerals. How to protect the Helan Tribe is your business, but only if you win this battle, the Murong Tribe and the Helan Tribe can survive. You take good care of this little righteousness. Really, if he killed Dou Peng's inner Ying, then the peace talks with Liu Yu would have been ruined, and there would be nothing to think about!"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Remember your promise to me. If you don't believe it this time, my big brother, our entire Helan department will not let you go!"

Heipao smiled and said, "We are in the same boat this time. The Han people speak well, and we can help each other in the same boat."

He Lanmin stomped her foot, hugged Liu Yizhen, and ran down the city. The black robe watched her disappear under the tower, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, turned her head towards the tower, and said, "Get ready. Yet?"

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