Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3219: The moon speaks truth alone

A gloomy voice replied: "I am always ready here, but you, have you really decided to fight for your life this time? Murongchui, are you sure you are back in the past?"

Heipao said coldly: "This is my business. You only need to do your job well. As I said, once the Ten Thousand Years Taiping Plan is realized, it will be of great benefit to you."

In the dark corner, a terrible monster walked out slowly, with a worm-like head, six wings, and the whole body was covered with hedgehog-like bristles, flowing with black sap, which made people chill, but On the other hand, that face is a beautiful woman, but her eyes are completely dark, revealing an evil and weird aura. This thing is nothing else, isn't it the Bright Moon Flying Gu?

The wings of Mingyue Flying Gu fluttered a few times, and on the two ailerons, some cracks could be seen vaguely. She said coldly, "I have to thank you, defending the city for more than half a year, let me have so many dead bodies. You can enjoy it, and you don’t need to risk me going to the Wulongkou for food. I have enough food in this turbulent world, with corpses all over the land. If you have peace for thousands of years, and everyone will live and work in peace that day, then I don’t know how haha Can you eat like wild dogs from the old tombs?"

Heipao smiled slightly and looked at Mingyue Flying Gu: "From a human being to a Flying Gu, from a female killer to a monster beast that can now run wild, everyone is afraid of it, and it has been feeding on carrion and dry bones. How does it feel? !"

In Mingyue Fei Gu’s black eyes, a red light flashed, and the bristly hedgehog thorns all over her body was also shaking. With the emergence of a murderous intent, she said bitterly: "You made me not a human, a ghost, a ghost. The monster of, I want to know what it's like, you become like me, and you know it naturally."

Hei Pao smiled and shook his head: "Don't get me wrong, it's not me, but the cloak, who told you to take the brain down. It was not me who made you go back to assassinate Liu Yu. It was not me who kidnapped the queen, but you. Brother, you have become like this, no wonder others, if you follow my orders, you are still a beauty killer and continue to perform tasks."

Mingyue Feigu gritted his teeth: "The reason why I am still here is because you said that you can realize the Ten Thousand Years Plan of Peace, and then let me be liberated, and I can become a human or even an immortal. This promise has not changed."

Heipao smiled and raised his hand, opened his shirt, unbuttoned his breastplate and arm armor, revealing new skin and developed muscles: "How about it, now that I am getting old, you are right. Is there any doubt about this?"

Mingyue Fei Gu looked at the appearance of the black robe, and there was a look of envy in his eyes: "Me, can I really change back into a human form?"

The black robe put on his face coldly, hiding his developed muscles under the black battle robe and armor again, and said: "People can regain their youth, and as a demon, you can also turn into a butterfly. , Cultivate a human form. Everything in this world has spirituality, and there are spiritual things that can be transformed. Of course, this requires magic and spiritual power. After the Ten Thousand Years Taiping Project is successful, I will truly become the master of the world, the six realms. The great god, what will be the difficulty of recovering your body when the time comes, and even letting you become immortal?"

Mingyue Feigu was silent for a moment, and said, "Then my senior brother..." Gu

Heipao smiled slightly: "Sure enough, a woman is passionate, no matter when she comes, she never forgets her lover. Mingyue, you become like this, half of which is caused by Tao Yuanming, why are you still defending him now?"

Mingyue Feigu gritted his teeth: "No, he didn't harm me. He was going to hijack Wang Miaoyin with me and realize our plan. It's a pity that I missed my hand. I don't blame him, I just blame myself for incompetence. Strange cloak, the person who has poisoned my body. However, at least I still have a chance to transform back into a human form. As long as I become a human again, there will be a chance to be with my senior brother, right?!"

Heipao smiled and said: "Of course, you can rest assured, as long as I become a **** and destroy the cloak, there will be a chance to get rid of him. As long as you can work for me, especially you, help me this time. If it has become a major event, then I will definitely return it to you. You said, you have become the monster like you are now. I could have got rid of you or let it go, why should I keep you, or even find a corpse for you to eat? Isn’t it just based on years of cooperation, and now you are useful to me, useful to the Ten Thousand Years Taiping Plan, and to realize the plan is to save yourself!"

A cold light flashed in Mingyue Fei Gu's eyes: "Do you really want to sacrifice Murong Lan? You don't use this sister, but you want me, an outsider, to do it?"

A cold and terrifying look flashed in Heipao's eyes: "Because the Ten Thousand Years Plan for Peace is to be realized, the most critical and core step is to kill Liu Yu. You said if I attack her. Is she willing to make such an order?"

Mingyue Fei Gu was stunned for a moment: "Kill Liu Yu? What do you mean? You previously ordered everyone, didn't you just retreat the Jin army, and then negotiate with Liu Yu?"

Hei Pao sneered: "When I see people talking, they are just subordinates who need to execute my orders. Do I need to explain all the details to them? Murong Lan doesn't need to say anything, I want her to be honest. Killing Liu Yu, I'm afraid she will directly oppose me, but if she only retreats from the Jin army and negotiates with her man, then she will go all out to save the Xianbei people in the city. If she suffers If he is injured or even killed in battle, then Liu Yu must be in a state of confusion. At this time, it is time for you and me to attack and kill Liu Yu!"

Mingyue Feigu shook his head: "You can understand it if you hide it from Murong Lan, but why do you want to hide it from the Helan Department, the fifth floor of Gongsun, and even Murong Town?"

Heipao smiled and said: "The mission on the fifth floor of Gongsun is to defend the east city. It only needs to be executed. Murong Town wants to lead the iron cavalry to attack from the north gate, entangle the ambushes of the Jin army, and prevent them from joining the battle. Knowing that I am going to kill Liu Yu instead of just retreating the Jin army, it is possible that I will come to grab the merits. These three forces, I only need to use them to perform their duties, drag the Jin army in other directions, and kill me personally. Liu Yu, create opportunities. Understand?"

Mingyue Fei Gu coldly fluttered his wings: "You go to kill your Liu Yu. My target is Wang Miaoyin. When I attack this woman, you will naturally be distracted by Liu Yu and have more opportunities. , I’m doing this to this woman, and this time, I want to take revenge!"

A murderous aura flashed in Heipao's eyes: "A word is a deal!"

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