Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3220: Gongsun 5th floor reinforcements arrive

Heipao’s words were just finished, and only a stormy drumbeat came from the East City. At least three million drums were hammered heavily. Thousands of copper horns were slamming in a deep and powerful voice. The roar, the feeling of bulging horns, forming a resonance, almost makes people's blood solidify, and the heartbeat stops instantly. Then, you will feel that your internal organs are vibrating rhythmically, and follow The sound of screaming to kill that came straight into the sky, accompanied by the east wind, rushed toward the face, even on the tower of this inner city, it could be heard clearly.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Heipao's mouth: "It's finally started, Gongsun, fifth floor, don't let me down!"

East city, under the city wall.

Thousands of steel knives came out of their sheaths, the **** long hair, the cold murderous aura from the tip, and the salty smell of the blood droplets that were not cold. It was the standard breath of death, but this breath, He did not face the sound of the earth-shaking drum horns outside the city, and the Jin army that was about to attack the city, but at the wickedly smiling, armed Gongsun on the fifth floor.

Helan Harim stood in front of thousands of heavily armored sergeants. The long knife in his hand pointed directly at Gongsun’s fifth floor, and the **** knife tip was only three feet away from Gongsun’s fifth floor chest. As long as he exerted force, this A knife might be directly inserted into the chest of the treacherous minister he hates most, and he would have it all his life.

Gongsun Fifth Floor shook his head without a smile: "I said, General Harim, what are you doing? The enemy is currently, I have ordered the commander of the national division to come to support, do you treat the reinforcements like this? ?"

Helan Harim gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Gongsun, the fifth floor, you shameless villain, the country has become the way it is now. It's all the misfortune caused by your dog, if it weren't for the current enemy, I’ve already slashed you! This East City is defended by me, and I don’t need any reinforcements, let alone your help. If you’re acquainted, get out of here early, or else, Harim will recognize you on the fifth floor of Gongsun. The knife can't be recognized!"

He spoke loudly, and the soldiers behind him also shouted in unison: "Get out, get out, get out!"

Gongsun sneered on the fifth floor: "It doesn't matter if you like me or not. I was ordered to come for reinforcements. The national division said that the strength of the East City is weak, and the enemy army is obviously strengthened. I am not at ease here, so I asked me to take it. Soldiers come for reinforcements, otherwise, do you think I want to come this time?"

Helan Harim frowned, put his saber away, inserted it back into his sheath, and said in a deep voice: "I have five thousand soldiers here. They are all brave fighters from the Helan tribe. They are well-equipped. It should also be noticed that we have this kind of chain wooden box for the upper and lower cities, which can avoid the flying stone blows of the Jin army. When they attack the city, our sergeants can come up as fast as possible, and there is no need for reinforcements at all. Go back with your soldiers and horses. You need to redeem your sins in other places."

Gongsun laughed on the fifth floor and pointed behind him. The thousands of cavalry guards who were sitting on the horses in the dark, said solemnly: "Can't you tell? These are Su Weijun, not my Gongsun's subordinates on the fifth floor. Even the servants of your majesty are here."

Helan Harim frowned: "What does this mean?" Gu

Gongsun smiled slightly on the fifth floor: "General Harim, take a step to speak, the Jin army is about to attack the city, our personal grievances, let us put aside, state affairs first!"

Helan Harim gritted his teeth and walked a few steps towards a secluded corner on the side. Gongsun fifth floor followed closely. When Helan Harim turned around, he looked at Gongsun fifth floor and said bitterly. : "What are you guys doing? Is it possible that you want to say that you brought these noble children to grab merit?"

Gongsun said in a low voice on the fifth floor, "West City and Nancheng are where the main enemy forces are. This East City is facing Zhuge Changmin, an old skater in the Jin army. Just now you played well. All the brave generals were killed. Next, Zhuge Changmin was afraid that he would just behave, increase his momentum, and create a vengeance and siege. In fact, he has no strength. Therefore, the national teacher asked me to bring these nobles. The palace guards formed by the children, and his actor and servants, come over. You can take the upper city to do a show, and just give them some gong."

Helan Harim sneered and said: "Sure enough, I didn't expect it to come to grab the merits, Gongsun fifth floor, I said, why are you so shameless? Are you still thinking about this when you are alive and dead?!"

Gongsun smiled bitterly on the fifth floor and said: "This is not what I want to do, it is the national teacher, it is the order of the national teacher, he is thinking about longer than us, now there are no soldiers in the city to adjust, and the armor of Murong Town is also heading to the north city. Prepare to go out of the city to fight back. You, the East City, can’t help but send some soldiers to say something. Besides, these guards and horses are well-equipped, and they are also the children of major generals. Their martial arts are not bad. Let them hide in the palace. They are not happy when they go to war. They have this opportunity to kill the enemy and make merits, so they have an explanation to all parties."

Helan Harim’s brows are still locked: "It’s you who want to grab merit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the name of the national teacher, huh, you slicker, looking at Nancheng is not easy to fight, so you want to come to me Hide here, right?!"

Gongsun smiled slightly on the fifth floor: "No matter how I am, it's just reinforcements. The main commander here is you. You know that my two actions will only hinder your command. So I just stayed obediently. Under the city, you should be able to use this son of Qian Suwei."

Speaking of this, a mysterious smile flashed on his face: "I said General Harim, now you are carrying the defender, but the elite of the Helan tribe, you have finished fighting like this with the Jin army. Congratulations to you. The Lan Bu is not good. These generals in the Murong Division usually don’t have a good face for you. Last time you were in jail, although you were fighting with me, these people didn’t speak for you either. They wanted to borrow me. Your hand is killing you. Now, I give you a chance for revenge. Are you still not happy?"

Helan Harim spit on the ground disdainfully: "This kind of indecent trick that hurts my own person again, I Helan Harim is not such a person, no matter what their father and brother have done to me, now we are together, Brothers who live and die together, I will never betray them!"

Gongsun laughed on the fifth floor: "Okay, Helan Harim, my **** thing just likes you as a savage man. Now I leave the man to you. I won't go to the city to grab credit. I will give you a thousand more. The new force, what are you dissatisfied with? If you really don’t want it, I’ll take the people back to life. I told the national teacher that you, General Harim, are confident enough to defend this east city by yourself. You don’t need to My help!"

As he said, turning around to leave, Helan Harim's voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Let me take the command with full authority. You can't go to the city. Does this count?"

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