Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3235: Rolling stones hitting the ladder

Helan Harim sighed, "Child, don't underestimate the enemy! Maybe these little monkeys in your eyes are the real rivals!"

Obalik shook his head in disbelief: "General Harim, it's impossible. Just these little dwarfs, it's okay to dig holes and dig the ground, and they can't attack the city. That head is better than ordinary people climbing ladders. They were slowed down a lot. Throwing a stone down could kill them all. I think it was the Jin army who bluffed and was afraid of killing their own elite soldiers, so they made up these crooked melons and cracked dates. I heard that Zhuge Chang civil…………"

Helan Harim waved his hand to stop him from continuing, his gaze, staring at the short fat man, solemnly said: "Look carefully at the speed of these short men running and their actions when they dodge the rocks at the top of the city. It's definitely well-trained. There are more than 20 people running a ladder. It's like running alone, without the slightest confusion. It's not like training and cooperating together for many years. An Neng is like this?"

With a "boom", a big piece of wood flew down from the top of the city. The ladder was originally a flying ladder. The sergeant at the top of the ladder slammed his feet and raised his left hand. The sergeants behind, almost uniformly gathered. I stopped, and the ladder that came to fly like a meteor just now stopped less than five steps after it rushed out, and the big piece of wood over 20 kilograms smashed directly in front of them for less than five steps. Locally, if they were attacking at the speed of their attack just now, this one would definitely be a direct hit.

Obali opened his eyes and said in surprise: "Oh, it's what General Harim said. These dwarfs are not ordinary people. I made a mistake. Judging people by appearance, I almost didn't recognize them. The elite of the army!"

Helan Harim sighed: "My child, the experience on this battlefield is to pay the price of blood. The more inconspicuous short, small, or even disabled people, if you are fighting on the front line, the more There may be fraud, let's stay calm and see how these Jinjun dwarves attack the city!"

Hebari laughed and drew out his waist knife, and said loudly: "General Harim, our brother Suwei, he is fighting the elite of the Jin army. You are optimistic about how we fought!"

As he said, he jumped out, rushed to the battlement area, and said loudly: "Su Weijun, attack!"

Helan Harim looked at his bravely rushing figure and shook his head gently.

The ladder carried by more than ten dwarfs rushed under the city wall, and a burst of falling rocks and rolling logs fell on the city, but these nimble guys jumped and dodged these flying stones and rolling logs. The ladder was strengthened by the ground and directly reached the top of the city. Unlike ordinary ladders, these ladders are obviously shorter. Obviously, the ladder head is sawed off. The ladder that was pushed down directly by the putter formed a sharp contrast.

Obali was commanding nearly a hundred soldiers behind him, copying more than 20 putters, preparing to push the ladders that were on the top of the city, but after waiting for a while, there was no club head sticking out of the top of the city. Two or three sergeants ran to the head of the city and leaned out to look down, but they saw a few crossbow bolts coming towards their foreheads. Suddenly, three of them shot arrows in their foreheads, coming out through their heads, and fell straight down. Chengtou.

The two or three who were still alive drew their heads back in fright, but they also saw it clearly and said loudly: "Commander Baal, Wu'er's ladder is shorter than other ladders, half a foot away from the city. where!"

Obali laughed: "It seems that the ladders of these short men are the same as theirs, but in this way, our putters are useless. Brothers, get me a rock and smash it hard. They are on the ladder, unable to move, they are a ladder short when they hit it!"

Many soldiers rushed to the edge of the city with a smile. They picked up the big stones from the ground and threw them down to the direction where the ladders were. They would never stick out their whole bodies to take a closer look outside the city. They just took a quick look from the battlements, and then quickly retracted. Many people retreated while one or two crossbow bolts were on their faces. In front of the door, they flew out from a distance of less than two feet. Obviously, there were crossbowmen from the Jin army under the city, who were specifically looking at the Yan army leaning out of the city and shooting to protect the soldiers who climbed the ladder.

It’s just that the Yanjun clearly saw the position of the ladders. To these ladders, the big stones and rolling logs were thrown down, and while throwing them, they laughed and said: "Dwara, Sancun Wuer, try this, go Die!"

They can even imagine the tragic appearance of the dwarfs all over the floor when they were smashed into meatloaf, but, hundreds of stones were thrown down, but there was no such kind of body thumping from the city~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or stone smashing. With the screams of people, Obali's face changed, he rushed out, and quickly leaned forward along the battlements. At this moment, the situation on the wall was in full view!

What caught his eyes was a ladder. The one who climbed at the top of the ladder was the round, short fat man. With a large shield in his left hand, he quickly jumped from the tail of the ladder. Don’t look at his bloated figure. But he was extremely agile, and he climbed half the distance of the ladder in three or two strokes.

The dozens of Jin Army crossbowmen under the city had already wiped out the crossbow bolts in their hands, and more than ten auxiliary soldiers and militiamen holding the quiver sacs were still a hundred steps away, running and dodged. With the bows and arrows shot down the city head, these Jin army crossbowmen were so anxious that they simply picked up palm-sized stones on the ground and threw them towards the city head.

It's just that this kind of lethal power can't directly kill Sergeant Yan as just now. Obali's heart is settled. His attention is completely focused on the fat man climbing the ladder, and the bottom of the ladder has been piled up. There were a lot of rocks, some of the Jin army sergeants smashed their heads and shed blood and rolled all over the ground, while more sergeants rushed back and forth desperately. They didn’t even care about their injured companions on the ground, but took the ladder. The stones at the bottom were moved away, as if they didn't want them to affect the balance of the ladder.

Obali laughed: "Brothers, Wu'er has no arrows, so I smashed it hard!" He said, lifting a stone the size of a watermelon weighing ten kilograms from one side of the ground. He hit the Fat Wang who was climbing the ladder fiercely. This stone is so big. Obviously, it is not the kind of small stone with the big fist. It can be blocked with a shield. As long as it hits this flexible dead fat man, the whole ladder, together with all the soldiers under him, will inevitably follow Like a snowball, all of them fell to the bottom of the city, and they couldn't get up again.

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