Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3236: Dodge strange tricks

However, the scene that Obali wanted to see did not appear. When the stone was thrown down fiercely, I saw that the ladder was twisted to the side like a long leg. Just under the shield, the round dead fat man's body slid down from the side and slammed heavily to one side of the ground.

At this moment, Hebali finally saw clearly. It turned out that this fat man was actually clamping the two bamboo poles of the ladder tightly with his legs, and then using the strength of his waist and abdomen, he suddenly twisted, so this ladder, With this twist, he turned to the side, turned a full one hundred and eighty degrees, and moved to the side position. It is precisely because of this that there is only this fat man on the ladder, and there is no second person!

Obali's mouth opened wide, and his chin was about to fall to the ground. He never dreamed that someone could climb the ladder to attack the city in this way. For a while, he was at a loss.

Outside the East City, at a distance of one hundred and fifty steps, Liu Demin also made an expression with Hebali. His mouth was so big that he could eat a steamed bun. He shook his head incredibly, "How can this be done?"

Liu Huaishen sighed: "Hu Jiujiu and his group have gone to robbers and digs graves for many years, facing various traps, so they are very skilled. I am afraid that this nicknamed Fatty Wang is practicing this method of climbing ladders. He is so fat. He wants to strengthen his waist and abdomen, and he can turn away these ladders at once to avoid the rolling stones and big trees. I only heard about it before, and thought it was their bragging. Today, I saw, It really deserves its reputation."

Speaking of this, Liu Huaishen gritted his teeth: "It seems that Hu Jiujiu really has a way to rush to the top of the city, Demin, be prepared. Once the city can be attacked and enter the melee stage, it is time for us to go."

Zhuge Limin's voice sounded from behind Liu Huaishen: "Brother Huaishen, I'm afraid, you have to wait."

Liu Huaishen's expression changed, turning his head to look at his side, he was carrying two big axes on his shoulders, like a bear, straight to Zhuge Limin here unhurriedly. His brows frowned: "Why, Brother Changmin sent you to attack the city as the second battle?"

Zhuge Limin smiled slightly: "Lao Hu, they rely on their skills to get up first, and they have to destroy the passage of the enemy to the city. After they succeed, I will follow up on the impact. Brother Huaishen, your troops are in the front of the siege. The loss is a little bit bigger, this time I’ll take a break and wait until we have eliminated all the dangers, and then you can go back. Don’t worry, you will rely on heavy armored guards in the city and street fighting behind.”

Liu Huaishen looked at Zhuge Limin behind him. There were more than two thousand men in black clothes and simple light leather armor. They also held broadswords, armor-piercing cones, short spears and other weapons that are good for melee combat. Not only was he muscular, but his movements were vigorous and powerful. He was completely different from the heavy armored infantry on his side, one by one like an iron tower. He sighed: "It turns out that Brother Changmin was already ready and asked him to subordinate him. These fighting swordsmen attacked the head of the city."

Zhuge Limin smiled and said: "Yes, this time my brother even his old brother from the beginning is all in, but don't say that our three brothers Zhuge saved our strength and only skidded in the first battle, Huai Shen, your subordinates are wearing heavy armor. , But the action is slow, which is not conducive to climbing the city. The Tang Fang in front of them failed because of their lack of speed. This time we have to learn our lesson and pack lightly. The guys in our hands are all made of refined iron, which can completely break the enemy. When we control the city’s head, we will open the city gate. At that time, your heavy armored warriors will flood in from the city gate. They take revenge!"

Liu Huaishen gritted his teeth: "Then you have to see, can Hu Jiujiu and the others rush to the top of the city by turning a ladder. Is it really okay?"

Before he finished his words, he saw a series of stones fell down the city. This time, not only was he smashed down at the Fatty Wang on the ladder, but even on the left and right sides of the ladder, there were falling rocks. He Bali gritted his teeth, smashing his teeth while cursing: "I will let you shake again, I will let you move again, and smash you to death!"

It’s just that there is another flower in front of his eyes. Fatty Wang, who had just rolled to the top of the ladder like a ball of meat, disappeared again, almost like a big change, without a trace. Everyone was surprised. I opened my eyes wide, and saw that a fleshy ball-like figure appeared in the smoke and dust that rose after the stone fell. This time, the ladder did not move, but the person somehow flashed to the back of the ladder. , Almost slantingly hung on the reverse side of the ladder, and the falling rocks, falling in front of him or on the left and right sides one after another, did not hurt him.

Fatty Wang laughed: "Little boy, I want to hit him. Let's practice for another ten years. Er Dengzi, are you watching a show? Why don't you cover Laozi?!"

There are more than ten Jinjun dwarfs under the ladder, UU reading www.uukānshu. Com like a dream, raised their hands one after another, more than a dozen cold lights flew out from the bottoms of their hands and sleeves, and went straight to the city. Obali’s reaction was rapid, and he leaned back quickly, with a cold light. Wiping the bridge of his nose, he flew dangerously, and he could even clearly see that it was a half-foot-long flying knife, and the blood troughs were all on the blade.

But the three or four stone-throwing guards beside him had no such good luck. They either had a knife in their forehead or a blood hole in their throat. At a distance of three feet, these masters of throwing knives were almost in front of them. , Raising his hand must hit, and there is even a guy who raised a rock with both hands high and was about to hit someone, but he hit his left eye with a knife. After screaming, he instinctively touched his eyes, but the rock in his hand fell mercilessly and hit. When he reached his own head, he suddenly shattered the head under the leather helmet into a rotten watermelon.

At this time, the more than ten Sergeants who were still alive also retracted like Obali, and did not dare to approach the city wall anymore. They only heard the triumphant laughter of Fatty Wang from under the city wall: " Dog slave, grandpa is here too!"

A claw hook unbiasedly hit the crevice of the city wall, and the moment it was placed, the hook suddenly sank, obviously there was some heavy object pulling it, which made the claw hook on the crevice of the city wall. It was all shaking ashes, and Obali struggled to get up from the ground, desperately trying to pull the scimitar at his waist. As the general of the old guard, he can sit in this position by relying on Superman's martial arts and The reaction speed is extraordinary, because this time he knows very well that the enemy is really going to the city!

A fat figure rose into the sky, accompanied by a shining knife light, illuminating the faces of more than a dozen Su Guards who were preparing to fight with Okhbari, and the roar followed: "I Nai Tu Fei Yuan, die!"

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