Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3365: Change the military official to control the iron cavalry

Gongsun Fifth Floor was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to respond, while Murong Lin stepped forward with a fierce light in his eyes: "Master Fifth Floor, did my eldest brother really die at the hands of Jin Jun?"

He Lanmin suddenly said: "General Xiaolin, the fifth floor lord is right. When I went to Dongcheng, I saw such a situation with my own eyes."

Murong Lin was a little surprised, and turned to look at He Lanmin: "Why was Madam in Dongcheng at that time?"

He Lanmin smiled slightly: "Then why am I here now? General Xiaolin, the battle situation was urgent at that time, and the national division had to dispatch mobile troops to support it according to the battle situation in the city. After all, Harimu's department was a soldier of the Helan department, so , When the situation was dangerous and the enemy army attacked the city wall, the national division sent me and 2,000 reserve troops to support them, and those soldiers and soldiers of the Helan tribe who stayed in the city to recover, I led them."

Murong Lin's brows furrowed: "So, the reinforcements who were guarding Dongcheng later were the reinforcements brought by Madam?"

He Lanmin nodded: "Yes, the top of the city was destroyed by lime, and the enemy was unable to attack the city wall, probably because a large number of reinforcements from our army also went to the city, and with tools like wooden boxes, the speed of going up the city was fast. After passing the Jin army, so although they also attacked the city wall, they still have no certainty of victory. They simply took advantage of the opportunity of our main army to go to the city to destroy all the limes. As for those short people who dig tunnels, there are not many people themselves. A sneak attack was killed under our army's banner, but that doesn't mean they controlled the city wall."

Murong Lin's eyes became scattered: "Could it be that it is really the lime bag used by the Jin army?"

Gongsun's fifth floor also calmed down at this moment, and sneered: "Nonsense, is there any other explanation? I leave the thousands of soldiers in the city without use, and I want to harm them? What is this idea? Even if I really want to kill people with a knife, let the Jin army attack the city and kill them, why should I do it myself?"

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "My father and I will always find out about this matter. Lord Fifth Floor, if the truth I found out is different from what you told you, then I'm afraid I will talk to you in a different way."

Gongsun Wulou said coldly: "It can't be true, it can't be true. If you believe that your elder brother's death has something to do with me, then you can take action against me now."

Murong Lin shook his head: "I said, now that the enemy is in front of you, I will believe your statement for the time being. After this battle, I will naturally check it out, and I will also ask the national teacher to give us an explanation."

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "Then you can go to the national teacher to investigate, you also know that the enemy is at present, and now we have a very important combat mission. As a lieutenant, if you have doubts about me, the main general, this How to fight?"

Murong Lin said solemnly: "In this battle, our two thousand armored and cavalry soldiers and I will fight to the death for Dayan, please don't doubt this, just like in Dongcheng, whether it is General Helan Harimu. It's still my big brother, no matter what kind of grudges they had with you before, they obeyed your orders and died fighting for the country."

Gongsun Wulou nodded with satisfaction: "This is a little bit like our big Yan man, Murong Lin, I believe you this time, now, can we attack?"

Murong Lin nodded, "You can do it anytime."

GuGongsun's fifth floor glanced at He Lanmin, who was on the side, and said, "Then you go now to prepare to open the city gate, and all the cavalry are ready to leave the city. Remember, the primary task of this battle is to **** Miss Helan. Rush to the north, but the guards around her will do their best to protect Miss Helan and will not allow anyone to approach her, including your subordinates!"

Murong Lin glanced at Wang Mengzi, who was wrapped in iron armor and wearing a face. Now he didn't know Wang Mengzi's identity. He just thought it was a strong general sent by Hei Pao to protect He Lanmin. Of course, this person's Martial arts and physique, visible to the naked eye.

Murong Lin said: "On the battlefield, swords and arrows have no eyes, and only one guard is needed. No matter how strong the martial arts are, I am afraid there will be problems. This strong man, I don't know what to call him? Can you..."

He Lanmin smiled slightly: "He is deaf and mute, and he will only follow my orders. General Xiaolin doesn't need to say anything to him. I'm wearing Xiaobing's clothes anyway, and it looks like he is his entourage. They won't focus on attacking me. If General Xiaolin wants to protect us, leave a team of cavalry behind us at a distance of 20 paces. You just need to let go of the attack. If you defeat the siege of the Jin army, try If they reveal their truth, we will naturally be safe."

Murong Lin nodded: "Okay, I'll make arrangements, Lord Fifth Floor, you..."

Gongsun Wulou suddenly waved his hand: "Wait a minute, General Xiaolin, I want to ask, are these two thousand armored cavalry yours or Dayan's?"

Murong Lin was stunned for a moment: "Why did Lord Fifth Floor say this? Of course, this is Dayan's army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gongsun Fifth Floor nodded: "But I just heard what you said inside and out. Tone, it seems that these two thousand armored cavalry have become the private subordinates of your Beihai Royal Family. As the chief general, to command this army, I need to give the order through you? "

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "My lord on the fifth floor may have misunderstood, these soldiers are not the private soldiers of my father, but the private soldiers of our Beihai Palace, there are only more than 200 people, and less than 50 are left here. As the team leader and team deputy of each team. It’s just that because we are trapped below Guanggu City, my father and son have always commanded the armored cavalry. The soldiers respect us and it is more convenient to pass orders.”

Gongsun Wulou said coldly: "Since your father is not here, shouldn't I be the master of this army in the future? Otherwise, if I can't find you on the battlefield, how will I order it? "

Murong Lin said in a deep voice, "That said, but now we are about to go to battle, changing the command temporarily may cause confusion in the command."

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "You boy, when you were in Linqu, you were also under my command, tens of thousands of iron cavalry, and I commanded like an arm. Where is the confusion? It is the team leader of the various teams that once commanded the armored cavalry. Officers, if they are there, they will only be able to command the army better than the trilogy of your Beihai Palace. , my subordinates will replace the officers of your various teams, and your Beihai Palace trilogy will form a team to protect Miss Helan!"

Murong Lin's mouth muscles twitched, but he finally gave a military salute: "I have the order, the commander will do it now!"


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