Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3366: After leaving the city

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Gongsun Wulou waved his hand, and the hundreds of guards behind him followed behind Murong Lin and walked into the army formation in the distance. Within a hundred paces, only Gongsun Wulou, He Lanmin, and Wang Mengzi were left. three people.

Gongsun Wulou heaved a sigh of relief, looked at He Lanmin, and smiled slightly: "Minmin, thank you for helping me clear the siege, otherwise, I really don't know how to face this Murong Lin."

He Lanmin sighed softly: "Master Fifth Floor, you are too careless. So many people have seen the battle in Dongcheng. How will you explain to Murong Lin and Murong Zhen in the future?"

Gongsun Wulou gritted his teeth: "I'm just acting on orders. It's the order of the national teacher. What can I do? It's a big deal, let them ask the national teacher."

He Lanmin's brows furrowed: "So, Harimu and the others really died in your hands?"

Gongsun Wulou frowned: "Are you testing me and tempting me to tell the truth?"

He Lanmin sighed softly: "Then Dongcheng is after all five thousand elite soldiers of my Helan department, even if I don't ask, my eldest brother will definitely ask clearly, Lord Fifth Floor, you have offended the Helan department at the same time. The two major forces and Beihai King, I think, even if the national teacher wants to protect you, it is not easy, if they really want to ask them, I am afraid..."

Having said that, her eyes wandered, sweeping around Gongsun's body on the fifth floor, her red lips lightly closed.

Gongsun Wulou gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Why do you think I'm so eager to highlight the city?"

Helan Ming smiled: "It turns out that the lord on the fifth floor also did such a thing, and his heart is uneasy, and he is afraid that he will be thrown out by the national teacher and used as a scapegoat."

Gongsun Wulou sighed: "Actually, it was all for defending the city. I could see the battle situation clearly at that time. The Jin army had already captured the Dongcheng without relying on the lime buns. I don't want to use this either. The combat effectiveness of our infantry is far behind that of the Jin army. Without any means, we cannot defend this city. Therefore, I have no confidence in defending Guanggu, even if I save it in many places. The fire and the merits were made, but the more this happened, the more pessimistic and desperate I became."

He Lanmin's brows furrowed: "Master Fifth Floor, tell me the truth, this Guanggu can't really be held back? Isn't there an army of 100,000 people in the city, and black robes, Murong Lan, my eldest brother is so good? Isn’t there a talented general, isn’t there the 10,000 armored cavalry of the King of the North Sea? There are still decisive generals like you, who really can’t stop this time?”

Gongsun Wulou sighed: "Before yesterday, I had the same idea as you, but today I played for a day, went to several dangerous places, and even presided over the defense of many areas. Compared with the Beifu army, the combat effectiveness of the army is still a lot worse!"

"If the battle of Linqu proves that we cannot break through the defense of Beifu infantry with iron cavalry, then today is proof that our army's infantry, even if they rely on Guanggu fortified city, can't stop Beifu army's attack. Up to now, Almost all of our elites have gone into battle, and the Black Fire, Lime, Ghost Soldiers, and Iron Juice Gold Soup have also been used, so it can be said that all means are used, and it is still difficult to stop their offensive."

"This time the black robe let us attack, although it sounds nice and said that we want to break through, but in fact it is still to let us go out of the city to test first, to try out Zhang Gang's position, which will determine which armored cavalry, from which Directional assault!"

He Lanmin's brows furrowed: "That means, are we still just testing?"

Gongsun Wulou shook his head: "Our mission is to attack the north with all our strength. If there is a chance, we will stand out, and it is not just a test. If there is a strong iron cavalry outside, then Liu Yu's siege will be uneasy. Yes, maybe we can contain his more than 20,000 troops."

He Lanmin nodded: "So, if we don't encounter a lot of ambush, we still have the opportunity to rush out with all our strength, right?"

Gongsun Wulou smiled slightly: "As long as I **** you five miles outside the city, you can go all the way north. For you, you don't need too many people. The fewer people, the smaller the goal."

He Lanmin's face changed: "Master Fifth Floor, what do you mean, you changed the command of the troops and wanted to control all the two thousand cavalry. Are you not going to go to the north with me?"

Gongsun Wulou curled the corners of his mouth: "Minmin, it's because we want to go with you, so we have to act separately, two thousand troops are wrapped together, the goal is too big, I'm afraid no one will be able to walk, the art of warfare, What is true is what is true, what is true is what is false, I will let Murong Lin take his Beihai King Guard, more than 100 people to **** you to the north, and I will lead a large group of cavalry to travel in all directions, so as to avoid possible Jin army. Ambush, and secondly, they can test out their true reality and pose a great threat to their siege troops."

He Lanmin frowned: "What, what do you mean, you are escorting me away in small units, while you are taking the iron cavalry of the large group and moving the camera?"

Gongsun Wulou smiled slightly: "Minmin, of course I want to go to the north with you and take over the Helan Department, otherwise this world is so big, where else can I go, I just told you this, you should also understand , I can't go back to this Guanggu City again, you should believe me."

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "But you escorted me away with one or two hundred cavalry. This is putting me in danger, but you have two thousand cavalry in your hand. How can I trust you?"

Gongsun Wulou said indifferently: "This is the art of war, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Minmin, because there are few people, so the Jin army will only think that you are a bait, and will not send large soldiers to intercept, even if you come, you may only send a few Hundred cavalry intercepted, the Beihai King Guard in Murong Town, that is a top-level elite, even among all armored cavalry. "

He Lanmin sneered: "You mean to say that you left with the army in order to attract the enemy's attention to me?"

Gongsun Wulou smiled slightly: "Trust me, Minmin, there must be an ambush outside the city, but this ambush is for the big army, not for the small group, I will work with you separately, divert these ambush, and bring them to the battlefield. Running back, the camera is moving, and you just don't care, where did Murong Zhen go?"

He Lanmin's heart moved: "Where did you say he went?"

A cold light flashed in Gongsun Wulou's eyes: "In Heipao's plan, we were the bait to go out of the city, in order to lead out the Jin army's ambush, and he really wanted to break through the battle and break the main force of the Jin army siege. The sharp blade is the main force of Murong Town's armored cavalry, if I expected it right, they are still in Beicheng!"

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