Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3367: give up obsession with new life

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He Lanmin looked around, and as far as she could see, there were only two thousand cavalry and armored cavalry lined up in the square behind the city gate. There was no other soldier. She shook her head in disbelief: "Impossible. , This square is the only place where troops can be deployed in the northern city. Even if Murong Zhen can hide himself, it is impossible to hide the eight thousand armored cavalry? Lord fifth floor, are you wrong?"

Gongsun Wulou shook his head confidently and said, "There can be no mistake, the armored cavalry is extremely fast, and in less than half an hour, he can run five or six miles away. He only needs to disperse the iron cavalry and hide it in the streets near here. In the alley, wait for our army to go out of the city and then dispatch, then you can rush out after us."

He Lanmin hooked the corners of his mouth: "Then why can't he go in another direction and have to attack from this northern city?"

Gongsun Wulou said with a smile: "Because the east city, west city and south city are all fighting fiercely at this time, the Jin army has either already attacked the city wall, or is attacking the city gate. At this time, it is impossible to open the city gate and rush out, even if it is barely opened. When the city gate leaves the city, it is just like the ghost wall before, opening the wall and rushing out a few hundred people. It is still a section of the city wall a few hundred steps wide, and it only rushes out hundreds of people at one time. From a military point of view, this number of troops cannot be deployed quickly, nor can it defeat the Jin army in person at one time."

He Lanmin said thoughtfully: "So it is, but this north gate can deploy cavalry and swept the cities? Liu Yu would not have thought of such a thing. Catapults or bows and arrows attack suddenly, or they also charge up with a large number of cavalry, so will we also suffer heavy losses?"

Gongsun Fifth Floor nodded: "That's right, so the black robe asked us to attack with two thousand cavalry, just to test the reaction of the other side. If Liu Yu really has a killer move in Beicheng, I don't think it will be because hundreds of thousands of people come out of the city. , All the 1,000 or 2,000 cavalry will be launched. Instead, this is our opportunity. When your 200-odd cavalry is heading north, my troops out of the city will form an array. The Jin army may think that your small troops are tentatively attacking. No army will be dispatched to intercept it, so you can just take the opportunity to rush out."

He Lanmin smiled slightly: "Then what about your two thousand cavalry, have they been lining up outside the city?"

Gongsun Wulou said with a smile: "When the time comes, you come to observe the situation, even if you don't know the soldiers, then Murong Lin is a general, experienced in hundreds of battles, and he can see clearly at a glance whether there is an ambush, if the North City is really not big. The Jin army is in ambush, let him send me a signal, and I will follow you to break out of the siege north. If there is an ambush of the Jin army outside the north city, especially in the dense forest six or seven miles away from the city, then you should walk around the forest. , And I maneuvered in the direction of the West City or the East City, and when necessary, punched horizontally and interspersed, destroying the formation of the Jin army siege force."

"Up to now in this battle, the Jin army can attack the city walls of our army everywhere without any worries, but we are passively beaten everywhere, which is not good for us. Even if Murong Town wants to attack, it is also to disrupt the Jin army. The formation of the attacking formation, our army will attack first, Murong Town will follow, and the Jin army siege force cannot balance the front and the rear, so that the defenders on our city wall can take the opportunity to destroy the Jin army near the city, and this battle can be won."

He Lanmin smiled and said, "I didn't think you were thinking of winning this battle, not just going to the north to become independent. If we solved the siege of Guanggu, wouldn't we be the number one hero? Do we still need to go to the north?"

Gongsun Wulou hooked the corners of his mouth: "I said before, I can't stay in Guanggu City, even if I win this battle, I will face revenge from Helan Lu and Murong Town afterwards, I have to take this opportunity. Go to the north and take over the Helan Department, so that you can keep yourself safe."

When Gu said this, Gongsun Wulou stared at He Lanmin without moving, and said sternly: "Minmin, your elder brother and you are just brothers and sisters in name, but he abandoned you since childhood and sent you to Dugu alone. The ministry went to be a witch, and only used it for you, and this time, it is a good opportunity for you to take revenge on him, only by following me can I give you long-term peace."

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "Why should I believe you? I have no love with you, and there is no mutual use of each other. If the token is in your hands, I will have no effect on you. Why do you still protect me?"

There was a hint of loneliness in Gongsun Wulou's eyes, and he murmured: "Over the years, as a disciple of Heipao, and also as his craziest evil dog, I have done too many things that are destructive and contrary to conscience. I don’t know how many people want to kill me, even this Guanggu City, which should be my home, but it is the place I want to escape most now, that feeling, I think you must be familiar with it.”

He Lanmin didn't answer this, but tears welled up in his eyes.

Gongsun Wulou looked at He Lanmin: "I'm tired, I don't want to do those things anymore, and I don't want to be driven by others, I just want to have my own tribe, have my own small foundation in this troubled world, and not be afraid of others After annexation, there is no need to be instructed. After the Helan Department was pacified, we took advantage of the battle between Hei Pao and Liu Yu, and went all the way north, returning to the grasslands, to a place where no one could harm us and live a free life. Minmin, don't you want a day like this?"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "I still have revenge to avenge. I also want to take revenge on the Northern Wei Dynasty, and take revenge on the emperors and generals of the Northern Wei Dynasty who killed my son!"

Gongsun Wulou shook his head: "Minmin, it's a gift from God to be able to breathe and talk now, your son was killed, but you and I don't know how many sons were killed. If we come and go, can we repay it? We can have more sons together in the future. Isn't it more necessary to let these children grow up and enjoy love and happiness than to avenge a dead person? "

He Lanmin was silent for a while, then sighed faintly: "You're right, maybe, I'm not trying to avenge my son, but to fulfill my obsession. I love Tuoba silicon because of love and hate, so I try my best to make it happen. I took revenge on him, but ended up taking my son's life instead. I brought it all on myself, no one is to blame. Gongsun Fifth Floor, I thank you for reminding me so that I can wake up, and I will attack north together with Murong Lin. Yes, I hope I can help you realize your plan, but you also remember your words, this time if you deceive me and use me again, then my revenge and curse will be the most regrettable thing in your life!"

As she spoke, she rode away, Wang Mengzi followed her closely, and Gongsun Wulou, who was behind him, looked at her leaving back, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, which disappeared in an instant.

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