Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3368: On the 5th floor, I want to vote for Hou Qin to go

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With the sound of horse hooves, a galloping horse came, even the man and the horse, all wrapped in thick armor, galloped to the fifth floor of Gongsun, pulled down his face, and showed a shaggy face in his thirties. In front of Gongsun's fifth floor, the outline is somewhat similar to that of Gongsun's fifth floor. A mole the size of a mung bean is beating around his mouth, which is the most typical feature of this person, except for the horizontal flesh and beard on his face. , He grinned: "Fifth brother, everything is done, and now this armored cavalry is in our hands again."

Gongsun Fifth Floor nodded with satisfaction: "Liu Xiu, this time we finally have a unit that can fully obey orders, we can make good use of it. By the way, these armored cavalry, do they really obey our orders?"

This person's name is Gongsun Liuxiu, and he is the half-brother of Gongsun Wulou. Back then, Gongsun Wulou was a wanderer with Murong Chao for many years, but this Gongsun Liuxiu had been separated from them for many years and had been serving as a low-level soldier in the post-Qin army. He fought against Hu Xia and Zhu Liang, and fought many big battles.

Gongsun Wulou later fled back to Nanliang with Murong Chao, and he also left the Houqin army and came to defect. He is one of the few relatives of Gongsun Wulou who has military experience and is a certain general. Because of this, he was reused by Gongsun's fifth floor. He not only became the captain of his guard, but also used him as a general to command the troops during wars, and the effect was not bad.

Gongsun Liuxiu hooked the corners of his mouth: "The armored cavalry is Dayan's first-class elite, and the soldiers are all elite soldiers selected from thousands of miles, and they can be trained to the point that they will die. In such a short time just now, every The officers of the team said that they could change, and no one had any objection, and our people tried to direct them to change formations according to the standard military orders. "

Gongsun Wulou nodded with satisfaction: "It's fine if there is no problem. Do these soldiers know what to do next?"

Gongsun Liuxiu nodded and said, "Murong Lin told them before that they want to break out of the city. If it goes well, go all the way to the north and go straight to the Helan Department to leave fire for Dayan."

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "I'm looking for you for this, this time we won't go to the Helan Department in the north, after a while out of the city, let He Lanmin and Murong Lin's small cavalry of 100 or 200 people head north, and the big army will follow me. west.."

Gongsun Liuxiu's eyes widened: "Fifth brother, what are you doing, the national teacher is not..."

Gongsun Wulou gave Gongsun Liuxiu a vicious look, Gongsun Liuxiu's tiger body vibrated slightly, closed his mouth, and murmured, "Could it be, are we really going to leave the black robe this time?"

Gongsun Wulou gritted his teeth: "A companion is like a tiger, let alone a big devil like Heipao. If he can defend Guanggu, he will definitely throw us out to Murong Zhen and Helan Lu for disposal. , you say, just relying on what we did in Dongcheng, they will spare you, or will they spare me?"

Gongsun Liuxiu frowned: "But we are carrying out the orders given by the black robe. Even if we are responsible, it should not be our responsibility."

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "Will Heipao admit that he ordered me? At that time, he passed a password, and he wanted me to act with the token, so he could put all the responsibility on me, otherwise why not let others go with this order. Execution? You boy, can you have snacks besides fighting?"

Gongsun Liuxiu murmured: "Since this is the case, why did you still accept this order at that time, fifth brother?"

Gongsun Wulou said bitterly: "Nonsense, we were all in the city at the time, could we not listen to Hei Pao's orders? That's why I must leave him after the battle. Hei Pao can hold Guanggu. He will take us as a scapegoat, and if he can’t keep Guanggu, he will leave us to die, and he will flee to the north to take over the Helan Department again.

Gongsun Liuxiu said with a smile: "Then why don't we go to the Helan tribe in the north to control the tribe. If the Helan tribe is in our hands, then the black robe is coming, and we are not afraid of him!"

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "Because the Helan tribe is not ours, and the token is in Helanmin's hands, this **** doesn't pretend to be obedient to me now, but he just wants to use the soldiers and horses I brought to help her control the tribe. Once she succeeds, she will definitely kick me away, and even kill me. Besides, I have a deep hatred with the Helan Division, as long as Helanmin blacks us out, the news of Helan Harimu and thousands of Helan Division sergeants is in the tribe. If it spreads out, is there still a way for us to survive?"

Gongsun Liuxiu murmured, "Then where can we go? Two thousand soldiers and horses are heading west, could it be..."

His eyes lit up: "Could it be that we went to Houqin?!"

Gongsun Wulou nodded with satisfaction: "You still have contact with Yao Yi of the post-Qin clan guarding Bingzhou. I have been telling you not to cut off correspondence with him over the years."

Gongsun Liuxiu hurriedly nodded and said: "I have always done as you ordered. He has written several times to imply that he welcomes me back, even to the fifth brother, he also said that as long as you are willing to go, you must be a high-ranking official, rich and rich. , the relatives of our clansmen who stayed in Houqin are doing well now, and they are not implicated because of what happened back then."

Gongsun Wulou said with a sneer, "In this chaotic world, with many heroes rising together, people will always leave a way out for themselves. We followed Murong Chao only because he was the only son and nephew of Emperor Murong Bide of Nanyan. It's just that the dragon is on top~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the end, this guy is not up to his expectations, his power has fallen by the wayside, and Nanyan has also made Heipao what he is now. We can't accompany their surnamed Murong to death. Anyway, we did our best to be worthy of their Murong. 's."

Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth: "But the world knows your relationship with Murong Chao, Hou Qin, can we really go back?"

Gongsun Wulou nodded confidently: "It depends on whether you are useful to others. If our brothers go there, it may indeed be handed over to Yao Xing and returned to Liu Yu, but we brought 2,000 armored cavalry. But the strongest cavalry in the world, Hou Qin is now so difficult to fight with Hu Xia, because the cavalry is not good, there are two thousand armored cavalry, the east can defend the Northern Wei Dynasty, the north can attack Hu Xia, then Yao Xing can't do without Here we are."

Gongsun Liuxiu still had some doubts: "It's unlikely that they will hand over this army to us like this."

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "The army is in our hands, everything is easy to say, Yao Xing is a smart person, when their Yao family was attached to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was because his uncle Yao Xiang refused to send officials from the Eastern Jin Dynasty to intervene in their tribe and army. He will not fail to understand the truth of defecting from Jin, I accept the banner of Hou Qin, but develop this army independently, they provide food, grass and weapons, and give us combat tasks."

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