Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3371: The Northern Wei Dynasty did not retain the right to lead the army

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Gongsun Wulou said coldly: "My thoughts are all made after careful consideration, not a whim. You are also a leader of the army. You should know that in any battle, before you win, you must first consider defeat. I must do well. There is more than one choice to ensure a retreat. Only to ensure the survival of you people, understand?"

Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth: "But now the Jin army is our number one mortal enemy. From Linqu to this Guanggu, we have countless relatives and friends who died in their hands, and these soldiers and soldiers in armor and cavalry, even more so with Jin. The enemy is as deep as the sea, and it is impossible to reconcile. You would rather die in battle than surrender to the enemy. Fifth brother, when you are thinking about retreating, you should also consider people's hearts and feelings. You can leave thirty-seven beautiful wives and concubines behind. Don't take it seriously, but ordinary soldiers can't be as free and easy as you."

Gongsun Wulou said solemnly: "It is because of the consideration of people's hearts that we cannot surrender to Liu Yu. If we block the way for the Northern Wei Dynasty and cannot get through with Hou Qin, what will you choose then, do you want to surrender to the Northern Wei Dynasty? ?"

Gongsun Liuxiu hooked the corner of his mouth: "It is better to surrender to the Northern Wei Dynasty than to surrender to the Jin state. If you really want to choose the soldiers, then it is better to surrender to the Northern Wei Dynasty."

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "That's why you are only worthy of being driven by others and being manipulated by others, because you have no brains and don't know the stakes. Who is the Northern Wei Dynasty, can you tell me?"

Gongsun Liuxiu said solemnly, "Isn't it the barbarian that the Tuoba clan brought from the grassland, and it's not a man-eating monster with three heads and six arms. What can't we cooperate with them?"

Gongsun Wulou said coldly: "Of course not, the Northern Wei Dynasty is different from Jin and Hou Qin, they came from the grasslands, and the military system is different from the Central Plains, so this kind of soldiers will not be allowed to be a general. If you surrender to the Northern Wei Dynasty, then you really have to surrender all your troops and horses and let them be slaughtered. If you don't say anything else, let's just say that this Helan tribe is an old-fashioned steppe tribe that started with Tuobaqi, and Helanlu is even more so. Tuoba silicon's uncle, but even this kind of relationship is forced to betray, why?"

Gongsun Liuxiu's eyes lit up: "Because the Tuoba clan wants to annex the army of the Helan tribe?"

Gongsun Wulou nodded: "That's it, Tuoba silicon will not allow each tribe to continue to retain its own army, becoming the kind of force that may defect at any time and is not subject to its own power, so at the Niuchuan Conference, when building an empire It was ordered that all ministries must provide troops, under the direct jurisdiction of the Northern Wei court, and the children of tribal leaders and nobles should be gathered in Pingcheng in the name of learning culture, as hostages. In addition, Northern Wei officials should be placed in the tribe. Direct governance and interference in the internal affairs of these tribes, you say, what is the difference between such governance and the establishment of a county system and conscription in the Central Plains?"

Gongsun Liuxiu murmured: "No wonder the Helan Department is going to rebel. If you do this, you will no longer be an ally and partner, but a courtier. But if we defect to the past, they will take our troops and horses like this in the Northern Wei Dynasty. According to what you said, it seems that not all the tribes' soldiers and horses were taken away, but only a part of the elite soldiers."

Gongsun Wulou sneered: "Those tribal lords are at least fighting with the Northern Wei Dynasty. They are our own people, what are we? If they really voted, they would be nothing more than bereaved dogs. They can't let us continue to retain the army. Just like the armed forces of these Han people in Hebei, it is not allowed to keep them now, I would rather go back to Guanggu than go to the Northern Wei Dynasty, this choice, don’t even think about it!”

Gongsun Liuxiu said thoughtfully: "So, if the Northern Wei Dynasty cuts off our connection with Hou Qin, you will go to Liu Yi?"

Gongsun Wulou nodded: "The Northern Wei Dynasty has not attacked Nanyan in the past few years, firstly because they were also during the national mourning period and could not send troops, and secondly because Helanlu had been guarding the northern border, leaving the Wei army no chance to take advantage, or even able to take advantage of it. In turn, the Hebei of the Wei state was not safe, so that Tuoba Qi had to slaughter the entire Qinghe County to establish his prestige before his death. The third is also because the civil strife in the Northern Wei Dynasty is continuing, and the Mobei tribes are almost all rebelled. I heard that There is also a tribe called Rouran that has become a climate, and vaguely follows the old road of Tuoba and silicon, and has the ambition to establish the Mobei Khanate. Therefore, the Northern Wei Dynasty is now defending from the south and attacking the north, seeking stability in the south, and concentrating its forces to fight in the desert Suppress the rebellion."

"If we go to the Northern Wei Dynasty at this time, it will be a big trouble for them. The Northern Wei Emperor Tuoba is not the kind of guy Yao Xing is very happy with. He likes to recruit and surrender and betray generals as Pingfan. If we don't surrender to the Northern Wei Dynasty, we will see them as enemies and we will take the initiative to eliminate them, so we must find another backer."

Gongsun Liuxiu frowned: "Can't we find Hou Qin? Why do we have to find Liu Yi's Jin army?"

Gongsun Wulou said angrily: "If I can get Hou Qin, do I still need to choose this way? Isn't this a shot at the Northern Wei Dynasty to isolate us from the connection with Hou Qin, and the follow-up choice in this situation is to Otherwise, the Northern Wei Dynasty will not let us occupy the northwest of Lu and ignore it."

Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth: "But can Liu Yi allow us to exist? Not to mention that he is the Jin army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is our enemy, even as a Jin general, he is not very Maybe let us continue to control the territory and troops."

Gongsun Wulou smiled slightly: "Of course it won't work to replace Liu Yu, but Liu Yi, his method of leading troops is different from Liu Yu's. He does not have the same way of mobilizing national troops and mobilizing the elite soldiers of the whole Jin Dynasty. He has the ability of a state, but also has the support of many aristocratic families in Jiankang City. With a lot of money and food, he can buy a lot of stragglers and ronin warriors in this troubled world. As long as he is willing to fight for him, he will not come. Refused, even, there are many army leaders and thieves who have defected with hundreds or thousands of people, and he will directly give them the name of the army leader, delineate a piece of territory, and let them be independent."

Gongsun Liuxiu's eyes widened: "Is this okay?"

Gongsun Wulou said with a sneer: "When the Eastern Jin general Zu Ti was on the northern expedition, he also used this trick. This is an expedient method to make up for the lack of Eastern Jin military strength. Anyway, if you expand outward, these territorial troops are not your own, so add them first. Winning over and then slowly merging later, this is what a warlord like Liu Yi did in a chaotic world. If Yao Xing protected us out of hypocrisy and good deeds, Liu Yi was out of his ambition to recruit troops. We are useful to him, especially These two thousand armored cavalry are what he can't ask for, so he will definitely take us in!"

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