Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3372: Borrowing a knife to kill the 5th floor plan

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Gongsun Liuxiu swallowed a saliva: "However, we have such a deep hatred with Liu Yu, and Liu Yi and Liu Yu are also generals in the Beifu. Yu?"

Gongsun Wulou laughed: "Liu Xiu, you don't understand, Liu Yu and Liu Yi are brothers who have been alive and dead for decades on the surface, but they are fighting openly and secretly, and they have never stopped. After all, the boss of the Beifu Army , and even the position of the most powerful minister in the Eastern Jin Dynasty is only one, and no one wants to let it go."

"I heard that Liu Yi even personally assassinated Liu Yu in order to seize Liu Yu's position in the past. Although it was later revealed for the sake of internal unity, it at least shows that these superficial brotherhoods are far from being seen. It's reliable, just like our relationship with Heipao, called master and apprentice, but in fact, I just don't want to stay by his side for a moment."

Gongsun Liuxiu blinked: "But even if they have a conflict, Liu Yi openly takes us in and takes in Liu Yu's enemy, doesn't he just want to turn against Liu Yuming?"

Gongsun Wulou sneered and said: "Then Liu Yu attacked Dayan this time, didn't he include the army and generals of Nanyan? What about the Taishan prefect Shen Xuan, the former rebel general of Dayan, Duan Hong? They all went to Liu Yu's hands? If Guanggu is captured, and Murong Lan is there, there will definitely be a large number of Nanyan generals, and even this Murong Town may surrender Liu Yu, then Liu Yu's The strength will increase a lot, so why can he recruit the old generals of Nanyan and expand his strength, but Liu Yi can't?"

Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth: "So that's the case, I thought Liu Yu would kill Nanyan's enemies. It seems that he is not so cruel."

Gongsun Wulou said solemnly: "Liu Yu killed my Dayan for practical interests, not for the purpose of killing people and massacres. After winning, we must consider the post-war governance. Those Han people who are now submissive to him are tyrannical. They are all slick and unreliable. In order to govern Nanyan, there must be some Xianbei people and other Hu people of various ethnic groups left behind. Thinking that it is a constraint, Murong Lan went to negotiate with him, probably to negotiate these conditions, but I don’t know where to negotiate. , So it's like this. But if he really won Guanggu, there's no need to talk about it, it's just what he thinks."

Having said this, Gongsun Wulou paused: "However, no matter how Liu Yu pardons others, he will not let us go. First, I am a disciple of Hei Pao, and I am the mastermind who offered a strategy to attack the Eastern Jin last time. Second I have done too much dirty work and killed too many Beifu troops in this defense of the city. They all want to eat me and sleep on my skin. Even the Xianbei people in this city, there are many relatives who died under my command, such as This Murong Lin, and Helan Lu, if they are still alive after the city is broken, they will kill me and then quickly. Liu Yu will kill me because of the need to appease these people. If Liu Yu surrendered, he could only run to Liu Yi, and if he had to surrender to Da Jin to save his life, only Liu Yi could save us."

Gongsun Liuxiu's eyes widened: "Well, can that really save your life?"

Gongsun Wulou said bitterly: "When there is no way out, the only way is to take this road, two thousand armored cavalry, and if Guanggu falls, people will be panicked, and they will not be able to withstand the attack of the Northern Wei Dynasty, so they defected to Liu Yi. Dedicating to him the prefectures and counties of Western Lu, so that Liu Yi's territory can be extended to the front line of Qilu, is what he wants. In addition, in order to fight against Liu Yu, it shows that he has the ability to protect those who are enemies of Liu Yu. It is also him. what needs to be done.”

Gongsun Liuxiu sighed: "But I still don't want to bow to these Jin people Wu Er, if it's not really desperate, fifth brother, let's not go this way, okay?"

Gongsun Wulou smiled slightly: "This is natural, for us, the first choice is of course to get through the connection with Hou Qin, enter the land of Qilu after the war, retreat to the west and enter the Central Plains to become an independent force under the protection of Hou Qin. Better than now, well, Sixth Cultivation, I have told you all my plans, you have a bottom line, and you will help me command the troops on the battlefield, understand?"

Gongsun Liuxiu nodded, but he still thought of something. He looked in the direction of the city gate. Murong Lin's team of cavalry under the King of the North Sea had gathered together. There were more than 200 cavalry. The robes have also been changed to the ice dragon logo of the North Sea King, which is different from the armored cavalry of other teams. He Lanmin and Wang Mengzi stood at a distance more than 20 paces away from their cavalry team, acting independently.

Gongsun Liuxiu sighed: "Murong Lin and He Lanmin are not fools. They should have seen something wrong soon. What if they come to us?"

Gongsun Wulou said with a sneer, "But what if there are more than 200 people here? If you can help us divert the Beifu army's ambushes, it would be best if there were no ambushes. Encountered an ambush, hehe, just relying on these more than 200 riders, and still want to kill, isn’t that a dream?!”

Gongsun Liuxiu's eyes widened: "What, fifth brother, do you want to take the opportunity..."

Gongsun Wulou said gloomily: "This kid has already become suspicious of me, and he has been asking him how his eldest brother died. If He Lanmin hadn't rescued me, I'm afraid there would have been a conflict just now. This kid is He was brought up by his eldest brother since he was a child, and Huo Zhan also taught martial arts, and his feelings are extraordinary, so wouldn't it be a good thing to send their brothers to reunite early?"

Gongsun Liuxiu hooked the corner of his mouth: "But in this way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Beihai King Murong Zhen, how can he spare us?"

Gongsun Wulou said with a smile: "Who told him to hide now, he has disregarded his son's life, so what can he blame us for? It was the order from Hei Pao, asking us to protect He Lanmin and attack north, but I didn't fail to execute it. In fact, if I try to find out that there is an ambush by the Jin army at the north gate, I would like to see if Murong Town, the old fox, wants to save his precious son, or continue to carry out the military order of the black robe? The bigger the Jin army is in ambush, the bigger the fight, the more lively it will be, and the higher our chances of breaking out of the siege will be.”

A trace of unbearable flashed across Gongsun Liuxiu's face: "Could it be that we really only care about ourselves like this, and don't think about how to defend the city at all?"

Gongsun Wulou sneered and said: "Life is gone, do you want this city to be used for shit? You have to escape this Guanggu, then whether this city is defended or captured, does it make any difference to us? Sixth Cultivation, don't I can't bear your three concubines, brother promises you, as long as I rush out and find you thirty, what's the problem? Okay, let's go back to your position, use a trick, you can't, fight, I can't , I'll be relying on you to charge in a while."

Gongsun Liuxiu gritted his teeth: "Thirty is not enough, I want fifty!"

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