Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3373: Charm stunner new target

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North Gate, behind the city gate.

Two thousand armored cavalrymen had been silently lined up. The two hundred cavalry of the Beihai King Guard were divided into two teams, standing at the forefront. Murong Lin stood at the head of one team and immediately crossed the lance, while the other team , then a strange hollow circle was formed, with He Lanmin and Wang Mengzi in the middle, and the riders in the inner circle were more than 20 steps away from them, making this circle look more dense than other dense riding formations. More than twice as big, it also made the two people in the array particularly conspicuous.

Murong Lin had already finished his lecture to the knights behind him. He took a deep breath, put on his helmet, pulled down his seat, and turned around to stare at the inner door. Hundreds of auxiliary soldiers and civilians were running around, moving away. Once the sandbag behind the city gate is cleaned up, the gate will open quickly, and the two thousand iron cavalry will all rush out of the city within half a quarter of an hour, all the way to the north!

A low voice, as thin as a gnat, rang in Murong Lin's ear: "General Xiaolin, can you talk to me?"

Murong Lin heard He Lanmin's voice and turned to look, only to see that He Lanmin was still in the center of the circle a few dozen steps away, looking at him and nodded slightly.

Murong Lin froze in his heart, but he still rode his horse to the side. A few guards wanted to follow, but they waved to him: "I'll come as soon as I go, there's no need to follow."

Murong Lin walked to an open space about a hundred paces away from the two teams of cavalry. There was no sergeant within fifty paces. He Lanmin, who was dressed as a soldier, also came slowly on his horse. The guards were patrolling the city wall, and Murong Lin frowned slightly: "Why didn't the deaf and dumb guard come along, didn't he say that he would never leave his wife?"

He Lanmin smiled sweetly: "He is very obedient. I told him to wait for me, and he would not move. General Xiaolin, time is limited. Before attacking, I think there are some things I might want to tell you."

Murong Lin said indifferently: "Madam, what else do you want to say? My mission is to take the two hundred Beihai Palace guards, **** Madam to the north, break through the encirclement and go to the Helan Department. I can't do anything else. Madam. If you have other ideas, you should find someone on the fifth floor."

He Lanmin frowned slightly: "Do you really believe in the fifth floor of Gongsun?"

Murong Lin was a little surprised and hooked the corners of his mouth: "Why did Madam say this? He is the chief general, I am a former army general, and there is an obvious relationship between superiors and subordinates. I can only obey his orders, and I can't say whether I believe it or not. Yes, even if I want to die alone, it is still an order, and I must obey."

He Lanmin shook his head: "You are a soldier, and a soldier should take obedience to orders as his natural duty, but when obedience, you should also think about whether such orders are worthwhile. If you are dedicated to serving the country and the public, like your father-in-law. Yes, his orders should naturally be followed exactly as you said, but if it's Gongsun's fifth floor..." Having said that, her eyes flowed, and she hesitated.

Murong Lin sighed: "Even if it is Gongsun Wulou, even if I don't like this person, but now he is my boss, the commander, I have to obey his orders, otherwise if I don't like a person in the army, I will Wouldn't this army be a mess if you don't listen to his orders as the commander? Don't say it's me, it's the madam, from now on, you can only listen to his orders."

He Lanmin curled the corners of his lips in disdain, and blew the hair on her forehead: "I'm not his subordinate, so I don't need to obey his orders. In fact, I'm his superior. Because of this Carry out the task of the national teacher he received, but he must **** me to the north with all his strength."

Murong Lin frowned slightly: "But madam, you seem to be quite dissatisfied with the lord on the fifth floor, or else you wouldn't tell me these words, what are you worried about?"

He Lanmin gritted his teeth: "Things are not the same as the original plan, Gongsun's fifth floor should be taking 2,000 iron cavalry to **** me to the north, but he just said that only your 200 cavalry will take me to the north. The troops are going in other directions, and he said, what kind of art of war is this. General Xiaolin, I am a woman and I don’t understand military affairs. Tell me, is this the art of war that allows us to break through, or the art of war that makes us die?”

Murong Lin's expression changed slightly: "Does the fifth floor really say that?"

He Lanmin said sternly: "Yes, what did he say about a small force attacking, the Jin army would think it was a bait and would hold on to the troops, and two hundred of us could easily rush out, and even the Jin army would not stop them, they turned to other places, The chasing soldiers of the Jin army will also chase them, and let us go, this is what the art of warfare is."

Murong Lin shook his head: "This is not some kind of art of war. Gongsun Fifth Floor arranged this to let us divert the Jin army away. He himself has a good chance to stand out from other places. We won't let us escape from the north just like that, just send a few hundred cavalry to pursue them, and besides, there are dense forests and rivers and other ambush places, as long as we start a little bit, then we will not be able to escape."

He Lanmin's eyes were wide open, and he threw a fist on the high bridge of the saddle: "This kid is really playing with us. Fortunately, I asked you General Xiaolin, otherwise, I will be fooled by this guy again."

Murong Lin sighed: "But even if I know this, I can only obey his orders. Who calls him the chief commander? There are temptations to lure the enemy in battle. To test these tactics, someone has to carry them out. It's just that we, as soldiers, You must abide by the military orders, and as you said just now, Madam, you are a nobleman and are not under the jurisdiction of the fifth-floor adults. I think you should follow his army. "

He said here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as soon as he reined in, he was about to turn back.

He Lanmin said solemnly: "Wait a minute, General Xiaolin, let me ask you, if you really take me out of the siege and open the way to the north, will you go to the Helan Department with me?"

Murong Lin's brows furrowed: "The order given to me by the lord on the fifth floor is to take you out of the siege, as for after the breakout, if he is still with us, then I have to continue to listen to his orders, if he is not there, then I have to Execute the previous command, and after completing the task, go back to the city and assist in defending the city."

He Lanmin shook his head: "It's very difficult to kill them out. If you want to kill a team of two hundred people, I'm afraid there won't be any left. If I invite you to the north in the name of the Helan clan chief. , would you like to help me reorganize the Helan Department?"

As she spoke, she smiled lightly, and approached Murong Lin, and a plain hand as white as jade, accompanied by the breathtaking fragrance of rosemary, caught up with Murong Lin's hand holding the rein, the feeling of electricity, suddenly crisp Covering Murong Lin's whole body, He Lanmin's voice also revealed a shocking psychedelic. Murong Lin's mind immediately began to repeat three words: follow her!

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