Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3376: Before Dashi violated the order and dispatched troops

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Guanggu, outside Beicheng, Sanli.

On a small hill, there are several people wearing khaki cloaks, looking from a distance on the city wall, it is impossible to notice how many living people are still here, and their war horses are obediently lying on the ground. After Xiaoqiu, he was also clothed in yellow canvas, with a chew on his mouth, and he didn't say a word. If anyone saw such a scene, they would be greatly surprised and deeply moved. There is someone in this world who can put a warhorse. The mount is also trained to the point of being so quiet!

Zhu Lingshi was wearing a yellow cloak, and his helmets were placed on the back of the hill behind him. Along with the helmets of the others, they were also covered with cloth to avoid reflection, while grass rings were on their heads. , a few pairs of piercing eyes, staring at the gate of the North City. . .

The south wind howled and the west wind was fierce, and the cries of killing from the various cities came wave after wave, and Sun Chu frowned slightly: "It seems that the fighting in all the cities is very fierce, I see Yan Yan. The army will not break out of Beicheng at this time, is it a waste of us to be here?"

Yuqiu Jin on the side shook his head: "How can it be wasted, Sandanzi, think about it, if the black-robed old thief really can't take it anymore, then he must abandon the city to break through, is it possible to open the city? The door, rush out through the other city gates, it must be our place."

Sun Chu shook his head: "Hei Pao didn't think there was an ambush here, right? He's not that stupid. If I were him, I'd rather go through another door, such as breaking through the east gate, and Changmin might have a better chance."

Yuqiu Jin shook his head: "Didn't I say earlier, Brother Changmin has even caught up with all the shorties who dig tunnels. This time, he has paid his old bills, and he won't fight Heipao to the end."

Sun Chu hooked the corner of his mouth: "Anyway, I just don't think it's very reliable for the black robe to break through this north gate."

Zhu Lingshi whispered, "Two eldest brothers, trust me, the Yan army will be dispatched soon."

Sun Chu's expression changed: "I said Brother Dashio, do you have any basis for saying this? Could it be that you think the same as Xiao Guizi, Yan Jun can't hold back and wants to break through?"

Zhu Lingshi shook his head: "It's not to break through the siege, it's to defuse our attack on the city. Now that we can only defend and not attack, it is obvious that we can't defend the city. It is the best policy for the attacking side to have some scruples.”

Sun Chu frowned: "What you said is indeed in line with the art of war, but if you want to do this, you have to divide your troops out of the city and set up a large camp before the war, so that one city and one battalion can support each other."

Zhu Lingshi nodded: "Yes, according to the art of war, it should be like this, but before the war, Guanggu City gathered more than 200,000 Xianbei people from all over Nanyan into the city, and food and grass became a big problem, and our army There is enough time to besiege without attacking, even if you rely on consumption, you can slowly exhaust the Yan army who set up camp outside the city. Therefore, Hei Pao considered it again and again, and did not choose the strategy of setting up camp outside the city from the beginning."

Yuqiu Jin smiled and said: "Then what you said about dispersing the army of the attacking side means that when defending the city, a wave of cavalry was suddenly shot out, and then roamed on the battlefield, making our armies all fearful. Dare to attack the city with all your strength?"

Zhu Lingshi smiled slightly: "That's right, in the battle of Guanggu, although we severely damaged the Yan army, they still had a lot of armored cavalry to survive. So far, their cavalry has not been dispatched. I think, yes For the black robe, using this iron cavalry to get out of the city at a critical time is much more reliable than protecting them from the encirclement."

Sun Chu said with a sneer: "Brother Ji Nu has been guarding against them for a long time, so long sieges have been erected everywhere to prevent their cavalry from attacking our army camp after leaving the city. , it is not easy, and our ambush can intercept them?!"

Zhu Lingshi said thoughtfully: "But if they didn't break through and expand to the north, our ambush soldiers would be arranged in the dense forest ten miles away from the city, and there would be an ambush there, although it could block their escape route to the north. But what if the Yan army's cavalry did not go north, but went west, east, around the city wall, and then intercepted our army's siege troops horizontally?"

Yu Qiujin's eyes widened: "What, do you mean that their iron cavalry is going to fight within the long circle? How is this possible, the space is too narrow to expand."

Zhu Lingshi shook his head: "If it's normal, it can't be unfolded, but if the siege battle is at its most intense, the main force of our army will go to the top of the city, even if the cavalry is in a narrow space of three hundred paces wide. , can also play a huge role, does not require too many troops, as long as three thousand cavalry, it is enough to defeat a siege direction of our army. If I were a black robe, I would use troops like this!"

Sun Chu and Yu Qiujin looked solemn: "Then what should we do now?"

Zhu Lingshi's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said thoughtfully: "Just now there was a cloud of dust in the city, it should be the enemy's cavalry that moved. If I expected it right, they should be dispatched at this time. Whether it is to divert the attention of our army, make the siege armies of our army be afraid and dare not attack the city with all their strength, or really want to attack our army's siege armies, we should act at this time, we can no longer Just wait and get ready."

Sun Chu's brows furrowed: "You want to transfer the chariot troops that are ambushed in the jungle, and fight the enemy cavalry here?"

Zhu Lingshi nodded: "Yes, we no longer need to prevent them from escaping from the north. At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we need to assess the situation and ensure that there are no problems with other siege directions. If there are enemy cavalry out of the city, Then you don't need to lead them to the jungle and destroy them, but firmly block them in the city, and prevent their brigade of iron cavalry from attacking the city, causing trouble to other brothers in our army!"

Yu Qiujin's expression changed slightly: "Big stone, this is an unauthorized modification of the military order. The task that Brother Ji Nu gave us is..."

Zhu Lingshi gritted his teeth: "The plan is not as fast as change, so we didn't expect that this siege would be so tragic. Now that Brother Ji Nu is directing the siege of Nancheng himself, it is impossible to take into account all the circumstances, nor We will know that the enemy forces in the North Gate are mobilizing now, and they will definitely take action. If we stick to the original plan, we are afraid that we will miss a major event. I am the commander of the North Gate, and I will bear all the responsibilities. Big brother, please support brother this time."

Sun Chu and Yu Qiujin looked at each other, nodded and said, "We will follow your orders!"

Zhu Lingshi said solemnly, "Two hundred chariots were dispatched, three thousand foot soldiers came forward, one thousand iron cavalry are now in formation, and as long as the enemy forces leave the city, they will push me back!"


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