Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3377: The gates are wide open and the iron rides out

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Before he could finish his words, he only heard Sun Chu exclaiming, "Open, the city gate is open!"

I saw that the suspension bridge at the head of the city was lowered heavily, and the gate was slowly opened. The sky was full of dust. A group of cavalry, all in full armor, and a knight on the main horse, held a lance in one hand and the reins in the other, and let the cavalry wear a vest. The second horse, followed him in the charge, a big flag with the words "Beihai" written on it, fluttered high in the hands of the leading flag soldier, and all the knights who rushed out of the city were all blue cloaks, with the same color as their bodies. of pale armor, complementing each other.

Zhu Lingshi murmured: "It was actually the iron cavalry of the King of the North Sea that took the lead. It seems that the Yan army is also going to be desperate. With the most elite troops rushing ahead, it is to open a gap!"

There was a burst of cheers in the city, and countless voices were shouting: "Long live, long live, long live!"

This time, Yuqiu Jin's expression also changed. He pointed at a knight in golden armor and golden armor who rushed out of the city, and said, "This, is this Murong Chao?"

Sun Chu looked closely, and murmured: "It should not be wrong, when he was in Linqu, he was dressed like this with golden armor and golden armor. Could it be that Murong Chao personally led the attack and wanted to break the siege of our army in one fell swoop. ?"

Sun Chu said excitedly: "Big Stone, I think the strategy needs to be changed. Since Murong Chao rushed out by himself, that is the best chance for us to take him down in one fell swoop. We might as well use a small force to intercept it. Then cheat defeat and lead him to chase to the dense forest. Our ambush can just be launched. No matter how many iron cavalry he has, he can take down Murong Chao first. If Murong Chao falls into our hands, the morale of the city will inevitably collapse. This battle, You can win without a fight!"

Yuqiu Jin also said solemnly: "I agree with Sandanzi, I am willing to lead the troops to lure the enemy in person!"

Zhu Lingshi stared at the city gate without moving, only to see Murong, who was in golden armor and golden armor, go beyond the city, and was not in a hurry to charge out, but stood on the side of the city gate, constantly moving towards the endless stream. The cavalry rushing out of the city waved their hands in greeting, and those who went out, the North Sea King Iron Cavalry with the blue cape, did not stop.

Zhu Lingshi shook his head: "This person is definitely not Murong Chao, and the movement of the enemy army should still be as I imagined the siege troops of our army to attack our army just now. Our plan remains unchanged, and it is still to be determined. Push back this wave of enemy troops who have left the city, and send orders to the troops in the rear, without covering or hiding, all troops advance at full speed and arrive here at the fastest speed.

Sun Chu jumped up anxiously: "This is a great opportunity to capture Murong Chao, you can end this battle at once, Big Stone, even if Brother Ji Nu is your master protecting you, but if you miss such a big event this time, He can't protect you from behind."

Yu Qiujin said in a deep voice, "Yes, to carry out the original plan, even if you let some enemy cavalry rush out, it's not your responsibility, but if you let Murong Chao go back to the city, it would be a big sin. already."

Zhu Lingshi suddenly drew out his long sword, jumped up, raised his eyebrows, and said sternly, "Two generals, how can you be a pity when you do something big? How can you care about your personal gain or loss? Master gave us the North Gate, what you want is We guarantee that the enemy forces here will not pose a threat to the siege, and it would be a big sin if we let the enemy go without making any mistakes.”

He casually pointed at Murong Chao, who was in golden armor and golden armor: "The enemy is not a fool, and they don't know that the North City is in danger. If it was true that Murong Chao led his troops to attack to boost morale, he would not be standing in the same position as he is now. The gate of the city does not move, he is here for us to see, not for his own soldiers. If we really think that this is Murong Chao and want to lure him to the jungle and deliberately open the space, then it is the best It's the enemy's trick!"

Sun Chu's eyes lit up: "Yeah, what Big Stone said makes sense, during the battle of Linqu, Murong Chao was at the height of the battle, because the city was raided, and he was so frightened that he abandoned the city and fled before he saw our army. Now, how can such a coward become strong and brave all of a sudden? This should probably just be a stand-in to attract the attention of our army."

Yuqiu Jin also followed: "Yes, if Murong Chao personally led the troops to break through the siege, it should have been dispatched by the emperor's guards, why would they rush with the soldiers and horses of the King of the North Sea, Big Stone, we were excited for a while, If you have lost your calm judgment, you don't care about our opinions, you can decide for yourself, we will obey your orders!"

Zhu Lingshi turned his head and looked to the rear. Five miles away, the smoke and dust were billowing, accompanied by the trembling of the earth. Obviously, a large army was rapidly gathering here. He glanced at the sky, the sun was already leaning westward, and In the dozens of mounds and long grasses around, cavalry and cavalry were faintly emerging. The war horses that were lying on the ground just now stood up one after another, and the riders also turned on their horses. They are quickly putting armor on the horses, and handing the long lance and the bow to the knights. Obviously, the war is about to break out.

Zhu Lingshi put on his helmet, and the two guards began to quickly wrap up the armor on his body, Zhu Lingshi's eyes were bright: "Brother Sandan, please lead the three hundred iron cavalry to attack the enemy's out-of-city troops first~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ You don't have to fight with them, just shoot at them. Brother Taka, you lead the five hundred iron cavalry to follow, and Zhang Liangyi circles both sides of the enemy's city gate. The army launched an attack, regardless of casualties, not seeking gains, but to force their follow-up forces back into the city, as long as they can repel the enemy army and let them retreat into the city, it is victory!"

Sun Chu also put on his helmet, his expression solemn: "Da Shishi, the enemy army seems to be the main force of a large number of cavalry out of the city, we have not had time to form a good formation, concentrate our troops and horses, and rely on these less than a thousand cavalry to try to defeat the enemy. It's probably not easy to push the army back."

Zhu Lingshi said solemnly: "Two big brothers, this battle is not to push back the enemy, but to buy time, try not to let the enemy leave the city to form formation, your losses and sacrifices must be great, but I will do it here. Mobilize all the new troops to come to support you. It only takes half an hour, just half an hour, our chariot troops and long-lance infantry will be able to arrive. As long as the melee is still at that time, the victory will definitely be ours! "

Yuqiu Jin pulled his face down and said, "What if the enemy at the head of the city attacks us with bows and arrows and throwing stones?"

Zhu Lingshi gritted his teeth: "Put it on, fight them hard, the enemy and me scuffle together, and see how they attack!"

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