Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3378: Archer raiding city gate

Yuqiu Jin said in a deep voice, "Understood, we will all fight to the death with all our strength. If we can drag it on for a while, big stone, don't make us wait too long!"

  Sun Chu didn't say a word, and rode his horse out. As he ran, he waved the big bow in his hand, and shouted: "Bow rider, come with me!"

The cavalry, who were ambushing from all directions, began to move quickly. Lightly armored and leather-armored cavalry archers rushed out, not mixing with heavy armored cavalry as usual, but going out alone, in twos and threes, following Sun Chu. Behind him, they gradually merged into a team of two or three hundred riders.

Just as they were running, they quickly formed a cavalry formation. These warriors from each team and building were well-trained and could form a team of five, a team of ten, and a team of five while running. The officer with the highest rank in the army automatically became the captain, and within a distance of about two miles, nearly three hundred horse archers formed six cavalry teams, and more than ten armored guards surrounded Sun Chu. , while the other six teams of riders have already completed their formation, and they are less than a mile away from the city gate.

  Sun Chu stopped his horse and turned his head to look at the knights behind him. He suddenly laughed: "Brothers, you have been lurking for a long time just now, did you feel bored?!"

   In a burst of laughter, a loud voice shouted: "The other thing is to say, this ghost mosquito is too annoying to his grandmother. It bites me a bunch of big bags, and it's hard to shoot, so I can only bear it!"

  Sun Chu laughed: "Hu Laoliu, why, do you have enough blood, if you fight in a while, will you loose your belt?"

   The cavalry captain Hu Laoliu laughed and raised the big bow in his hand: "It's alright, the mosquito bites my blood feud, let these swallows and dogs pay for their blood debts, my sharp arrows are already unbearable!"

Sun Chu nodded, put away his smile, pointed to the city gate in front of him, more than 200 Beihai King iron cavalry with blue capes were already lined up about a hundred paces in front of the city gate, and they had obviously noticed the cavalry of the Jin army. Approaching, because of the smoke and dust behind them, these yan cavalry did not know how many people and horses the other side had. At this moment, they adopted a defensive formation, and they were ready to fight. Riding on the side, obviously, is prepared to use the method of shooting in place to deal with the surprise attack of the enemy, and if the enemy is close, it will fight with the lance.

Sun Chu said loudly: "Brothers, do you see? In front of you are the elites of the Yan Kingdom, all armored and cavalry. When we were in Linqu, we fought with them. I have to say that this is the most elite iron cavalry of the Yan army. , and the best cavalry in the world!"

Hu Laoliu said sharply: "I'm fighting for the elites. What about all the armored cavalry? The battle at Linqu didn't give us a lot of shit. Today is our chance to make new achievements! General Sun, order it, let us ride Whether shooting or rushing, blinking half an eye, you are not a hero!"

Sun Chu laughed and said, "Okay, he's so arrogant, he's a hero, he really deserves to be a good soldier brought out by Brother A Shou, Hu Laoliu, if this battle is over today, if you and I don't die, I will definitely not get drunk with you. go back!"

Hu Lao Liu said loudly: "General, order it, I know that our attack is to buy time for the brothers in the chariots behind. If we attack now, we should take the initiative. If the enemy cavalry rushes over, it will be difficult to rely on us alone. Stop it! Now even if we all die, we must block this group of enemy cavalry in the city!”…

Sun Chu nodded vigorously: "Good brother, you can see very clearly and accurately, so in this battle, we are not going to withdraw after shooting, we must drag the enemy firmly in place, and when necessary, we need to Hedge against them, many brothers may die in battle, but for the sake of victory, it is worth it, who wants to strike first?!"

Hu Laoliu didn't say a word, he rode out directly, the group of archers behind him roared forward, and Hu Laoliu's voice came from afar: "Old Sun, if I can't come back , take care of my wife and children!"

At the gate of the city, Murong Lin was in full body armor, holding a big bow of four stones and five fights, and stationed behind his horse, Gongsun Liuxiu's voice sounded behind him: "General Xiaolin, what are you doing, you are blocking the gate of the city? La."

   Murong Lin didn't turn his head back, and said solemnly, "Could it be that General Liu Xiu can't see how big the enemy army is and wants to attack our troops out of the city?"

Gongsun Liuxiu rode to Murong Lin's side, gritted his teeth and said, "It's just because the enemy army has ambush and rushed towards us, so we can't stay here, we should show an indomitable momentum, rush directly to the enemy army, and stop at Here, if you are passively beaten, the troops behind will not be able to rush out."

Murong Lin shook his head and pointed to the front several miles in front of him. At this time, the sky was full of smoke, dust, and sand. There were many shadows of people and horses. As they were coming, Murong Lin said solemnly: "The enemy's true and false is unknown. At this time, we should not attack rashly, firmly defend our army's front, and rely on the bow and arrows and crossbow guns at the city's head to assist in the battle. I did not block the exit of the city. There are still gaps left for the passage of the city, and after you leave the city, you can spread out to the two wings to expand the front of our army as much as possible."

Gongsun Liuxiu shook his head: "No, your space is too small, and at this position after the formation, we can't even go out of the city to form the formation according to the original arrangement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We have to line up again in a row. From the side, you can’t attack, General Kobayashi, you should take the lead in attacking, and break through the enemy’s forward first, and as for the follow-up, we will continue to come to support you.”

Having said that, he glanced at He Lanmin, who was surrounded by dozens of cavalry in the hollow array, and said in a low voice, "Not to mention Mrs. Helan, is it appropriate for you to put her here? Give the enemy such repeated blows. , Archery, in case of damage, how do you explain to the national teacher?"

   Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "I am a former general, I have to serve these two hundred brothers and two thousand

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1 of 2 The soldiers and soldiers in armored cavalry are responsible, not for one person. You can put them in danger. General Liu Xiu, do you really want to lead us in such a hurry to drive us to the front to fight? Army to go elsewhere? "

Gongsun Liuxiu's face changed slightly: "Don't think about it, you are the pioneers, we are the successors, and we all follow orders, how can there be any way to go elsewhere? However, I remind you that if you miss the fighter, in the end If you don't stand out, then I'm afraid even your father can't protect you. Words have already passed, sorry."

   Having said this, Gongsun Liuxiu turned his horse back and galloped into the city gate.

  Murong Lin gritted his teeth, turned his head to face the messenger behind him, and said solemnly, "Follow the enemy's three attacks, and use a strong bow to hold down the position. If the enemy can't move three times, they will counterattack across the board!"

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