Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3379: Destiny to shoot full speed attack

69.com 69, the fastest update of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Beifu Yiqiuba! <r><r>   Murong Lin's voice did not fall, only to hear a sound of breaking the air, his brows wrinkled, he picked up his riding shield from the left, and waved it in front of him, a few long arrows, With a swipe at the shield, it landed gently, and not a single arrow hit the shield.

The iron knights around    also waved their shields, and dozens of feather arrows all fell to the ground, and there was a burst of laughter around: "With such bow power, you dare to charge!"

   More than ten cavalrymen hung their shields on the saddles, and when they touched their big bows, they were about to shoot. Murong Lin said solemnly: "Hold on, don't fight back, let the enemy continue to charge."

  Everyone was stunned. A captain named Murong Wa opened his eyes and said, "Young Master, why don't you fight back? The enemy cavalry should be within a hundred paces from us, and we can shoot them completely."

Murong Lin hooked the corners of his mouth: "The enemy army is hidden in the sand and dust, maybe they want to test the strength of our army. With the strength of the Beifu army, it won't be about a hundred paces, and the bow strength can't shield, everyone firmly guard your position, unless the enemy Within fifty steps, no shooting is allowed!"

   Murong Wa gritted his teeth: "What if it's fifty steps closer?"

   Murong Lin's eyes flashed coldly: "As long as the enemy is not attacking from a group, give me a precise shot, and one arrow must knock down a horse!"

   All the knights agreed in unison, and all of them held their bows and pointed their arrows at the smoke and dust that was sixty paces away.

  Suddenly, Yan Chenzhi rushed out of more than ten cavalry, rushed to a distance of about 60 paces, suddenly turned to the side, turned sideways, and shot another bow and arrow at the unmoving Yan cavalry.

"Pfft", "snack", the sound of arrows hitting the armor is endless, and some of the knights of the Yan Army also hummed. Obviously, this is the performance only when the arrow penetrates the armor and hits the skin. These North Sea Kings The heavy cavalry of the guards have double-layered iron armor at their vital points, and the steel armor also provides good protection for ordinary non-lethal parts, and shoots stone to four stone bows at about sixty steps. As long as it is not the front door, it will not affect the combat effectiveness. Some sergeants in the front row have four feather arrows inserted into their bodies, still holding double bows, aiming tightly at the incoming enemy, motionless.

Murong Lin slowly lifted it up, and in front of him, fifty paces away, was a signal arrow with a white tail. It will be a thousand arrows.

However, the Jin army cavalry at the forefront were sideways, galloping horizontally, the horses were almost close to the line of fifty paces, and they swept across. More than ten cavalry first rode horizontally, then turned around. In one or two minutes, more than a hundred arrows shot into the cavalry of the Yan army. This time, four or five sergeants shot in the face or in the neck, and fell off their horses. Quickly carried the fallen sergeants back, and the positions they had vacated were taken over by the follow-up knights. The entire formation was still tightly matched, and no flaws could be seen.

  The corner of Murong Lin's mouth tickled and put it down. He Lanmin's voice sounded in his ear: "General Xiaolin, what's wrong with you, are you letting the enemy shoot us like this?"

Murong Lin turned his head and glanced at He Lanmin, who was dressed as a soldier. At this moment, she was wearing leather armor and covering her face, leaving only a pair of sparkling eyes. However, the most beautiful eyes at the moment were Filled with anxiety, she could even read it clearly, she had been frowning all the time.

  Murong Lin said: "Obviously, the enemy is trying to lure the enemy. They also saw our 50-step signal arrow and knew that they would counterattack after crossing the line, so they were able to push the line, you see..."

It was too late, it was fast, suddenly, a sound of breaking through the sky resounded in the sky, and the smoke and dust rushed out of the more than sixty cavalry again, just at a distance of sixty paces, facing the cavalry formation of the Yan army, another burst of shooting . .

   This time, the cavalry was charging straight from the smoke and dust, not horizontally as before. Therefore, the power and range of this batch of arrows were much stronger than the previous ones.

A wave of arrows flew by, and more than a dozen knights in the first row of the Yan army fell to the ground with arrows, and the horses shot through their foreheads, killing them with one arrow, and even overturned the knights on their seats to the ground. . The army formation, which had not moved like a mountain just now, also fell into a little confusion. Even the war horses began to scream and jump, causing the knights on the horse to scold and control the strings for a while, so that the formation would not be scattered. .

With the arrow rain, the more than sixty cavalry also rushed past the white signal arrows. They didn't mean to slow down at all, they still spread out on the front, in a line formation, facing the cavalry formation of the Yan army. , rushing wildly.

   Murong Lin's fell ruthlessly, and the big bow he picked up was shot at the first Jin army cavalry charge.

"Pfft", the arrow shot directly through the neck of the Jin army knight, and a **** arrow spewed out from his throat, because the arrow passed directly through his neck, and the blood it brought out The arrow, almost following the branch of the arrow, shot backwards, and the rider on the horse was already killed by an arrow, but he still pulled the reins, keeping his body upright, and continued to move forward until the horse ran out. After more than twenty steps, he fell to the ground.

With Murong Lin's arrow killing the enemy, all the armored cavalry in the Yan army's cavalry formation, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com also started shooting, almost a hundred arrows were shot out in an instant, five arrows shot the same one The target, only one face, the more than 20 cavalry rushing in the front line, all fell to the ground and died. These armored cavalry with amazing arm strength, at a distance of fifty paces, shot these targets with only leather armor, that is almost It is to complete the usual target shooting training, there is no suspense.

   He Lanmin hid behind Murong Lin, holding a pair of shields in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "These Jin soldiers, are they here to die, why, why don't they retreat?"

   Murong Lin's brows furrowed: "It's really strange, it seemed that he was trying to lure us to attack, but the two rushed

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! After page 1/2 of them doesn't move, they just…”

Before he could finish his words, another rain of arrows came. It was the Jin army cavalry who were still alive. Taking advantage of the time when the Yan army armored cavalry was changing their arrows, they fired again. This time they had already rushed to Liyan. The front of the army was less than ten steps away, and the sharp whistling sound also shocked the hearts of every Yan army: "Kill Hu, kill Hu!"

Murong Lin gritted his teeth, threw away his bow, picked up his riding shield, and waved it in the air. He was blocking the arrows for himself, but also for He Lanmin behind him. It was sore and numb, and the arrow branches were firmly nailed to the shield surface. There were constant muffled noises around, and the arrows of the Yan army's knights kept falling off their horses, and the killing sound of the Jin army's cavalry had reached twenty paces away. : "Hugou, take your life!"

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