Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3380: In situ formation

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He Lanmin was so frightened that her face turned pale, and the two phoenix eyes exposed outside were full of fear. This was the first time this stunning enchantress had faced the enemy at such a close distance on the battlefield and faced death. The Jin army cavalry, covered in blood, even with a few feather arrows stuck in their bodies, still glared angrily, threw the bows and arrows in their hands, and put on sabres and spears, just like Shura who rushed out of the underworld. The Yan army cavalry formation rushed towards the front row.

Thirty paces, twenty paces, fifteen paces... The knights of the Yan army in the front row were as motionless as a mountain, like a long steel wall, and the war horses also lowered their heads, and some of the horses' front legs were screeching fiercely. Planing on the ground, obviously, they are also prepared to deal with the impact. At this distance, the stationary cavalry can no longer accelerate the sprint, and can only rely on the equipment equipped with horses and horses to form a long steel wall to resist the enemy. Ride the shock.

He Lanmin has unconsciously thrown away the riding shield in his hand and covered his ears: "Xiao Lin, General Xiao Lin, too, it's too scary, we, let's take shelter for now!"

Murong Lin laughed: "Mrs. Helan, just watch carefully, how did they come to die!"

When he said this, the stern roar of the soldier in front also got into his ears: "The enemy distance, ten steps!"

A cold light flashed in Murong Lin's eyes, he stretched out his hand in the air and cut down fiercely, accompanied by his murderous voice: "Luoqi, recoil!"

The sergeants who were still shooting arrows just now threw away the big bows in their hands, picked up the lances that had been stuck on the side of the war horses, and placed them under their armpits at the fastest speed. In the posture of the lance attack, the whole person stood on the stirrup at once, with more than a hundred branches, and suddenly it was like a steel forest, pointing straight ahead!

The sounds of "bang" and "poof" are endless. The more than 30 Jin army knights who rushed to the front had smiles of victory on their faces. According to the usual common sense, after this kind of riding and shooting, they gave their lives to charge at full speed, which was enough for them to collide with each other. He opened a phalanx formed by the most elite infantry, but he did not expect that within ten steps, the enemy cavalry who was still sitting on his horse suddenly turned into a cavalry phalanx, pointing directly at himself. Ready to knock them off the horse, the plan of slashing and stabbing with a knife has also become his own flesh and blood, and it is impossible to even slow down.

The horses that charged at full speed, those Jin army knights, mercilessly stabbed these lances, and the Yan Army armored cavalry who slammed into frontal assaults released the moment the lances pierced their opponents. Arms, to relieve the reaction of the huge momentum on oneself, but this is enough to pierce the opposite Jin army cavalry, and most people directly stab the horse with this force. Some people with fierce impulses would even follow the lance that pierced them, and then flew a few steps forward before falling heavily to the ground.

More than ten horses of the Jin army charging at full speed slammed into the armored cavalry of the Yan army. Although they could stab the rider at such a close distance, they could hardly resist the impact of the horse. The six or seven Yan army's fully armored cavalry fell off the horse and fell to the rear of the horse. The heavy armor, armed to the teeth, this time became an obstacle for them to get up, and they even had to rely on the rushing up. With the support of the auxiliaries and the militiamen, he could get up from the ground in dismay and mount his horse again.

In this attack, more than 30 Jin cavalrymen who attacked, none of them survived. The nearest soldier, who looked like a small captain, stabbed two lances left and right, penetrating both sides, but still waving a saber in his hand. , Void waved, wanting to slash an opponent who was less than four steps in front of him, blood dripped down the rod of the riding lance that pierced both sides of his ribs, but he could no longer take a step forward.

He Lanmin put down his hands covering his ears. Only the roar of the wind and the neighing of injured horses remained on the battlefield. The armored cavalry of the Yan army in the front line began to use their lances to assassinate those who were still running wildly in front of the line. Jin army horses, their speed of killing horses and the accuracy of stabbing vital points are no less than killing people. In just a moment, more than 30 Jin soldiers and horses, including people and horses, were all killed in front of the battle, while the Yan army was killed. Here, there was no damage except for the two knights who crashed and fell off their horses, and then were crushed to death by the fallen warhorses. Even the other fallen knights got back on their horses, and the entire riding formation seemed to have no damage.

Murong Lin smiled and pointed forward with his horse whip, and said, "See, Mrs. Helan, this is the strength of our armored cavalry. These Jin troops are really crazy, we don't attack them, they dare to Take the initiative to die, so I don't have to worry about their impact this time."

He Lanmin hooked the corners of his mouth and looked at the Jin army commander in front of him who was stabbed to death by two lances. Two blood lances were inserted, and two blood springs spewed from his ribs, and he died on the horse's back. When she died, she sighed softly: "I think, these Jin Cavalry know that they will die, and they have to attack like this. I am afraid it is not so simple. It is more like restricting us to this city gate."

Murong Lin's expression changed slightly. In the smoke and dust on the opposite side, dozens of horses rushed out, but this time they didn't dare to sprint at full speed and went straight to within fifty steps. It was the same as the second impact. At the position of sixty or seventy paces ahead, he turned from vertical riding to swept horizontally, and then sent bursts of bows and arrows towards the cavalry formation of the Yan army, and then quickly shot the ring from the horse, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com escaped front.

And in the dust, two or three hundred paces away, there were also cavalry on the flank.

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "Madam is very right, they just want to block us at the gate of this city, the front is just a bait, in fact, they want to attack from both sides, if we don't deploy quickly, then the follow-up troops will not be able to leave the city, and they will not be able to leave the city. It will really push them back to the city."

Having said that, he gave the order to the messenger beside him sharply: "Blow the horn, attack, rush into the smoke, and kill the enemy cavalry!"

He Lanmin said in surprise: "I just said this casually, General Xiaolin, you have to take a good look at the battle situation and don't be influenced by me."

Murong Lin shook his head: "No, if the enemy army really has an advantage in military strength, then there is no need to let the smoke and dust cover up their strength, and use the smoke and dust to attack like this. It is precisely because of the lack of frontal forces that they really want to do, It is a roundabout on both sides. Taking advantage of the fact that there are not many troops outside the city, we are attacking from both sides. As long as the melee fights together, our long-range troops at the head of the city will not be able to support. Now we can no longer defend in place. Immediately turn into a triangular assault formation and attack all. !"

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