Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3381: Hard training tactics are worth using today

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In the smoke and dust, Hu Laoliu had tears in his eyes, looking at the front line of the city gate. The corpses of more than 30 men and horses lying on the ground were being moved away by the auxiliary soldiers of the Yan Army, and the party shot forward. The cavalry archers, the arrows rained on those platoons, but it was difficult to cause fatal damage to them.

The excellent armor of the armored cavalry blocked most of the arrows, and the arrows that could hit the armor and stand on it were less than one in ten, and there were more than 200 cavalry in a line just now. Fifteen to twenty cavalry teams have been formed, forming a wedge-shaped triangular queue. Obviously, this is to prepare for a forward assault.

A squad mate ran over, panting. The bowstring in his hand was still shaking slightly. Obviously, this was a cavalry soldier who had just completed a round of cavalry shooting. He looked at Hu Lao Liu and said anxiously: "Liu brother. , what should we do now? Maybe we can't hold it anymore. Brother Liu Qi and his team of brothers didn't break the cavalry formation of the thieves. If the armor and cavalry rush up, it is not our light archers that can resist. of."

Hu Laoliu gritted his teeth: "Our chariots have not rushed up yet, and we have to hold the enemy cavalry for at least a quarter of an hour. Just now, if we hadn't attacked with cavalry and shooting round by round, the enemy army would not know whether our side was real or not. They didn't dare to act rashly. You see, the troops in front of them who left the city just stood in front of the city gate, and they didn't let the follow-up troops and horses leave the city in large numbers. outflanking and flanking the enemy."

The deputy sighed: "Unfortunately, Brother Liu Qi was too impatient and took the initiative to rush into the formation, which instead exposed the reality of our army. Now the enemy seems to have reacted, and they are about to start attacking. Then our smoke and dust will also be blown away, and then our strength will be fully exposed."

Hu Laoliu said bitterly: "What's the matter, we can't retreat, if we retreat at this time, the troops in front will spread out, and the flanks on the flanks have not been in place, which will give the enemy a real breakthrough, and the chariot troops behind will not be able to line up. , I'm afraid it won't be able to stop the enemy from breaking through, then our sins will be big."

The pair's eyes lit up: "Sixth brother, do you still want to rush again? But just now, Liu Qi has tried his life, the enemy's equipment and long lances are much stronger than ours, and the front is hard to rush, that is A dead end..."

Hu Laoliu gritted his teeth: "In this battle, use skill, not brute force, as long as we take the initiative to attack, the enemy will inevitably form an array, and then......"

He suddenly pointed to something on the saddle: "I've been telling you to practice this thing, and now it's going to come in handy. Do you know how to fight it?"

The team's eyes lit up, and they smiled happily: "I'll arrange it right away, Brother Six, you should be optimistic..."

Hu Lao Liu waved his hand and said solemnly, "This time, I will personally lead the team to attack!"

Yan army, riding formation.

Murong Lin calmly watched the changes in the queue in front of him. The horns sounded, and the Jin army bows and cavalry rushing out of the dust in front had disappeared. The momentum is somewhat strong on the outside, but the volume is not long-lasting. It seems that the failed attack just now has made the enemy's momentum a setback. The corpses of the previous enemy soldiers and horses have also been cleaned up, and the **** smell permeates all around, stimulating the nerves of the armored cavalry of the Yan Army, causing them to send out bursts of battle roars, which have suppressed the opponent's momentum, just waiting. With an order, a new round of assault is about to begin.

Gongsun Liuxiu's voice sounded from behind Murong Lin: "General Xiaolin really deserves to be a famous general, and he played very well. I will congratulate you on your first achievement."

He Lanmin followed with a smile: "General Xiaolin's North Sea Guards are the elite of the elite. They can kill nearly a hundred enemy cavalry with only a few cavalry. Today I saw it with my own eyes, General Liu Xiu, I don't know your subordinates, Is there such a force as well?"

Gongsun Liuxiu laughed: "The troops I brought are all armored and cavalry, and they are not under the command of the King of the North Sea. The soldiers of each team heard the battle just now. I'm screaming, I want to fight, but..."

His eyes rolled: "It's just that General Xiaolin is still blocking the door, and the brothers in the city can't come out to line up for a while, and there's no chance to perform. Besides, if we don't pursue the victory, how can we make Mrs. Helan break through to the north? What about breaking out of the siege?"

Murong Lin said calmly: "General Liu Xiu, don't be in a hurry, the enemy army is now detouring to both flanks and trying to flank our army. If our army is not fully prepared, it may be flanked by others. Now that you are here, , please do a good job of defending the two flanks, our army has now formed a commando formation, and we are going to kill it immediately. I hope that when we open a passage, you can follow up immediately."

Gongsun Liuxiu hooked the corner of his mouth and pointed behind him: "General Xiaolin, who do you think this is?"

Murong Lin looked back and saw a team of armored horsemen with blue capes and blue helmets, standing in the gate of the city behind, leading a general, with red faces and long beards, gray beards, and holding a long handle. Sledgehammer, majestic, immediately bowed to Murong Lin: "I have seen the young master."

Murong Lin was surprised and happy: "Uncle Gang, why are you here?"

This person's name is Mu Yugang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is the deputy who has been with Murong Town for many years, and is also a famous general of the Beihai Palace. When he was in the Xiyan Army, he killed more than 30 former Qin warriors in the first battle. Even in the Yan army where brave men emerged in an endless stream, he was famous all over the world. During the Battle of Linqu, he was imprisoned together with Murong Zhen, so that some people kept saying that if he also went into battle that time, maybe It can turn the tide of the battle. .

Mu Yugang smiled and said: "Your father was afraid that you were short of manpower, so he asked me to lead three hundred iron cavalry to help. He said that the task assigned by the national teacher must be completed, and I was waiting to guard Mrs. Helan to break out of the encirclement. The first task, even if there is only one person left, has to be done."

Murong Lin became angry and said solemnly: "Since Uncle Gang is here, what should I worry about? Now we will all attack and break the enemy's formation, and Mrs. Helan, please ask Uncle Gang to take care of one or two and wait for me. …”

Before he could finish his words, suddenly there was a dense drumbeat on the opposite side, accompanied by the sound of killing skywards, and in the shadows, countless cavalrymen rushed out of the smoke and dust, charged at full speed, and came straight ahead! The first general, clapping horses and dancing swords, dressed in heavy armor, shouted: "Pengcheng Hu Laoliu is here, who would dare to fight me!"

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