Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3382: How can the riding formation be broken like a forest?

With this call, Hu Laoliu took the lead and rushed out of the smoke. Unlike the dozens of light cavalry behind him, who were wearing leather armor and without armor, he was all wearing iron armor, and he was the leader at first sight. The cavalry general, and in his hand, is also holding a large sword, not like ordinary knights holding bows and arrows, which also makes him extraordinarily conspicuous.

Before he could finish his words, more than ten long arrows flew towards him. Hu Laoliu hid himself in a stirrup, and stuck to the side of the horse tightly. His neck and right hand held a knife in one hand, dragging it to the ground. He saw the more than ten arrows flying over his head with a "swoosh" and "swish", but they did not cause any damage to him.

After Hu Laoliu avoided the arrow, he turned over and sat on the back of the horse. While continuing to charge forward, he roared sharply: "The daring Xianbei dog will let the arrow go, and I will kill you now!"

With this roar of his, more than 30 knights behind him also set up bows to shoot arrows. At a distance of more than 60 paces, a burst of bows and arrows flew, hitting the armored knights in front of them, but at this distance The bow and arrow cannot penetrate the iron armor of the armored cavalry at all. It is just that more arrows are hung on the body and the shield of these knights. Even more than half of the arrows cannot be shot into the armor. , and fell directly to the ground.

And these Jin army riders, after one arrow, put away their big bows. Like Hu Laoliu, they all picked up saber or spear, screaming and whistling to the opposite side less than fifty paces. Ride on. Look at the momentum, but don't give up until you break the enemy line.

The Yan Army's armored cavalry were about to attack again with arrows, when Murong Lin sneered, "No need, they want to rush over to die, so let them rush to death, line up, fall!"

The well-trained Yanjun armored cavalry also put away their bows and arrows. Originally, the formation of two people sticking together, one holding a bow to shoot and the other holding a shield to protect the guard, has also become a standard one-line cavalry line. .

Hundreds of knights, separated by about five steps, formed a formation on the entire front, holding a shield in one hand, and holding the lance, which was five feet long and nearly five meters long, in the other hand, with the target pointing straight ahead. .

Even the adjacent two or three riders have already pointed their lances to the same target at the same time. As long as the opponent rushes within these three steps, they will inevitably be stabbed by the lances. In the same way, if you can't even reach the edge of the enemy line, you will become a dead soul.

Behind these first-line knights, the second-line cavalry had also formed a line, all standing at the five-step dislocation between the two cavalry in the front row, only after the first-line cavalry completed the stab, the front-line cavalry abandoned the lance and retreated. The cavalry in the second line attacked forward, using their lances to pierce the remaining cavalry of the enemy who had not dismounted for the first round of assassination.

Behind them, the auxiliary soldiers held long lances with both hands, and just waited for the cavalry in the first line to retreat, and then stepped forward and handed a new lance for them to rotate the cavalry of the second line to assassinate.

This method of puncturing in turns is exactly what the Murong clan's armored cavalry lined up in place to deal with the attack of the enemy's infantry and cavalry. In the battle of Liantai sixty years ago, the overlord Ran Min, who ran the world, led his The 8,000 hoplites that swept across the world were also blocked by the opponent's 5,000 iron cavalry formation when they attacked the central formation of the Murong Clan's Yan army. In exchange for his own defeat and death, the Murong Clan's iron cavalry was invincible in the world.

Today, in the face of the fatal impact of the Jin army cavalry, this impeccable and well-documented cavalry formation is listed again. Although there are only a few hundred people, it can cope with the impact of only a hundred cavalry on the opposite side. I am afraid that no one will believe it. There is a way to break this array!

Mu Yugang also rode his horse to Murong Lin's side and said with a smile: "Young master is really powerful, our Murong Clan's iron cavalry has been trained so well for you, even if the King of Taiyuan is reincarnated, seeing your cavalry formation, you will definitely know it. Proud."

Murong Lin sneered and looked at the enemy cavalry that had already rushed within thirty steps, gritted his teeth: "The world only knows that I am Murong's iron cavalry chain, which is invincible when charging, but I don't know that we are really powerful, it is the platoon of cavalry. In the battle, this kind of steel long forest, equipped with armored cavalry, can cope with the impact of all foot and cavalry. The enemy army can shoot at our army when it is far away. !"

He Lanmin on the side suddenly said: "But if the enemy army rushes to shoot arrows, or uses weapons such as crossbow guns and catapults to attack our formation, how will we deal with it?"

Murong Lin laughed: "Madam, don't worry, these long-range weapons have to be pushed within two hundred paces if they are to work, and if they are crossbow spears, they have to be at a distance of one hundred paces. We are not blind, and we will not let them be These killers are near, and the enemy is not a fool. They dare to launch siege equipment in front of our iron cavalry. As long as we charge, they will kill us before they even have time to fire the crossbow. At that time, it will be One-sided slaughter."

Mu Yugang nodded: "Yes, our cavalry formation can be attacked and defended, the charge is like thunder, the defense is indestructible, and with the help of the archers from the city, I can't think of anything that can restrain us from riding. The method of formation, unless..."

Having said that, he frowned slightly and closed his mouth.

Murong Lin and He Lanmin opened their eyes in unison, and said in unison, "Unless what?" At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the front line cavalry squadron commander's roar sounded: "Enemy distance, twenty paces!"

Mu Yugang gritted his teeth: "I heard that in the battle of Linqu, the Jin army used chariots that were connected end to end, with baffles added to restrain the assault of our cavalry. I heard your father commander say many years ago. When he was young, when discussing soldiers with Murong Yong of Xiyan at that time, he once said that I am invincible in the world, and I am not afraid of anything. Detouring the flanks, so..."

The roar of the rangefinders had already followed the vibration of the ground when the enemy's horses charged at full speed, causing people's eardrums to swell: "Enemy distance, ten steps!"

Murong Lin's roar fell along with his raised right hand: "Kill the warriors!" When he finished giving the order, he even smiled at Mu Yugang, "Fortunately they didn't come with chariots, these cavalry are dead! It's settled!"

The hundred long lances pointed fiercely at the enemy army ten paces away, at least ten of them pointed at Hu Laoliu, who was at the forefront, accompanied by the roar of the Yan Army's armored cavalry: "Kill, kill, kill!"

But Hu Laoliu's laughter was accompanied by a burst of things: "Kill your grandma a bear! Obediently go with the grandpas!"

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