Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3383: Unexpectedly killing the enemy with a set of horses

It was too late, it was fast, I saw a lot of things, flying from the air, unbiased, just hit the armored cavalry of the Yan army in the front row, and these knights of the Jin army, instantly He held the reins of the galloping war horses, almost all five paces away. These war horses stopped, and some bright lances were less than a foot away from the chests of the Jin army knights, but they could no longer be seen. Like the previous batch, stabbed them!

Murong Lin's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "Damn it, it's a lasso!"

I saw dozens of round, five-foot-square nooses, at a distance of six or seven paces, passed over the tips of the long shining lances, and were firmly caught in the lances of the Yan army armored riders holding the lances. On the body, except for three or four nooses that fell into the air, the other nearly forty nooses all hit the target. The circle was tightly closed, and the knights of the Yan Army in the sleeve were firmly enclosed in an instant. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not get rid of this bondage.

The sounds of "bang" and "dang" are incessant. This is the sound of the knights of the Yan army in their sleeves, the riding lances under their armpits can no longer be controlled, and they landed one after another. , is also constantly heard. The Jin army knights who are a few steps away from the opposite side quickly turn the horse's head, then slam the horse's belly with both legs, or use the spurs at the bottom of the boots to stab the horse's body, and some even pull out the quiver. The arrows of the arrows pierced the horses hard, which made these war horses that turned around quickly, neighing in pain, and rushing wildly in an instant, their speed even surpassed the charge just now!

The armored cavalry of the Yan Jun, who was locked up, immediately flew out of the horse under the acceleration of this huge sprint. People and horses were dragged to the ground violently, while more knights were dragged to the ground.

This time, the heavy armor of the whole body has become a deadly tool to restrict their movements. It is dragged in the dust like this, and even struggling is so difficult, and almost every subversion on the ground will make the whole body armor shake. When they hit their internal organs, they often rushed out a distance of only twenty paces, and they could see a long line of blood on the ground, while the armored riding of the Yan army who was dragged on the ground had already bleed from seven orifices and died.

Occasionally a few of them dragged for more than twenty steps, still still breathing, and even tried their best to break free of part of the noose, struggling to free a hand, trying to pull the noose attached to the saddle, but it was As soon as he stretched out his hand, he only felt that his eyes were dark, and two horses' hooves were raised high above his head, and even the work on the underbelly of the warhorse could be clearly seen, which were also raised high. , and then stepped down hard, and the terrible sound of his bones being broken and his internal organs being smashed became the last memory in this life, staying in the moment before death.

Hu Laoliu took control of the horse's reins, and removed the two horses' hooves, which were covered with blood and brains, from the head of a Yan army captain who had been trampled under the horse. With his murderous face, facing the cavalry formation of the Yan army, who had already lost a large piece and was in a panic, he said sternly: "This is called a revenge for a revenge, if you kill my brother, you will have to take your life. Change, if you are not convinced, continue to chase!"

As he said that, he raised his head to the sky and roared. With a flick of his wrist, he pulled the sling out of the corpse of the Yan army knight under him. Together with the more than 30 knights around him, they all did the same. Only the corpses of the Yan army and the armored cavalry were still lying on the ground, blood and flesh. After a whistling sound of horse hooves, the dozens of Jin cavalry soldiers all rushed back to the dusty sky and disappeared.

He Lanmin bit her red lips tightly, shook her head and said, "I can't believe that the traditional method of horse riding on the grasslands, these Jin troops can actually be used here, and unexpectedly, they still raid our armored cavalry."

Mu Yugang said bitterly: "I have heard for a long time that the Jin army's cavalry has made great progress in recent years, and every move and every style is trained according to the pure grassland cavalry. The level is worthy of being a first-class fine cavalry, but it is unexpected that even the method of putting a horse on a man can be used, which is just right to attack the weakness of our iron cavalry, although the armor is thick, but the mobility is insufficient."

Murong Chong gritted his teeth: "That's why I gave them a surprise attack. If we rush so close and then lasso, if our knights shoot with bows and arrows earlier, they will lose ten lives. It's all my fault and the enemy is underestimated. If they dare to come again, discipline them to come and go!"

Having said that, Murong Lin looked at the two wings. A mile away, there were some riders who burrowed out of the smoke from time to time and submerged again. The lasso takes a little advantage, but it also shows that they are only about a hundred cavalry, except for the first galloping, maybe the dozens of cavalry just now can be used for frontal combat."

Mu Yugang's brows furrowed: "Why do you see it, young master? Couldn't this be the enemy's trick to lure the enemy?"

Murong Lin hooked the corners of his mouth: "The battle of the noose just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was unexpected by our army, if they have three or four hundred cavalry, that one face-to-face can almost wipe out my front team, this chance They won't miss it. But they only have dozens of cavalry, and they pretended to be arrogant and returned to the smoke, in order to cover up their lack of troops. The main force will not be cavalry, nor infantry, but only chariots."

Mu Yugang nodded: "Yes, in the battle of Linqu, the Jin army dispatched thousands of chariots, but this siege is very rare. I expect that these chariots may be concentrated in large numbers in The North Gate is designed to deal with our cavalry. Now that we suddenly attack, their chariots may not have time to come, but if we have been lining up in front of this city gate and are passively beaten, it doesn't matter whether the enemy's ultimate move is a chariot or not. It's all against us, we are iron cavalry, only by moving and fighting can we exert our greatest power!"

Murong Lin's eyes flashed coldly: "Our plan remains the same, Uncle Gang, you are experienced and your troops have not lost any losses, please take the lead and make the way ahead, my wife and I will reorganize here. The team will follow up soon.”

Mu Yugang smiled and said: "I am here on the order of the prince, and I am here to do this, young master, don't worry, just follow me to attack, if I encounter a big enemy here, I will issue an emergency Hu Jia warning, hear Two long and one short Hu Jia, don't move forward, just turn back quickly."

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