Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3384: The Prince of Beihai is actually in the west

Murong Lin said sternly: "Uncle Gang, be careful. The Jin army is cunning and cannot be forced. If you encounter an ambush in the future, don't fight hard. We can join forces and wait for the strength of the fifth master of Gongsun behind."

Mu Yugang's brows were slightly wrinkled, he looked left and right, and he stepped forward to stick to Murong Lin's horse, and said in a low voice, "When your father came here, you specifically explained to me that Gongsun's fifth floor can't be trusted, and he will definitely not follow him. If you enter us, you will want to turn to other places, don't count on this person, if the situation is unfavorable, don't force it, just turn in the direction of Xicheng."

Murong Lin's expression changed: "What, the father is in Xicheng, this..."

Mu Yugang raised his hand quickly and stopped Murong Lin's words, his voice became severe and urgent: "Young Master, this is a top-secret military secret, even Gongsun Fifth Floor does not know, it is also the secret of the prince and the national teacher. After Shang, the key to breaking the game in this battle, because you are the young master, so it is up to you to break through in this direction, plus the banner of the king, the enemy will not be suspicious, thinking that the king of the North Sea as the commander of the armored cavalry The main force is here, but the main force of the prince will give the enemy a fatal blow in the place where they least expect it!"

Murong Lin nodded thoughtfully and said: "Understood, after a long time, I am also a chess piece for the national teacher and the father to lure the enemy."

Mu Yugang sighed: "Young Master, we are all soldiers. Soldiers should be killed on the battlefield, so why not wrap their bodies in horse leather? Every order you give here will cause dozens or hundreds of people to die, and one of your father's decisions will Let hundreds of people sacrifice for victory. This is our destiny, but he still remembers the love between father and son, so let me help you, even at the expense of revealing secrets and telling you where to go in case of unfavorable circumstances !"

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "Understood, if we fail to break through the North Gate, then we will go to Xicheng to meet up with King Father?"

Mu Yugang nodded: "Exactly, you may not be able to return to Beicheng by then, so..."

Murong Lin frowned slightly and glanced at He Lanmin, who had fallen behind for more than 20 steps, still looking over here from time to time, and said in a low voice, "Then Mrs. Helan..."

Mu Yugang said coldly: "If the mission of breaking through the North Gate fails, then there is no need to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to accompany this woman, and she will not be sent to the north to die, but the child she brought, But what Liu Yu and Murong Lan gave birth to..."

Murong Lin's expression changed. Before, he thought that the child was He Lanmin's, or even the child born by the national teacher Hei Pao and He Lanmin, so he had to bring a baby to the north. He opened his mouth wide in shock. Eyes wide open: "What, this child is actually..."

Mu Yugang frowned and waved his hand to stop Murong Lin from continuing to speak. He whispered: "This is a top secret, the lord said that the move of the national teacher is called breaking through to the Helan Department in the north, but there are actually reasons for it. Deep meaning, after all, mother and son are deeply in love. If Princess Lan finds out that the child is taken out of the city, I am afraid that she will come to save her own child in person. With Princess Lan here, the Jin army will not dare to stop it. This is why we follow behind to break through. This is a great opportunity. When the time comes, we will act according to the opportunity. If Princess Lan comes after us, we will try our best to rush north to open a gap. After rushing out, if Princess Lan takes the child to the Helan Department, the Jin army will also go after them. We can also take the opportunity to go back to Xicheng."

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "Princess Lan is a strange woman who puts family and country above her own small family. If she can leave her beloved husband and come back to our clan, she is unlikely to give up her responsibilities for the sake of children. What if she doesn't chase after her?"

Mu Yugang sighed: "If she doesn't come, we can't rush to the north gate, then after I stay, you can bring Mrs. Helan and the child back, remember, you must take them back to the city safely, that child, Maybe at a critical time, it will be the most important **** to save the Xianbei people in our city. On the contrary, if there is a mistake and anger Liu Yu, I'm afraid..."

When he said this, he sighed and shook his head silently.

Murong Lin nodded: "I understand, Uncle Gang, just do as you said. You hurry up and attack, otherwise if the enemy army ambushed and encircled, I'm afraid we won't be able to rush out."

Mu Yugang took a deep breath, put on the face mask, and rode his horse to the front, and the golden helmet and golden armor, disguised as Murong Chao's stand-in, also came over, and Mu Yugang pretended to face him. Ceremony, the sound of "long live" resounded around the mountains and tsunamis.

In the midst of this noise, Mu Yugang said in a low voice, "Remember, when it comes up, I will send a ten-person team to stay by your side, and pretend to be a little bit like, you have to understand , Now you are replacing Emperor Dayan, no matter when, the soldiers around will protect you with their lives, but you can't escape, let alone fall into the enemy's hands!"

The avatar waved his hand, looking like he wanted Mu Yugang to be excused, but he whispered: "General Mu Yu, please rest assured, I am a dead soldier who has been trained by the prince for many years, and I can replace your majesty to break through today. Even if you die, you will never frown, and you will not be able to complete the mission!"

Mu Yugang nodded with satisfaction: "All the men in our Beihai Palace are good, now, come forward with me to break through, remember, at the critical moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ follow my orders. Change armor, let the enemy see your actions, so that you can pretend to be more like!"

The avatar smiled slightly: "Everything depends on the general's arrangement..."

The drum sounded again, and Murong Lin's cavalry formation began to spread out to both sides, leaving the front of the city gate, a passage about fifty paces wide. Compared with the knights who only wore blue cloaks under Murong Lin before, there was a difference.

On the other hand, an "Ice Dragon" banner with claws and claws took the lead, rushing out from the city gate. Wherever they passed, the blue armor and blue robes of the North Sea King cavalry burst into waves.

The fake Murong Chao in the golden armor and the golden helmet walked side by side with Mu Yugang and rushed to the front. The corpses on the ground just now had been cleaned up, and the more than 300 horsemen who followed them quickly rushed through the passage, towards the The two sides were unfolded, and in less than a quarter of an hour, three triangular assault cavalry formations were formed, and the attack formation was set up!

After Murong Chong set up the horse formation, he looked coldly at the cavalry formation in front of him, and began to slowly walk towards the smoke and dust on the opposite side. General, shall we follow General Mu Yu, or go somewhere else?"

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