Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3388: Chariot rushes through the iron cavalry

The expressions of Sun Chu and Hu Laoliu changed slightly, and they looked behind them, only to hear a rumbling sound. Zhu Lingshi was driving a four-wheeled chariot. No baffles were installed. , the four horses pulling the chariot were in high spirits, wearing armor, the chariot galloped to the back of the crowd, about ten paces, and then stopped.

On the side and behind Zhu Lingshi, more than 20 chariots also galloped into place. The master was driving a long strategy and strangling the horse's head. There were three archers on the chariot, all holding strong crossbows, not ordinary ones. With his bow, two armored soldiers holding long lances stood behind Mitre, one left and one right, to provide protection for him.

Sun Chu laughed: "Da Shitou, you came so fast, we were hungry here, and you killed it."

Having said this, Sun Chu's brows wrinkled slightly: "It's just that these chariots of yours are not equipped with baffles, and they are fighting against the cavalry. I am afraid that the bowmen on the chariots cannot be protected."

Zhu Lingshi nodded and pointed to the inside of the carriage: "I brought the baffles, but I didn't have time to install them. I'm not thinking about you, I'm afraid of a mistake, so I brought 30 chariots and didn't install them. The board rushed over, and I didn't even have time to put guards in my car."

Without saying a word, Sun Chu jumped off the horse, and then rushed on top of Zhu Lingshi's chariot. Big Stone, you are the main commander, you should not take risks lightly, I will be your right side (the lance guard)."

Zhu Lingshi nodded and waved at the chariots on the left and right: "Charge forward, you don't want to destroy the enemy once, you just need to break the enemy's formation and stop their assault."

The fighters in several chariots stood up and saluted in unison, and then raised their long whips. The wheels of the chariots were rolling and rumbling. With the unison of the sergeants in the chariots, they moved a hundred paces away, still a team of ten people. , The armoured cavalry, who were advancing side by side, rushed over.

Sun Chu nodded at Hu Laoliu: "Lao Liu, take advantage of the top of the chariot, you should quickly reorganize the team, and once our chariot has an advantage, take advantage of the situation to hunt down the enemy."

Hu Laoliu gritted his teeth and said, "I only need half an hour to organize the team, and then I will obey the orders of the generals!"

As he spoke, he ran to the side without looking back.

Zhu Lingshi sighed softly: "This battle is really hard for Hu Laoliu and the others. I have seen it very clearly along the way. They are the ones who have lost the most. It is completely delayed by the lives of the brothers. Time, if it weren't for their hard work, I'm afraid we wouldn't have time to rush over, the enemy army only has half a moment to get out of our encirclement, and then it would be difficult to catch up!"

Sun Chu nodded. Sixty or seventy paces away, the chariot had already caught up with the opponent's armored cavalry. The ten-step counter-shot has the advantage, after all, the crossbow strength exceeds that of the ordinary cavalry bow.

Even an armored cavalry in heavy armor, if hit by a strong crossbow, it will penetrate the heavy armor. Once it hits the key point, it will die immediately. You can see several teams of armored cavalry in the first few rows, more than half of the riders. , are no longer sitting on the horse's back, but lie on the horse's body. Obviously, they are either dead or injured, but they still haven't fallen off the horse.

On the Jin army's chariot, the warriors holding lances and shields vigorously waved the guys in their hands, especially the warriors holding shields, and simply jumped to the side of the hand to block the oncoming long arrows. . .

It's just that the strong crossbowmen behind the shield guards and the lances are completely without protection. Once the opponent's bow and arrow hit these crossbowmen, they will also be killed by the arrow, and people keep screaming and falling off the chariot. In the soaring smoke and dust, it only rolled a few times, and then it didn't move again.

Above the chariot in front, an officer blew two rapid horns, and the two sides were within fifty paces. All the crossbowmen on the chariot jumped from the back of the chariot.

Some people, because of the huge inertia, could stand unsteadily for a while and fell to the ground, but immediately bounced off the ground, holding the strong crossbow in their hands, standing on the spot, that is, facing the armored riding dozens of steps away, and started A precise shot.

This time, the targets of their shooting are no longer people, but the legs of war horses. Although these armored war horses are also wearing vests, their legs are exposed, while the crossbowmen of the Jin army are specially Shoot at the legs of the horses that are not protected by the armor, especially the knees between the upper and lower legs.

For a time, arrows flew like locusts, and the sound of the horse's neighing after being shot with a broken leg was incessant. Accompanied by the sound of war horses scrambling to the ground, in just one round of shooting, there were more than 20 horses riding in armor, even people and horses. Shot down to the ground.

Because the armored riders were lined up at close range just now, forming a dense formation to charge, this kind of fall caused a chain reaction, and even caused several surrounding horses to fall to the ground.

Soon, more than half of the first batch of 100-strong iron cavalry fell, and the remaining knights could only hold the reins and dodge back and forth. What about the enemy?

Taking advantage of the chaos on the opposite side, the chariot suddenly began to run at full speed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now almost all the chariots have no bowmen anymore, only the master and two or three are left. The shield guards and the lances, the lances held the long lances, on both sides of the chariot, and did not go to specifically attack which enemy army, but slashed across the lance, which is exactly when the chariot rushed into the horse formation The powerful tricks are similar to those of West Asia's sickle chariot harvesting human heads.

The armored cavalry on the front line crossed with more than ten chariots. Just one encounter, more than 20 cavalry swept off their horses, and some even swept people and horses to the ground. The knights in full armor often crush their mounts to death. What's more, it is difficult for the horses to fall together. When the knights are struggling to get up, they find a new chariot following them. , just run over from their own body, and some people actually crushed the wheel in half, just like being cut in half by a giant axe.

Mu Yugang's roar sounded in the second burst: "Don't panic, get stuck in their wheels and shoot Wu Er back!"

Following his words, the armored cavalrymen woke up like a dream. The second group of more than 100 cavalry rushed forward this time, but they were no longer in a dense formation as before. Charged up, no longer wanted to sit on the horse and stab the enemy like the previous companions, but crouched on the saddle, avoiding the flying cut of the horizontal lance, while their riding lance dragged to the ground, staggered. And out of date, it was slammed into the axle.

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