Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3389: Riding battle is earth-shattering

I can only hear the sound of "click" and "click". It is the sound of riding a lance piercing the wheel. The wooden wheel spokes are stabbed by these riding lances. If they are directly pierced, even fine steel armor will not be able to. Blocking, it will definitely break the armor, and the wheel spokes made of this hardwood are even more impossible to compare with the iron armor. As long as it is hit, it will be broken like a twig being swiped by a sharp blade.

And the riding lance that pierced the spokes, the castration is not finished, it is straight forward, stuck in the position of the broken spokes, the wheel that continues to roll will turn the subsequent spokes on, and the riding with good toughness and hardness The lance, stuck here, will break the subsequent spokes.

Soon, the wheel with the broken spoke will lose its balance. On one side, the high-speed rotating wheel continues to drive forward, and on the other side, a wheel is fixed in this way. The weight of thousands of pounds will be completely pressed to this side of the broken wheel.

This will further accelerate the disintegration of the wheel. In the blink of an eye, many wheels will be broken from the axle, or the entire wheel will simply disintegrate. In either case, the body that was still running forward just now will collapse suddenly. , fell to the ground.

The collapsed chariot will throw all the fighters, fighters and shield guards off the chariot. The disadvantages of not installing baffles are all obvious at this time. The soldiers on the chariot even stuck themselves in the chariot. There are no obstacles, and the effect of inertia makes most people fall out of the car directly. In such a fierce battle, the sergeant who falls on the battlefield will soon not be the wheel for the Mercedes-Benz. Crushing is to be trampled by the iron hoofs of the armored riding. Often, there is no time to let out the screams, and they die.

An officer's roar echoed across the battlefield: "Don't cross the lance, stab them, the shield guards protect the wheels."

The Jin army lancers on the chariot woke up like a dream, took back the long lance that had been lying outside the chariot, and held it with both hands. The warriors of the chariots came directly at the wheels, and the lances on these chariots stabbed out at the knights on horseback, and the shield guards jumped off the chariots and stuck close to the wheels. up, wielding a shield, blocking the lances that stab the wheels.

The sound of "Boom" and "Boom" can be heard endlessly. It is the sound of the shield guards who jumped out of the Jin army to block the lances. Originally, on the chariots without baffles on both sides, these shield guards were the defenses against the opponent's lances. Sexual strength, and every time he responded to the opponent's lance, he would sway around for a while. Now he ran under the car and left the squeezing thrust of his companions around him. He had to deal with this note from the enemy cavalry running at high speed. The lance is even more difficult.

You must know that when the armored cavalry attacked at full speed, the piercing power of their lances could even pierce a big tree. This was practiced by Murong Lan many years ago when he first taught Liu Yu cavalry tactics. Armored cavalry, all of them are strong men with infinite strength, one in a thousand, their thrusting power is not inferior to Murong Lan back then.

Although the shield guards of the Jin army were also dressed in heavy armor and held large shields, they were often unable to block this lance attack. Although they protected the wheels, they were almost a blow, and people also flew into the air. He vomited blood, and the wooden shield in his hand had already been pierced by the lance, and even some lance blades, while piercing the wooden raft, also penetrated into the bodies of these shield guards, stabbing them in place. .

But it was this block that protected the wheel. While the shield guards desperately blocked the blow, the Jin army lancers on the chariot also used this crucial stab on the Yankee. On top of the army's armored cavalry, Chang Lan ruthlessly stabbed the Yan army knight.

The inertia of running at high speed reacted on these Yan troops, which in turn strengthened the power of this lance. Almost all the long lances on top of seven or eight chariots were all pierced through their hearts, and they directly pierced the horses. The guard of the King of the North Sea, shoved under his horse.

In the smoke behind the chariot, the crossbowmen who jumped off the chariot also rushed over. These brave warriors, facing the iron cavalry running back and forth, did not have a shield in front of them, or even a long spear to protect themselves. , but they were still fearless. They held the big crossbows in their hands and aimed at the Yan army cavalry closest to them or charging the chariot. They locked the target in an instant, calculated the advance and distance, and quickly buckled Crossbow machine in hand. .

The sound of "woo" and "woo" can be heard endlessly. At a distance of twenty or thirty steps, the power of the armor-piercing arrow fired by the strong crossbow is enough to penetrate the helmets of all armored riders. Seeing his brain, and seeing the air on the other side through the hole punched in the brain, it was like being shot in the temple. In the splash of blood, even if the person's body remained seated and stopped. Immediately, it has become a corpse.

"Peng" and "Ka", a heavyweight armored cavalry with both men and horses, the knight on horseback had already pierced a crossbow and was killed on the spot. Even with the horse, the speed remained the same, and he went straight to the chariot in front of him.

The shield guard, who was standing beside the wheel, shouted: "Accelerate, rush out, rush out!"

The hand in the car also obviously noticed this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gritted his teeth, and slammed the whip on the horse's back in front of him. It was about to fly, but only heard the sound of "woo", and two arrows flying towards it hit its horse's leg. At the same time as the sound of fractures came, the war horse also stumbled and could no longer run. Now, it just fell forward and fell to the ground. The chariot also became immobile and could only stop on the battlefield.

The shield guard gritted his teeth, took the big shield in both hands, rushed towards him with the shield, and shouted: "I will fight with you..."

Before he could finish his words, he ran into the galloping warhorse head-on. This time, the whole person was knocked into the air, and he dashed backwards onto the chariot, just hitting the wooden wheel. This time, The sound of the wooden wheel breaking and the terrible sound of his spine breaking sounded at the same time, and at the same time, the armored horse, including the horse and the corpse, also slammed into the side of the chariot.

The head of the horse is twisted at a strange angle, just like when a man commits suicide by hitting a pole. At the moment of the collision, the horse, like its owner, died on the spot, but even the man and the horse were nearly a thousand pounds. The terrifying momentum of the full-speed impact also smashed the side of the chariot into pieces, and the fighters and lancers on the chariot became trapeze and flew in the other direction, and the chariot was like an explosion. Flying horizontally, the plume of smoke soared into the sky, and finally fell to the corpse of the shield guard and the armored cavalry, and returned to the dust.

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