Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3390: Fight for your life in the event of a ride

Some armored cavalrymen noticed the Jin army crossbowmen who were shooting at themselves in the rear. They gave up the direct impact on the chariot and turned to these Jin army crossbowmen without any cover. Twenty or thirty cavalry shouted. , roaring towards these Jin troops.

The horse lance, who was about to stab the wheel, also pointed at the crossbowmen. The ground was shaking, and the south wind was roaring. Penetrating through the body, nailing it to the ground, and smashing it with iron hoofs, Fang exuded a bad breath in his heart.

The crossbowmen of the Jin army, facing these armored cavalrymen who were charging at full speed less than thirty paces away, also flashed panic in the eyes of many people, but these elite soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles , Knowing that at this time, fear is also useless. Only by fighting to the death and killing the current armored cavalry can there be a way to survive.

The crossbowmen, who had already wound up and still had crossbow arrows in their hands, stopped shooting, holding their crossbow, and with their last arrow, they were precisely aiming at the enemy horse that was charging towards themselves or their nearest companions.

Before they could wind up the strings, the sergeants who had already fired the first few bolts threw away the strong crossbows in their hands, drew out their waist knives and long swords, or the short spears stuck on their backs. This is their melee weapon for self-defense fighting. The five meters long, the tip of the lance shone with the cold light of death, pointing directly at these lances.

Thirty paces, twenty paces, fifteen paces, the strong crossbows and swords in the hands of the crossbowmen trembled slightly, not because their hands were shaking because of fear, but because the earth was following the assault of these armored cavalry. , was shaking slightly, and even their bodies were shaking slightly.

The commander of these crossbowmen is also the bowman brigade commander of the entire vanguard chariot unit. His name is Zhang Zhi. He is holding a strong crossbow in one hand at the moment, and he finally shoots at an enemy cavalry that is rushing towards him. The other hand is clenched into a fist and held in mid-air. More than 30 crossbows that have not yet been fired are operated in the same way as he is. It is almost an arrow with one hand, pointing at the enemy, and the life and death of the crossbowmen are also all in this arrow. between.

Zhang Zhi's roar overshadowed the approaching, like the sound of thunder's hooves, revealing firmness and murderous aura: "Steady, steady, kill every ten steps, kill every ten steps!"

And beside him, two guards with knives shouted and counted: "The enemy's distance, eighteen steps, sixteen steps, thirteen steps, eleven steps, ten..."

Zhang Zhi's left hand slammed down heavily, and along with his right hand, he buckled the crossbow machine. From this angle, he could clearly see that the crossbow arrow of the four feather tail feathers was in the middle of the double-strand entangled string. Under the bombardment, it quickly ejected from the crossbow arm.

When the arrow of this crossbow brushed the crossbow arm, it even wiped out a little spark because of the violent bullet speed.

Just like countless launches in normal training and combat, because the launcher is extremely stable, the trajectory of this arrow does not deviate even half an inch.

Steady, fast, accurate, directly plunged ten steps away, that fierce and vicious rushing towards him, holding a lance in his right arm, the tip of the lance was less than five steps away from him, the armored horse, that evil spirit. Between the brows of the ghost face.

When Zhang Zhi finished firing the arrow, he abandoned the crossbow and quickly fell to the ground. The moment he lowered his waist, he could still see between the eyebrows of the armored cavalry. The faint glow of blood.

Zhang Zhi's body was already on the ground, and he could feel a coolness behind him. The sharp blade of the lance cut through his cloak, and the sound of breaking the armor on his back clearly penetrated into his ears. .

The roar of Yao Niu'er, the guard beside him, "Go to hell", and the crisp sound of his sword hitting the lance, also reached his ears.

Zhang Zhi knew that this was Yao Niu'er who gave up his chance to escape and swung the lance with a big knife, and Zhang Zhi's mind flashed the position where Yao Niu'er was standing just now. A horse's head in this armor?

Zhang Zhiqing couldn't help but roll quickly on the ground while shouting: "Niuer!"

The sound of the horse's hoof sounded less than three steps from Zhang Zhi's side. When he was rolling on the ground, he could see the iron hoof slamming into the ground heavily, and a lot of horse hoofs splashed on his face. At that time, the dirt and broken grass pulled out from the ground, the smell of earth combined with the **** smell, penetrated straight into his nose.

A huge body, less than two steps in front of him, fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily, and the blood droplets flying in the air and the brain mucus of Bai Huahua also sprinkled on Zhang Zhi's face. It was the armored cavalry who was killed by him with one arrow, and fell to the ground.

Yao Niu'er's screams sounded from behind, mixed with the heavy crashing sound and the long neigh of the war horse, Zhang Zhi's tears flowed down, don't need to look, he also knew that Yao Niu'er must have been hit by this full speed now. The armored cavalry crashed into a trapeze.

The strength of the full-speed collision of all the armored horses is no less than that of a frontal collision with a giant tree of 10000 jin. The chariot can't survive such a collision, let alone a person? Even an elephant will be hit with all its internal organs torn apart and its bones and bones broken!

This scream, the last voice of Yao Niu'er in this life, this good brother who has been with him for about four years, could have escaped, but he gave up his life because he wanted to block this lance for himself~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it wasn't for his knife, he would have stabbed to the ground with this stab. It can be said that Yao Niu'er used his life for Zhang Zhi's life!

However, Zhang Zhi recalled what Yao Niu'er said to him before the charge this time, and he said to Yao Niu'er at the time: "Good brother, you have to be smart when you go to the battlefield, and don't put yourself in a disadvantageous position at any time. , the armored cavalry is a formidable enemy, if you hesitate, your life will be lost."

Yao Niu'er laughed: "My life can be lost, but your life must be there, Brother A Fu (Zhang Zhi's nickname), the crossbowmen brothers in this brigade, all rely on you to command, that is, I fought for me. This life is also to protect you, you can command it with peace of mind, no matter when, as long as I am here, I will not put you in danger!"

At this moment, Zhang Zhi's tears flowed down his face, and he said fiercely to himself: "It was bought with your life, you can't give up!"

He didn't even look back to look at Yao Niu'er for the last time. Out of the corner of his eyes, he quickly swept to the left and right sides. At least twenty or thirty bodies were flying in the air, all of which were rammed or swept by enemy cavalry. The crossbowmen, more than ten cavalry and armored cavalry also fell to the ground with people and horses, and the remaining ten or so cavalry should not have been killed by a crossbow. Hit, pierce, and kill the Jin army surviving around.

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