Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3392: Joyful Life Sadness Life and Death

Yan Jun Jiaqi's head, as if it was pressed by the big bell, slammed into the wall of the bell. He seemed to hear the sound of bells and drums in his ears, almost cracking his head. He wanted to hug his head, but the pain of the broken bone coming from his right hand made him wake up all of a sudden. He realized that his life might be in an instant, and if the enemy made another move, it might really be dead. .

The Yan Junjia cavalry's fighting habits over the years made him react instinctively. Since he couldn't move his right hand, his legs could still move. He flew with one leg and swept his right side, although he could no longer see his opponent. , but at least he knew that the kick he gave his head just now came from the right.

Sure enough, this leg was swept over a calf. This calf was firm and powerful, like a stone pillar. The hasty sweep did not break or break the leg, but I could still feel it. The body of the owner of the leg shook violently.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

With a bang, a big foot stomped on Yan Junjia's head, even if he could no longer see it, he could tell from the wind that the foot was less than a foot away from his head. Chi, and he knew very well that the foot he stepped heavily on was originally aimed at his head. If it hadn't been swept by his own leg, I'm afraid that his head would have been smashed. Turned into a smashed watermelon.

Yan Junjia successfully swept his left leg, and his right leg was not idle. Just now, he tried out the enemy's position. He kicked his right leg up and kicked, and the bright and sharp spurs on the bottom of his boots were like a A dagger pierced straight into the enemy's thigh.

The feeling of the spur piercing into the flesh is exactly the same as when he used the spur to pierce the fat under the horse's belly countless times, and even the tightness of the thigh muscles of the person who pierced it was softer than the piece on the horse's belly. Soft fat feeling, more powerful.

Yan Jun Jiaqi could even hear a faint scream from the roar in his ears. His heart was ecstatic, and his left leg was not idle. He continued to raise a few inches and kicked upwards. He hit the opponent's abdomen, he had seen these Jin army crossbowmen, everyone only wore light leather armor.

However, this thunderous leg was only halfway through, and he felt something hit his knee, and then, there was no feeling at all below the calf. Severe pain, like an electric current, came from his right knee, and this time he finally reacted, turning into his miserable cry: "My leg, my leg!"

On the right side of Yan Jun's armored cavalry, less than a step away, the big knife in Lin Guoen's hand fell ruthlessly. Above the tip of the knife, blood droplets were flowing down the blood trough like a string of beads. The calf that had just been cut off was beside Zhang Zhi, who was kneeling on the ground.

This one-size-fits-all position is just between the riding boots and skirt armor of the Yan Army knight, and there is a gap less than two inches wide. It is only a little bit short of it, and it is impossible to break the leg with one stroke, whether it is strength or luck. , is all to the extreme, if it hadn't been for the emergency rescue, which broke out far beyond the usual power, how could it be possible to remove a leg from the armored cavalry that was armed like an iron tower.

Zhang Zhi shook his head in disbelief, and even forgot the severe pain caused by the spur on his left leg, he murmured: "How is this possible, how is this possible, Guoen, you boy? Come…………"

Suddenly, he realized something, and when he gritted his teeth, he hugged the riding boot that was stuck on his left thigh, and pulled it out fiercely. A strong athlete's foot choked Zhang Zhizhi to frown. He could even see the dense calluses and corns on this Yan Junjia's foot at this moment.

But Zhang Zhi didn't bother to look at it anymore, hugging the boot, the spikes on the spurs on the bottom of the boot, and the flesh on his leg, he jumped on one foot in front of the Yan Jun Jiaqi, who had passed out. Raise the boot and slam it down hard. .

With this stab, the spur just pierced into the right eye hole of the Yan Army Armored Cavalry. The Yan Army Armored Cavalry raised his head instinctively, scratched his left hand in the air, and then his head tilted, and finally he was out of breath.

Zhang Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, the energy he mustered up just now disappeared without a trace, his whole body almost collapsed, and he collapsed to the ground. The inertia of the fall was brought out from the face of the Yanjun armored cavalry. A **** eyeball was hanging on the tip of the thorn, and several yellow-red intersecting tendons were still connected to the blood-black eye. Above the hole, blood and white brains flowed outward from this eye hole. Anyone who was new to the battlefield would be shocked and fainted if they saw such a tragic situation.

Zhang Zhi collapsed to the ground. Since the army, he has gone through dozens of battles, both big and small. He has been killed all the way by mountains of corpses and blood. In the military account, there are 47 thieves' heads. As a bowman, he has such a high The victory of the fighter, that is already a first-class elite soldier~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But this is the experience of facing the terrible armored cavalry, melee combat without any protection, and two life and death only in the front line, It was the first time I met him, and he finally killed this enemy horse, which made him collapse, as if there was nothing worthy of his nostalgia between heaven and earth, so he just wanted to lie on the ground like this until the world the end of.

Lin Guoen took the big knife, ran to Zhang Zhi's side, slashed down fiercely, and slashed the neck of the Yan Junjia rider. This guy's head, just like a ball, was separated from his shoulders, Lin Guoen hahaha! Laughing, he bent over to pick up the head on the ground: "This time it's up to you to die, Brother A Fu, this beheading is you..."

His smile was still hanging on his face. Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and an arrow suddenly appeared on Lin Guoen's neck, which penetrated directly through his neck, and blood flowed down the arrow shaft. The enemy leader Lin Guoen had just mentioned also fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, his knees softened and his body fell down. He threw himself on the body of the severed Yan Jun Jiaqi, and was less than two steps away from Zhang Zhi. His eyes were still wide open, but there was only blood coming out of his mouth, and there was no more gas!

Zhang Zhi wanted to struggle to get up, and even started to find the position of the horse lance before, but the severe pain in his left leg caused him to fall back to the ground as soon as he left, and the light in front of him suddenly Turning black, a huge black shadow blocked the sun. Above the high armored cavalry, a knight of the Yan army holding a horse lance, wearing a ghost face, holding a lance in both hands, raised high, a sharp lance It has become the brightest reflective body, and he is clearly saying: "Go to hell, Wu Er!"

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