Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3393: Friendship in a desperate battle

Zhang Zhi sighed softly, stopped struggling, and even closed his eyes. In his heart, the faces of the old mother, his wife and children appeared in front of him, and the scenes since he joined the army flashed in his heart.

From the training when he first entered Beifu, to Jingkou Jianyi, he took a pole and followed Liu Yu, the **** of war in the world. I was fortunate to follow him all the way from Jiangcheng, Luoluoqiao, and all the way to Jiankang.

Then he fought in the Quartet, Yuzhang, Jiangling, Yizhou, and the Wanli Rivers and Mountains of Dajin.

Every time I return to my hometown after a victory, I ride a big horse and wear red flowers. Under the envy and admiration of thousands of villagers, I return to my hometown with honor. The momentary feeling makes me truly reach the pinnacle of my life.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Zhang Zhi's face unconsciously. Suddenly, the scene of his wife's affectionate eyes and his six-year-old son riding a wooden horse, holding a wooden sword and calling his name also appeared. In front of his eyes, he even remembered that he had promised his son Xiao Fuquan before this expedition, and he would teach him martial arts when he came back, so that he would inherit his father's business and become a glorious Beifu warrior in the future.

Zhang Zhi's smile froze on his face. After all, he was going to die here. Maybe, this time, he directly smashed his face, or like many armored riders just now, he used iron hoofs to vent his anger. The corpses of the Jin army who died in battle turned into **** mud, especially their heads.

He didn't understand just now why these ferocious men were not like ordinary sergeants, who wanted to cut down the enemy's head in return for military merit. Now he understands that, as a full-armored cavalry, he is the favored son of the Yan army, and he no longer needs to pass through. Beheading to add merit to himself.

These Yan army's armored cavalry, too many companions died in the hands of the Beifu army. They can trample the corpse of the enemy. First, it grows the evil spirit in the heart, and secondly, it can also make the enemy's bones disappear. After the war, I am afraid It is impossible to even identify and receive pensions! Isn't it the same mentality that I did with Lin Guoen just now?

Zhang Zhi's hand unconsciously touched his neck, where his military badge was hung with his name and the unit he was in. If there were no bones left, this was probably the only one who could identify him. The method, besides that, when I enlisted in the army, all the names were tattooed on the left arm, the symbol of the God Crossbow Battalion was below it, and the flag of the Beifu Army was below it. The corpse should still be recognizable, Zhang Zhi thought.

The long neigh of the warhorse came from the top of the head, followed by the sound of the armor falling heavily, and then rumbled all the way to the rear. It was the sound of a leaf rubbing against the stones and soil on the ground, accompanied by a scream. , walking away, Zhang Zhi opened his eyes, only to see the armored horse that was in front of him just now, still in place, but the knight in full armor had disappeared, turned his head and looked back, But I saw that the knight had already fallen to the ground, tied a noose around his neck, and pulled himself under the horse, and was currently dragging him.

The three war horses followed closely behind this cavalry, holding strong bows in their hands. While galloping, they shot arrows at the armored cavalry that was being dragged on the ground. At a distance of less than five feet, with such a strong bow with more than three stones The launch, even the heavy armored knight, can't stop it. At this moment, he has more than ten feather arrows inserted into his body, and the roots penetrate the armor and go straight into the body, and his body is like a dead pig. , didn't move, obviously, he had already been shot to death. .

The knight who was dragging the Yan Jun armored cavalry slowed down the speed of the horse. He probably could also feel that the enemy cavalry behind him had been shot to death. He controlled the horse and turned around and let go. With the noose in his hand, he walked to the knight's corpse, reined the horse, and the warhorse stood up on its front hooves, and stepped down again, impartially, and just stepped on the front door of the knight in full attire. A burst of blood spurted, accompanied by the sound of shattering brain bones, this head has been trampled into a rotten watermelon, I am afraid that his mother will not be able to recognize his appearance.

He killed the Jin army knight with all armored cavalry, and waved to the three cavalry around him. The three cavalry roared away, and ran to the battlefield again. This time Zhang Zhi saw it clearly, these galloping back and forth. The local cavalry, dressed in leather armor, mostly fought with lassoes and bows and arrows.

The Jin army cavalry is running back and forth on the battlefield at the moment, attacking in groups of four or five the Yan army armored cavalry who are chasing the Jin army crossbowmen. The knights of the army, faced with such tactics, have almost no strength to fight back. In just this moment, I saw more than a dozen knights in full cavalry, under the horses, shooting arrows and stepping on the horses, none of them were able to leave the whole team behind. corpse.

The surviving armored knights began to turn around and flee to the rear of the main formation. While fleeing, they quickly gathered together. Some knights abandoned their long lances and began to use bows and arrows to cover themselves. On the battlefield, the Jin army crossbowmen. Their corpses are scattered everywhere~www.wuxiaspot.com~. There were more than 100 crossbowmen fighting in formation just now. At this moment, they are still standing. There are less than 20 people, and all of them survive. With tears streaming down his face, he slumped on the ground, thankful that he was able to get through this **** gate.

Zhang Zhi also struggled to get up. The pain in his left leg made him ache deeply. Almost every movement involved the wound. The Jin army knight ran to his side and pulled his face, a shaggy face. It was shown in front of him, the man glanced at him, nodded and said, "I know you, you seem to be the captain of the crossbowmen of the fourth team of the chariot unit, Zhang, Zhang Afu, right?"

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Zhang Zhi's eyes widened. He didn't know this person and said, "Brother, Zhang Zhi is indeed the captain of the crossbowmen of the fourth team of the chariot. Ah Fu is my nickname. Today, brother, you save your life, great kindness. He will report every day, please leave Gao's name."

Laiqi laughed and waved his hand: "They are all brothers who share life and death. What kind of grace is there? I will save you today, and maybe you will save me another day. My name is Hu Laoliu, and I am the captain of Liu Guanjun's team. , this time, it's assigned here to cooperate with your chariot troops."

Zhang Zhi nodded: "It turned out to be Liu Guanjun's iron cavalry brother, Hu Laoliu, Hu Laoliu, I wrote it down, if we don't die in this battle, we will find you after the war to get drunk!"

Hu Laoliu pulled his face down and glanced at the battle in front of him, his brows slightly wrinkled: "It's dangerous here, the enemy is going to counterattack on horseback, Brother Afu, you get on this horse, hurry up and get out first, get off. Time, I may not be here to save you." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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