Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3395: Wounded Soldiers Repair Vehicles Soldiers

These voices roared from the chest with blood and tears, representing the thoughts of these soldiers at the moment. No one cares about their own lives, even after the catastrophe, but in the face of the deaths of their comrades in front of them, the surviving people, except for revenge, no longer think about it. This can be heard from their neat roars. come out.

Zhang Zhi nodded: "The task I've been waiting for is to follow the chariot troops to force the enemy to return to the city. Now after a round of fighting, the enemy's horses are temporarily retreating. Although I didn't force them back to the city, I can still wait. After completing the combat mission, facing the armored cavalry of the Yan Kingdom sweeping the world, you are all heroes!"

"Now, everyone has survived nine deaths and one death. I can't force you to continue fighting. If you want to continue fighting and avenge your brothers, take a step forward. If you are tired and injured, I will allow you to evacuate now, all of you. It's a good thing, the duty has been fulfilled, and revenge has nothing to do with the military order!"

Everyone took a step forward without hesitation, no one stayed in place, and no one retreated, a sergeant said loudly: "Fu Ge, needless to say, Liu Taozi and I came out to serve as soldiers together. Now that he is dead, I will not avenge him, kill all these armored cavalry, then take my corpse and go home with him."

"That's right, I also want to avenge my third brother Li Tieniu, or are they still brothers?"

"Brother Fu, let's fight, I'm not afraid of death, I'll be uneasy for the rest of my life if I retreat at this time!"

"Brother Fu, our Beifu army only sheds blood, not tears. With so many brothers gone, how can we people risk our lives? Victory or death, this is our Beifu man!"

Hu Laoliu sat on the horse and watched all this with the dozens of riders beside him. He sighed softly: "It's true that we came from Laobeifu, everyone is good, and there are such brothers. , Can fight together, bleed together, die together, I have no regrets in this life. Well, Brother Afu, I will not advise you to retire again, but it is good to have the spirit of not being afraid of death, but still don't You die in vain, now that the chariot is back, you should go back to the car and fight."

Zhang Zhi glanced around, and the remaining six or seven chariots, whether it was the fighters or the halberds on the chariots, were all wounded and bloodied. Just now, these chariot soldiers forcibly rushed in and out of the enemy line. , and there is no crossbowman on the car to snipe the enemy from a long distance, which in turn shot a lot of arrows of the enemy. After this round, I was already very tired. Even the war horses bowed their heads in place, sweating. like pulp.

Zhang Zhi shook his head: "No, the brothers in the chariot consumed too much just now, and now they can't rush. We don't have much effect on the chariot, and..."

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When he said this, he pointed to the axle of a chariot more than twenty steps away. He saw that the two spokes of the car had been broken, and the entire axle had become extremely unstable. It looks like it will fall apart at any time.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they looked at the other chariots. Most of the bodies and wheels were like this, and they were all scarred, just like the soldiers on the chariots. Obviously, these chariots were besieged by hundreds of enemies just now. , even if it is not destroyed, it is on the verge of falling apart.

Zhang Zhi said solemnly: "Brothers of the fourth team of the car camp, where is your Captain Liu?"

One of the imperial hands panted heavily and said, "Captain Liu and Lieutenant Li have both died in battle, and the two command vehicles have been scrapped. Now you are the top officer of the entire fleet, Brother A Fu."

Zhang Zhi nodded and said: "Captain Liu and Vice Li were rushing in front from the beginning. I saw their chariot hit the wheel and crashed. It's a pity, good brother. Now the new aid is coming. Before, the brothers of the chariot team listened to my order. Now you get out of the car, repair the wheels as fast as possible, and install the baffles. Just now, we had no time to install these armors in order to meet the enemy. Now the enemy's offensive is temporarily stopped. Our cavalry brothers will come to the top again, you repair the chariots, and listen to my orders."

The royal hand gritted his teeth: "No, Brother Afu, you crossbowmen don't even have cover, and you are continuing to fight. How can we chariot soldiers sit by and watch?"

Zhang Zhi shook his head: "We are different, with a strong crossbow in hand, you can also pick up a long lance on the ground to fight, but if the car doesn't work, it will fall apart, and it will not work. Without cover, even our crossbowmen can only be forced to jump out of the car to fight, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced."

Having said that, he looked around and said solemnly: "Leave all the wounded, repair the chariot with the masters of each car, install the armor, move quickly, and don't let us stay in front for too long!"

No one wanted to stand up, Zhang Zhi gritted his teeth and said: "If you see red on your body, and if you have a wound band, leave it all for me, especially you, Li Qiuping, you can't walk on the road, why do you shrink back? Do you think I can't see if I hide in the crowd?"

Li Qiuping simply got out from behind the two companions: "Fu Ge, you are also hurt~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want me to stay, then you can't go up either."

Zhang Zhi sighed: "You kid, don't talk nonsense, I'm now the top commander of the entire chariot team, and I'm behind, who will command you from the front? Follow the order, stay here, repair these chariots as soon as possible, and you will be able to Come and help us."

Li Qiuping sighed and limped along with four or five wounded soldiers to the damaged chariots, and the fighters had already started to go to the back of the body to find repair materials such as hammers and rivets.

The lancers jumped off the chariot and gathered here. Zhang Zhi looked around. Sixteen or seven crossbowmen were holding strong crossbows, while twelve or three lancers and six or seven shield guards were holding halberds. Lance, holding up a shield, stood beside the crossbowmen. Although everyone's face was covered in blood and sweat, and exhaustion was written all over, his spirit and morale were still high, and his eyes were full of fighting intent.

Zhang Zhi said solemnly: "Brothers, our task now is to defend the position before the enemy charges again. Our cavalry brothers still have more than 100 people, and the thief cavalry opposite is no less than 200. Next time we charge. , they will do their best, and we are the last person left, and we have to stop them."

"There is no complete shield formation here, but the more than ten chariots in front of us that have been destroyed are our best cover. A crossbowman is equipped with a lancer or a shield guard. If the enemy riders attack, they will hide in the chariots. At the back, shoot them with a crossbow. If they get close to the front, the lancer and the shield guard will come forward to melee. If it is not possible, they will use a knife and axe to slash their horse's legs and stab the horse's stomach. As long as there is no armor, they can kill them. Brothers, let's fight to the end!"

Everyone raised their weapons high and shouted in unison: "The **** battle!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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