Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3396: Please do not act aggressively

Hu Laoliu nodded vigorously, glanced at the back, three yellow flags, still standing behind the chariot where Zhu Lingshi was, this solitary chariot was less than three hundred paces behind them, almost There were no sergeants who were still guarding. Obviously, Zhu Lingshi, as the main general, had already dispatched all the soldiers around him, and if he wanted to send reinforcements, he was the only one.

Hu Laoliu gritted his teeth: "Three yellow flags, just don't retreat, Brother Afu, you are right, this is also what the generals asked us to do, even if we fight for this life, we must also block the last attack of the enemy army, Follow-up reinforcements will arrive soon, and what we have to do is to do everything we can to stop the Yan Thief!"

Zhang Zhi was standing at the long lance, limping, but he walked forward firmly and forcefully: "Brothers, work has started, destroy the Hu!"

Five hundred paces away, the Yan army formed an array.

A piece of blue knights gathered together, like a small ocean, more than three hundred riders, gathered together, but with more than four hundred side horses also dressed in blue armor, it seems that the number is quite large. The first generation, compared to the other side that added up to only two hundred paces, looked sparsely scattered, and the visual effect was obviously much stronger.

Mu Yugang frowned, looking at the situation ahead, Murong Lin rode his horse beside him, patrolling back and forth, looking a little impatient, finally, he stopped and said solemnly: "Uncle Gang, what are you doing? Now, in normal battles, you are always at the forefront and keep moving forward, but today, you just encounter a small setback and then stop moving forward, which is not like you at all."

Mu Yugang shook his head: "Young Master, things are not that simple. The enemy seems to be enticing us to attack. Don't fall for their tricks easily."

He Lanmin sneered: "A trick? What tricks can they have? Our army attacked so quickly, killing hundreds of enemy infantry and horses along the way, and they even got on the last dozens of chariots, you see, those The chariot didn't even have a baffle installed, and the crossbowmen could only jump out of the chariot to fight when they faced each other, which was obviously a very hasty challenge, even a person who didn't know much about the military could see it."

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Murong Lin nodded: "Madam is right, the enemy army is not ambush to lure the enemy, it is really lack of strength, I think, they are just bluffing in Beicheng, not really have soldiers here."

Mu Yugang sighed: "These Jin troops will not retreat in a deadly battle, but also know how to lasso tactics, and their ability to adapt is also very strong. Our army will use chariots to break through a series of attacks, and our army will disperse and attack their chariots. , then use the Lasso cavalry squad to attack our lone knights, which are obviously elite soldiers, if the Jin army is really just bluffing here, how can they put such elite soldiers here?"

He Lanmin said disdainfully: "It's just a small number of elite soldiers here, and they only have this strength now. If there are really big soldiers in ambush here, how can they sit and watch so many elite soldiers die? General Mu Yu, you probably didn't. I’ve seen battles elsewhere, Jin troops everywhere are desperately attacking the city, even the civilians and auxiliary soldiers, as well as some dwarfs and dwarfs, can fight to the death and not retreat, not to say that they are not afraid of death, they are elites.”

Having said this, she paused: "Besides, these crossbowmen are so elite that they don't even have sergeants to protect them. They killed hundreds of us with more than twenty cavalry charges. I don't see anything powerful. If it is really powerful, will their master be willing to send it all here?"

Murong Lin smiled slightly: "I agree with Madam this time, there is no big ambush for the enemy army, or maybe they just sent a small number of troops to monitor here, our movement is too fast, and their forces in other places are also tight, so only These people are blocking us, and now we have to seize the time to break through here, if they really help from other places, then we can't stand out."

"Uncle Gang, I know that in the **** battle just now, your subordinates suffered a lot. There are many good brothers in this team. It's just like this. It's a bit difficult to let you continue to attack. Reorganize the team first, and I will lead the assault myself."

Mu Yugang's face sank, and there was a hint of anger in his voice: "Young Master, do you think I have lost a lot of money to Mu Yugang, do you feel afraid of fighting?"

Murong Lin shook his head: "I have absolutely no intention of this, Uncle Gang, you have fought all your life, no one knows about your bravery and military exploits, I just want to say that you have worked hard in front of you, you can take a rest, and watch your little nephew break. enemy."

Mu Yugang waved his hand and said solemnly: "No need, young master, I know what you mean, but I am still able to ride a horse and kill the enemy. The task I received is to **** you to break through the siege. Enemy, as long as I still have a breath, I won't let you break through the encirclement in person. Young Master, you should be optimistic about it from the back, is there really an ambush by the enemy army."

As he said, he was about to move forward as soon as he caught the horse, when Murong Lin suddenly said, "Uncle Gang, please wait a moment."

Mu Yugang didn't look back, and said coldly, "Young Master has anything else to explain, please hurry up."

Murong Lin sighed, took two steps forward ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, walked to Mu Yugang's side, and bowed solemnly: "Sorry, I was impatient just now, and I offended Uncle Gang in my words, Please forgive me, I really didn't despise you, I just saw that so many brothers died in battle, but there were only so many people left in the enemy army, so I was just a little impatient. After all, this time We are going to **** Mrs. Helan to break through."

Murong Yu hooked the corners of his mouth, gave Murong Lin a wink, and then walked forward, Murong Lin understood, followed behind, and the two kept away from He Lanmin until they reached a barren hill a hundred paces away, and there were only two left. people, only to stop.

Mu Yugang sighed: "Young Master, why did you forget so quickly, what you are really going to is the West City, not the North City, the reason why I am not in a hurry to attack is because I am afraid that the enemy will be ambushed, and secondly. I don't want you to really rush out, if He Lanmin goes out with you, can you come back?"

Murong Lin said in a deep voice, "I'm a big man, and I have to follow her and a woman's command? Did Uncle Gang treat me like a child? I want to finish the task as soon as possible, so I can kill him. I am afraid that there is really no ambush for the Jin army, we are wasting time here now, so that their reinforcements can come, and the opportunity will be lost."

Mu Yugang shook his head: "Since they have chariots here, this can't be the only thing, and when these chariots came over, they were obviously not ready, and the baffles were not installed. I think they were from six They came from the dense forest inside and outside. If we continue to push north, we will fall into their pockets. Before they come now, it is the best policy for us to turn to the west city!"Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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