Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3494: Strictly ordered Tan Shao not to attack

Guanggu, Nancheng, Shuaitai.

Liu Yu sat calmly on the commanding platform, listening to the report of a messenger who had just rolled off the back of a fast horse with a flag on his back: "The enemy is about 2,000 men in armor and riding from the north. After the door came out, instead of attacking north, it turned to the direction of Xicheng, broke through the long siege in the northwest corner of our army, and broke through three baggage camps. More than 200 patrol sergeants of our army died in battle, but there were some remaining sergeants. Nearly 1,000 enemy troops were brought into the baggage camp, igniting saltpeter and sulfur, and perishing with the thieves."

Liu Yu sighed: "It's really heroic soldiers, you must find out the names of these soldiers, and you must give them good care after the war. They are not afraid of sacrifice and prevent the enemy from breaking through, otherwise the defense line of Xicheng will be destroyed. It was broken, Tan Shao was not strictly guarded, and he made such a major mistake, and write down this big mistake, and punish it after the war, how about the rest of the enemy army?"

The messenger said: "The remaining more than 1,000 enemy troops seem to have mutiny inside the cargo camp after the fire. Originally, it was the fifth floor of Gongsun who led the team to break out of the encirclement, but later the commander of the remaining enemy troops was the prince of the enemy Beihai. Murong Lin, this army is now rushing back and forth in the direction of Xicheng, attacking our army attacking the city, and General Tan is dispatching troops to stop them."

Liu Yu nodded: "Tan Shao's arrangement is not bad, but this time it is still too dangerous. If the enemy army continues to rush through the gap, more than a thousand iron cavalry can completely swept the company behind our army and reach there. At that time, the soldiers in the front saw the fire in the rear camp, and the army's heart was bound to be in chaos. The offensive of the entire Xicheng may be reversed. You go to Tanshao and send an order to Liu Rongzu, who was originally used to siege the city, to suspend the siege and use it as a mobile force. Always be ready for a possible counterattack by the enemy."

The messenger looked embarrassed and said: "General Tan asked Xiao Chuan to say that he is sure to block the attack of the enemy cavalry, please keep the attack order unchanged. He also said that Zhang Shangshu's siege mechanism also The arrangement has been completed, and with a single order, the West City can be stormed."

Liu Yu shook his head: "It's not so easy for the enemy to attack from the west city like this. Their armored cavalry is more than 10,000, but now there are only 2,000. What about the rest of the enemy's armored cavalry main force? Tan Shaoshen As a general, you must fully consider the various possibilities on the battlefield. Now this enemy cavalry is chasing the siege formation of Xicheng, forcing him to use the reserve forces. If all armored cavalry attacked from the city, then Xicheng would really be finished."

The messenger was startled when he heard it, and quickly said: "As ordered, the little one will definitely convey the commander's words to General Tan verbatim."

Liu Yu nodded and said, "Since there are enemy cavalry in Xicheng, order Zhu Lingshi's department in Beicheng to quickly put the main force in the direction of Xicheng, and only a small number of troops will be left in Beicheng to monitor."

Liu Muzhi frowned slightly: "Ji slave, aren't you afraid that the enemy will take the opportunity to break out of the city through the north gate?"

Liu Yu said sternly: "If the main force of the enemy's armored cavalry is in the direction of the north city, then after Gongsun's fifth floor broke the defense line in the northwest corner, they will all go out of the city to follow up, and if there is a chance, they will not attack, it can only mean that they The main force is not in the direction of Beicheng, not to mention that in Beicheng, even if you leave the city, it is not easy to attack the siege troops in other directions of our army. If you just break out, then Guanggu will inevitably fall. How big a storm can a cavalry make?"

Gu Xue Liu Muzhi nodded: "Zhu Lingshi also eliminated nearly 500 armored cavalry that broke through the siege before. The enemy army knew that there were ambushing soldiers and chariots here, so I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to attack easily. But , I'm afraid it will take some time to get from Beicheng to Xicheng."

Liu Yu looked solemn, nodded, and said, "Order Liu Jingxuan, the champion general of the former army, and ask him to send General Ning Chang and his lieutenant Suo Miao to lead two thousand cavalry, and now go to support the battlefield in Xicheng, if there is a big enemy The army armored cavalry rushed out of the city and went up to fight, not giving the enemy a chance to form a formation and clash back and forth."

Wang Miaoyin frowned slightly: "Two thousand cavalry? That's half of our army's main cavalry force in Nancheng. What if the enemy's iron cavalry were in Nancheng and attacked us directly?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Nancheng has been attacked for more than half a day now. Outside the city, our army has destroyed a lot of attacking equipment and the corpses of the enemy and our army. It is unlikely that a large number of cavalry will be directly at the ghost wall and the city gate. If you rush out, even if the enemy army has tens of thousands of iron cavalry falling from the sky or going through the tunnel, the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses we have here are still enough to deal with, the queen does not worry."

Wang Miaoyin calmed down a little, and said, "Everything is going to be troublesome for Liu Dashuai."

Liu Yu waved at the messenger and said, "You must tell General Tan, don't rush for success, and don't think about meritorious atonement, what is most needed now is still calm, calm, no matter how calm, the enemy's thousand soldiers If the rest of the armored cavalry is not expelled from the battlefield or destroyed, they must not attack the West City by force, this is my order, and those who violate the law will be engaged in military law!"

The messenger wiped the sweat from his forehead, saluted and left, and soon ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was riding one by one, disappearing into the smoke.

Liu Yu sighed softly: "Our defense line is still 100 dense and inevitably sparse, no matter how good a long circle is, it is impossible to guard against all directions, leaving only 200 people to guard this corner, Tan Shao is really It's too careless, I can understand his determination to finish his work in one battle and win the West City as soon as possible, but at this time, the more impatient it is."

Liu Muzhi said indifferently: "Xicheng has always been a feint attack before, but it is actually our main attack direction. After several rounds of **** battles between Dongcheng and Nancheng, the enemy's main force must have concentrated on Dongcheng and Nancheng, especially Nancheng. Now Most of the main force in the Yan army city is concentrated here, and the guards of Xicheng are bound to be empty. Tanshao has always fought decisively and bravely. He has withdrawn every battalion of guards, just want to take the Xicheng with absolute superiority. Jinu, just now you I don't know what to say when I gave the order, but since things have come to this point, don't let Tan Shao attack, doesn't that mean that all previous efforts have been lost?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "What I'm most worried about right now is not whether we can attack the West City, but the movement of the enemy's ten thousand armored cavalry. Judging from the way those immortal monsters rushed out of the South City, I am afraid there is something wrong with the city wall. Flip over the wall less, and you can let thousands of infantry out of the city at one time. If it is cavalry, the speed may be faster. If you are attacking the city with all your strength, but encounter the counter-attack of a large number of iron cavalry in the city, it will be troublesome, I Think, the reason why Hei Pao is willing to let us fill the three moat is because he wants to facilitate the cavalry's assault!"


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