Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3495: The fall of the goshawk is good luck

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Ji slave, I'm afraid you are overthinking this point. The cavalry is different from the infantry. The height of the horse determines that they need a lot of space, whether it is from flipping the wall or the tunnel, it is impossible. If a large number of people are killed, the tunnel can only be crawled through. If it is a horse, it is impossible to get out. As for the wall, if it is built too high, it will also make a hole in the middle of the wall, so it will not become a fortified city. So the height is still limited, and it is impossible to have thousands of walls. The long-lived monsters killed in Nancheng are only from a dozen or so walls, not from hundreds of walls. out."

Wang Miaoyin also nodded and said: "Yes, the cavalry's target is too big and the height is also high. If they are killed by our army with a bow and crossbow in the process of rushing out, they will also block the exit, which is not realistic. I feel that there is no need to consider the large number of enemy cavalry in Xicheng. If they really want to come out, I am afraid they have to kill from the city gate. The thousands of armored horses are fighting back and forth, I am afraid they are trying to attract the attention of our army. It's enough to guard the direction of the city gate."

Liu Yu sighed: "My intuition tells me that things are not so simple, this Nancheng seems to be the main force of the enemy army here, but the city gate has already given our army a breakthrough, the urn city is still fighting, and the wall between the walls has also been used, They are unlikely to attack with cavalry in this direction. In the east city, the front of the city is full of lime water, filling the surrounding area, and there is also competition near the city gate. It is not easy to kill here. If it is not rushed from the north city, then It must be the West City, but I haven’t thought about it yet, how to open the West City and rush out a large number of iron cavalry in a short period of time. After all, the formation and deployment of all armored cavalry requires space.”

Speaking of this, Liu Yu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Be careful to make the Wannian Ship, and let the chariot troops in Beicheng quickly concentrate on Xicheng. Our general attack would rather be a little later than..."

Before he could finish his words, suddenly, there was only a screeching sound in the air. Hu Fan, who was on one side, was anxious, he stretched his bow and took an arrow, and he shot an arrow. He saw a goshawk. The long arrow fell straight down like this, until it was less than five steps in front of Liu Yu, its wings fluttered twice, and it didn't move. .

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. During the battle, something suddenly fell in front of the coach. No matter from which angle, it was not very auspicious. Could this battle really have any bad results? Everyone looked solemn, even Liu Yu himself looked at the goshawk and thoughtful.

Hu Fan suddenly held a bow, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly, "Congratulations to the commander at the end, congratulations to the army, this battle will be a complete victory, and the enemy will be defeated in one fell swoop. Good omen, good omen!"

Liu Yu gave a soft "Oh": "Beard, there are no jokes in the army, this bird fell before the battle, and it is on the handsome stage again, it is not a good sign, a three-year-old child knows something, why do you want to It's a good omen?"

Hu Fan smiled slightly: "Because this blue is the color of the Hu people, not from the Great Jin Dynasty. If it is a bad omen, it is also a bad omen for the Hu people, not from my Great Jin Master. We are attacking the city now, and this goshawk has fallen. In front of the commander, doesn't this indicate that the barbarians in this city will be captured by the commander and sacrificed to the army! Therefore, our army will definitely win this battle!"

Everyone's frowning brows stretched out, Wang Miaoyin smiled sweetly, nodded and said, "I can't believe that General Hu is not only excellent in archery, but also very eloquent, you explain it like this, the big guy is even more Have confidence."

Hu Fan nodded: "This war was won by the **** battles of countless soldiers. It is not advisable to say victory or defeat based on some false things. I, Hu Fan, have fought for so many years, and only understand one truth. , that is victory, and it is to be won with the weapons in the hand and the blood and sweat on the body, not by anything else!"

Liu Muzhi smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, you said it well, I like the momentum of your beard, uh, this eagle looks good, when we win, let's bake him and eat it, I will definitely give it to you. You keep a big one."

Gu Xi Everyone burst into laughter, Liu Muzhi waved his hand, and his entourage had already stepped forward to take down the goshawk, but Liu Yu held his chin in his hand, thoughtfully. With the jubilant atmosphere, some are out of tune.

Liu Zhong on the side was a little surprised, and asked, "Master, what are you thinking about?"

Liu Yu sighed and said, "Just now, I thought of the battle of Linqu. Do you still remember the most powerful attack from the black robe?"

Wang Miaoyin frowned, and said, "You mean, the kind of play that uses a Kongming lantern to drop longevity monsters from the sky? Cooperate with the armored cavalry on the ground to attack?"

Liu Yu nodded and said sternly: "Yes, that wave caught us off guard. If it wasn't for the flanks of vehicles that prevented the enemy's flank assault, I'm afraid we would have been defeated. I saw this goshawk just now. , I thought of the situation at that time. If Hei Pao can fight back from Nancheng with hundreds of longevity monsters, it means that he has enough medicine to create more longevity monsters, and the material of Kongming lantern is not difficult to make, we must guard against Live this trick, not just the ground and the tunnel."

Speaking of which~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Yu said solemnly: "Order the attacking troops of each city to advance the archers. If the city head flies over the enemy's Kongming lanterns, they must be shot down in time, and a large number of them must not be let down. Fly to the back of our army, prepare more rockets, and also prepare more saltpeter sulfur to burn the longevity monsters, don’t be careless.”

More than a dozen messengers were ordered to retreat, Liu Yu's expression returned to calm, he looked in the direction of the South Gate Wengcheng, and murmured, "Is it really possible to break through?"

Xicheng, Wulongkou, Jin army generals platform.

Tan Shao looked at the messenger in front of him, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Brother Ji Nu let us go this time and didn't hold us accountable. ."

The messenger raised his head, hesitated for a moment, and said: "The commander has another order, that is, you must not launch a siege before the enemy army's more than 1,000 armored cavalry is destroyed or driven out of the battlefield. He also specifically said , I want General Liu Rongzu to mount and prepare for field battle."

Tan Shao's face changed, and he said solemnly: "How can this be possible? Rong Zu and the others are ready to attack the city, just wait for me to give an order to attack, the cavalry of the enemy army is chasing Shen Linzi and the others. The infantry and cavalry are fighting and are being driven out of the battlefield. They are far away from the siege troops, and they pose no threat to us. Why do we have to wait at this time? Can these more than a thousand armored cavalry miss our siege event? !"


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